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** SPOILERS ** Scariest horror films?


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I get scared really easily and I love a good horror film, gives me a real buzz. Watched The Grudge on TV the other dy and nearly shat myself and was then too scared to go to sleep. Brilliant :) My friend who also loves horror films suggested we do a horror marathon and I was trying to think of some really scary films to watch but all the scary movie lists I found on Google were rubbish. What are people's top truly scary, jump out of your skin terrifying horror films?

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I've seen loads but that's the thing, trying to find new stuff that I haven't seen and which is actually scary. Lot of crap out there and was hoping to find an ultimate list but I've either seen them or they're not going to be scary enough. Not seen the Saws though and everyone keeps saying I'd like them so really should get round to that.

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I get scared really easily and I love a good horror film, gives me a real buzz. Watched The Grudge on TV the other dy and nearly shat myself and was then too sacred to go to sleep. Brilliant :) My friend who also loves horror films suggested we do a horror marathon and I was trying to think of some really scary films to watch but all the scary movie lists I found on Google were rubbish. What are people's top truly scary, jump out of your skin terrifying horror films?


Ju-On: The Grudge was the original version (genuinely Japanese I think, unlike some of the stuff labelled J-Horror), and my scariest film to date.

Lots of Ju-On films


If you think you might like the original The Grudge, try Dark Water. Similarly scary.


The Eye (original) is good, too. Ring (original) also good. The sequels not great but still watchable.

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House on haunted hill


my thought excactly!

the bit where you see the dead people in the cam corder as the girl is filming an empty room sh4t me up good and proper!!


failing that get a copy of ghost watch that itv showed many years ago.

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Ju-On: The Grudge was the original version (genuinely Japanese I think, unlike some of the stuff labelled J-Horror), and my scariest film to date.

Lots of Ju-On films


Ah yes, I have the original languishing in my collection, desperate for a good watching.


If you think you might like the original The Grudge, try Dark Water. Similarly scary.


Remember seeing some stuff about this, looked quite good. Will hunt down the JDM version.


The Eye (original) is good, too. Ring (original) also good. The sequels not great but still watchable.


Seen two of the original Rings, which I really enjoyed, might have a go at The Eye too. Cheers for those.

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Event Horizon


The Mist (purely for the ending)

The Descent (my mate came out of this one chalk white)

The Shining


I went through the top 100 and these are the ones that stand out for me as being decent horrors. I absolutely love horrors myself but i think i have became pretty immune to them.


Scariest film i remember was the Howling. I was about 8 and my Papa used to record them for me to watch during the summer. I loved horrors but this one hit a chord with me. Got me scared at the bit in the cabin in the woods, ended up in the living room on my papa's knee to watch it saying "i wasn't scared, i just wanted to watch it with you".

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- Evil Dead, scary and fookin' funny. a must see.

- Wrong turn, cheesy but brilliant.

- Texas chainsaw massacre, the origanal.

- Cube, a cult film, a must see thriller.


there's not a lot of horrors i don't own or havn't seen, it's my favorite genre. i aso recoment 'silent hill' a lot of people don't like this film but i love it! :D

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return of the living dead.

the first horror i ever watched and was too scared to even go upstairs after watching it. managed to get a copy a few months back and watched it again, 15 years on and its more like a comedy now than a horror

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- Evil Dead, scary and fookin' funny. a must see.

- Wrong turn, cheesy but brilliant.

- Texas chainsaw massacre, the origanal.

- Cube, a cult film, a must see thriller.


there's not a lot of horrors i don't own or havn't seen, it's my favorite genre. i aso recoment 'silent hill' a lot of people don't like this film but i love it! :D


I loved silent hill, is one of my favourite films,

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I watch a lot of horror films and the only recent one to give me a bit of a thrill was 'Rec'. Superb film! If you've not seen it, give it a go! :D


Yep, i thought that was a great film, even with the subtitles. it has just been remade and released here called 'Quarantine'. look's almost exactly the same but in english.

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Mirrors, which will be at the cinema soon, also looks good. That is another holywood remake, but I haven't seen the (Spanish?) original so can't comment on that.

There are some decent trailers for Mirrors on the net but I can't search them from work. :(

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Mirrors, which will be at the cinema soon, also looks good. That is another holywood remake, but I haven't seen the (Spanish?) original so can't comment on that.

There are some decent trailers for Mirrors on the net but I can't search them from work. :(


Seen the trailer for that and went white :(

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