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Three sisters, named Flora, Fiona and Fanny lived in the same village in Yorkshire and were renowned for their beauty, although all of them had extra large feet. One evening, Flora and Fiona went clubbing and were soon chatting to some lads. "By gum," said one of the lads. "Haven't you got big feet!" "Oh that's nothing!" they replied. "You should see our Fanny's".

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St Peter is at the Pearly Gates when a family of pikeys turn up asking to get into heaven.

Peter says to them to wait there and he will ask God.

Peter speaks to God who is reluctant to let them in and says leave them there for a bit whilst I think what to do.

After an hour St Peter comes running up to God and says `they have gone, they have gone`!

Great says God, that solves that problem.

No said Peter not the pikeys the gates!



Farmer walks into the bedroom with a sheep under his arm, where his wife is in bed.

'There' says the farmer 'this is the ugly fat pig I have been sleeping with whilst you have had a headache'.

She looks up and says 'darling thats a sheep not a pig'

The farmer says 'I was talking to the sheep'.


(neither joke that short but both funny :) )

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Two gay men in a bar, Harold and George.


George suddenly farts....pfft it goes


Oh George! says Harold, I have got to fart now and goes...pfft


All of a sudden a big Bilker overhears their conversation and says to the gay men, "i'll show you two a proper fart!


So he cocks his leg and lets and lets a huge loud fart out that stops everyone talking in the pub.


The big biker said, Ha, what do you two think of that then?!


Harold and george looked at each other and smiled, they said together to the big biker....Virgin!!

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A nun gets on the train and a skinhead in front is eating a bag of prawns. He starts to spit the heads at her, she throws them out the window and pulls the emergency cord. The skinhead says "you'll get fined £50 for that you stupid bint!" The nun replies "When I cry rape and they smell your fingers you'll get 10 years you stupid cnut!":taped:

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what do 9/10 people enjoy?











Gang R*pe.




Woman runs into a police station and shouts "I've been Graped!"


Policeman replies, "You mean Raped??"


Woman replies, "No, there was a bunch of 'em!"



What's blue and f*cks grannies??





What's pink and fluffy???


Pink fluff! :D

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Paddy & Murphy are working on a building site. Paddy says to Murphy I'm gonna have the day off, I'm gonna pretend I'm mad!'


He climbs up the rafters, hangs upside down & shouts 'I'M A LIGHTBULB! I'M A LIGHTBULB!' Murphy watches in amazement!


The Foreman shouts 'Paddy you're mad, go home' So he leaves the site. Murphy starts packing his kit up to leave as well.


'Where the hell are you going?' asks the Foreman.


'I cant work in the friggin dark! ' says Murphy.

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Paddy and Murphy are again working on a building site;


Paddy has an accident at work and cuts his ears clean off...


So Murphy and all the team are around his bedside and Murphy says,


''for god sake lads, don't say anything about his ears!''


The lads mumbled ''nah, don't worry boss''...


4 weeks later, Paddy is fit and well and back to work...


One of his works mates says to Paddy ''Paddy, your eyesight has got alot better!''


Why says Paddy??


Well says his workmate ''you're not wearing any bloody glasses!''




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