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Well my life hasn't been great these last 7 months


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  chris burford said:
Hi Greg

Firstly well done for posting up and sharing with us how your feeling, old saying "a problem shared is a problem halved" wont pretend how your feeling cos i have never experienced such pain, but i do hope you make a speedy recovery and realise that dream of becoming an officer in the RAF because you deffinitely sound the sort of character the modern millitary need.

Hang in their shippers and keep us all posted on your progress take care bud.


Chris RN :salute:


Thank you mate.


Had to come home early tonight because the back pain was pretty bad, this could be a regular thing. Going to look into alternative medicine now me thinks.



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  colsoop said:
Greg have you got some back excercises to do - spinal mobility type excercises ?


Got a physio working with me mate, she's absolutely brilliant one of best in UK apparently - Joanna Smith.


I'm do some good stretching exercises, went for full body massage yesterday and am goingto take up Yoga and Pilates now during the week to see if this helps. I find if I'm moving things are a lot better.


Really going to concentrate on muscle strength too to see if I can alleviate some of the pressure on my joints. I'm 6ft and now 12 stone, used to weight 12.9 pre-op so I don't want to lose anymore weight but may have to to see if this also helps :(



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I'm realy sorry to hear about your problems, dude!I have no idea how U must feel but I wish U all the health in the world!!

Keep your faith and God will give you the strenght to get through this.

As turbonut here said, ACCUPUNCTURE would be a good idea. It did miracles in a few cases that I know off.It's completely non-chemical and wouldn't interfere with any other medication that you would take(to my knowledge).I'd say it's worth talking to a specialist in that area.


The 2nd thing to wish you that comes into my mind, after good health is ''have a good night sleep'' (I've had a cronic insomnia for a few months and it's awful)



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Guest flipper


I have 4 slipped discs in back, 1 in neck,arthritis in knees,neck and spine...trapped nerves in spine,neck and shoulder...had this for just over 6 years... TIPS...I am 35 and been a RRV paramedic 13 years.I am under a Chronic Pain Management Specialist


- watch weight

- keep moving and dont give up

- heat and cold...steam room.sauna and plunge pool

-* nerve impulses move in 3 speeds;slow,medium and fast...pain the slowest,voluntary movement in the middle and sensory the FASTEST...therefore any sensory mapping you can do ie.HEAT,MASSAGE,COLD,MOVEMENT WILL overlay/map the pain signals

-TENS machine...Transcutical Nervous Stimulation

- Accupuncture

-Gabapentin and Pregablin medication...Neuro-pathic pain killers used to treat epilepsy...see GP if applicable but I am on GABAPENTIN and think its great!!!!!:D stops me crying

- Marijuana...stops pain,reduces stress,increases appetite,aids sleep :)...

- food intolerance testing at Holland and Barrett £40...dont eat foods your body is intolerant to as this increases hypersensitivity


As regards the cause?...sometimes trauma and stress can make the body HYPER-sensitive and cause CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERING...also cos so much rested on your injury sorting out to join the RAF, YOU will have become hypersensitive due to stress so are now on a cycle...only you can break the cycle with some good meds/exercises and rest... dont stress and spark an owl up!:)


I hope some of this helps...I am a GENUINE CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERER and if you want some more info give us a call 07967 3220844

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  flipper said:

I have 4 slipped discs in back, 1 in neck,arthritis in knees,neck and spine...trapped nerves in spine,neck and shoulder...had this for just over 6 years... TIPS...I am 35 and been a RRV paramedic 13 years.I am under a Chronic Pain Management Specialist


- watch weight

- keep moving and dont give up

- heat and cold...steam room.sauna and plunge pool

-* nerve impulses move in 3 speeds;slow,medium and fast...pain the slowest,voluntary movement in the middle and sensory the FASTEST...therefore any sensory mappoing you can do ie.HEAT,MASSAGE,COLD,MOVEMENT WILL overlay/map the pain signals

-TENS machine...Transcutical Nervous Stimulation

- Accupuncture

-Gabapentin and Pregablin medication...Neuro-pathic pain killers used to tgreat epilepsy...see GP if applicable but I am on GABAPENTIN and think its great!!!!!:D stops me crying

- Marijuana...stops pain,reduces stress,increases appetite,aids sleep :)...

- food intolerance testing at Holland and Barrett £40...dont eat foods your body is intolerant to as this increases hypersensitivity


As regards the cause?...sometimes trauma and stress can make the body HYPER-sensitive and cause CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERING...also cos so much rested on your injury sorting out to join the RAF, YOU will have become hypersensitive due to stress so are now on a cycle...only you can break the cycle with some good meds/exercises and rest... dont stress and spark an owl up!:)


I hope some of this helps...i am a GENUINE CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERER and if you want some more info give us a call 07967 3220844



Thanks all and thank you Flipper mate. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow to see if there's anything else they can do.


Unfortunately, it's hard not to stress. I'm being made redundant in December, my health is down the pan, I'm skint, things aren't that great in my relationship and the RAF has all fallen through. Sorry for the sob story, but seriously, I need some better luck this year :(


Thanks all



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Crikey Greg. :( It's only been a year since we bought CJ's manuals and everything looked as if it was top notch for you bud.

Very sorry and pretty alarmed at the speed of this turnaround.

I hope you can alleviate this pain mate, I really do. Your attitude and intelligent choices for exercise and other pain relief are admirable indeed. :thumbs:

I liked Flippers post a lot. The man knows his stuff when it comes to pain management.

Worth getting together and pincering the symptoms between you mate.


Keep in touch mate. I hope this year will be a darn sight better than the last.


All my best bud.



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Just read this and although I am new to the site and have never met you I do understand what you are going through.


Out of the blue about 10 years ago my mum woke up in severe pain much like you have described, again she also had all the tests and they turned up nothing untoward at all. She was pretty much bedbound, in a lot of pain and bad had to help her in and out of the bath. Almost 14 months past and as mysteriously as it came on she started to get better, she is now perfectly healthy and enjoying life (as much as any mother can when not nagging at her sons).


One of my best friends (Lisa) was also suffering from something similar at the same time as my mum when she was about 15, again it lasted just over the year - she is now fine and one of the most beautiful and happy friend that anyone could ask for.


Hang in there, don't let it get you down and fingers crossed for you that you have the same luck my Mum and Lisa did :D

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  AndyT said:
Crikey Greg. :( It's only been a year since we bought CJ's manuals and everything looked as if it was top notch for you bud.

Very sorry and pretty alarmed at the speed of this turnaround.

I hope you can alleviate this pain mate, I really do. Your attitude and intelligent choices for exercise and other pain relief are admirable indeed. :thumbs:

I liked Flippers post a lot. The man knows his stuff when it comes to pain management.

Worth getting together and pincering the symptoms between you mate.


Keep in touch mate. I hope this year will be a darn sight better than the last.


All my best bud.




Thanks mate. Flip has been a great help and I'm also consulting a pain management specialist.


  ds2000 said:
Just read this and although I am new to the site and have never met you I do understand what you are going through.


Out of the blue about 10 years ago my mum woke up in severe pain much like you have described, again she also had all the tests and they turned up nothing untoward at all. She was pretty much bedbound, in a lot of pain and bad had to help her in and out of the bath. Almost 14 months past and as mysteriously as it came on she started to get better, she is now perfectly healthy and enjoying life (as much as any mother can when not nagging at her sons).


One of my best friends (Lisa) was also suffering from something similar at the same time as my mum when she was about 15, again it lasted just over the year - she is now fine and one of the most beautiful and happy friend that anyone could ask for.


Hang in there, don't let it get you down and fingers crossed for you that you have the same luck my Mum and Lisa did :D


Hi bud


Really appreciate this. I would love it if it was something similar and this just 'burns' itself out - fingers crossed. It's just damn hard to function on a day to day basis at the moment.


Cheers again



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Hi mate, sorry to read about this.:(


Your symtoms sound very similar to what my dad has, basically the pain in his joints started appearing and some days the pain was so bad he couldnt even lift a spanner or change gear.

Doctors had carried out blood test and come up with nothing until my mum searched his symtoms on the net and showed this to the doctor.




The doctor agreed and put him on steroids which cured the pain the next day.

He's still on them but the dose is reduced.


Apparantly it can come on after an illness or severe cold/flu.


Just thought it may be of help to you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Mike - mine is joint related though - no muscle pain. Thanks anyway and worth flagging up with the docs.


Life has got a bit worse recently. I split up with Emily, long-term girlfriend of 3 years yesterday. Things are really not good. God take me back to last June when I had my health, my girlfriend and my Supra please!!

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  Sheefa said:
Thanks Mike - mine is joint related though - no muscle pain. Thanks anyway and worth flagging up with the docs.


Life has got a bit worse recently. I split up with Emily, long-term girlfriend of 3 years yesterday. Things are really not good. God take me back to last June when I had my health, my girlfriend and my Supra please!!


Oh no Greg, i cant believe it!

I have a rough time this past year too...

Are you still going to join the RAF??

Im going to apply in the next couple of years for the RAF - see my thread. I hope life gets better Greg, all the best mate.



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  SilverSoop said:
Oh no Greg, i cant believe it!

I have a rough time this past year too...

Are you still going to join the RAF??

Im going to apply in the next couple of years for the RAF - see my thread. I hope life gets better Greg, all the best mate.




Hi Shane,


At this rate mate I couldn't run a mile let alone complete IOT (averaging 5 miles x 4-5 times per week) and then the Regiment training. I doubt they would accept me anyway now with my extensive medical record even if nothing 'appears' to be physically wrong.


I just don't know. I would like to keep the dream alive but positivity is a little hard to find right now until I can get my health back on track in some form.


Good luck on your application. Any questions, give mea shout as it would be nice to know I can at least help others.



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  Sheefa said:
Hi Shane,


At this rate mate I couldn't run a mile let alone complete IOT (averaging 5 miles x 4-5 times per week) and then the Regiment training. I doubt they would accept me anyway now with my extensive medical record even if nothing 'appears' to be physically wrong.


I just don't know. I would like to keep the dream alive but positivity is a little hard to find right now until I can get my health back on track in some form.


Good luck on your application. Any questions, give mea shout as it would be nice to know I can at least help others.




I dont believe it Greg, i really don't! :-(

If it's ok, can i get some advice as to what it's like in the interviews, tests and the selection process please??


What job were you going for in the RAF greg??

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  SilverSoop said:
I dont believe it Greg, i really don't! :-(

If it's ok, can i get some advice as to what it's like in the interviews, tests and the selection process please??


What job were you going for in the RAF greg??


Of course you can mate. I'll send through some stuff if you've got your email addy. All the filter interview questions, responses I had planned etc, lots of stuff about the RAF, current affairs etc.


I went for RAF Regiment Officer - essentially combat infantry. Went to the Potential Regiment Officers' Aquaintance Course in June 2007 (passed), had interview in September 2007 (passed) and went to Officers' and Aircrew Selection Centre in December where I passed on got acceptance of my commission in Sanuary subject to a final medical. I could of done the medical and despite the ankle pain I was physically fit and never actually had any pain when exercising. All to late now though. I'm putting that dream behind me as I can't face another kick in the face again.


Cheers and good luck.

  gaz1 said:
jeez greg just read this, really sorry to hear your run of bad luck:( i hope things start picking up for you mate, i know its hard but you must keep your chin up


Thanks Gaz. I've been seeing a councillor the last few weeks to try and talk things through. My family and friends are by my side still.

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  grahamc said:
Still no news on the cause of the joint pain??


Had an Isotope Bone Scan last Monday and I should have the results tomorrow so naturally I'm very scared. If it comes back negative that rules out joint damage and arthritis etc which will be a massive weight off my mind, then it must point to a nerve related issue or virus or some auto-immune thing.


No other idea. All the docs are scratching their heads and some have even had the cheek to say it could be pyscological. "Yes, that's right Doc, I have been accepted to do my dream job that I've wanted all my life and now I feel like making up some funny sort of fake pain pattern so I can't join!" - Tw@t!

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  Sheefa said:
Of course you can mate. I'll send through some stuff if you've got your email addy. All the filter interview questions, responses I had planned etc, lots of stuff about the RAF, current affairs etc.


I went for RAF Regiment Officer - essentially combat infantry. Went to the Potential Regiment Officers' Aquaintance Course in June 2007 (passed), had interview in September 2007 (passed) and went to Officers' and Aircrew Selection Centre in December where I passed on got acceptance of my commission in Sanuary subject to a final medical. I could of done the medical and despite the ankle pain I was physically fit and never actually had any pain when exercising. All to late now though. I'm putting that dream behind me as I can't face another kick in the face again.


Cheers and good luck.



Thanks Gaz. I've been seeing a councillor the last few weeks to try and talk things through. My family and friends are by my side still.


Wow. Sounds like a great job, i want to go commissioned also so that would be grat if you could send me some stuff through please Greg as i now have someone to relate to regarding commissioned officers...

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  Sheefa said:
Had an Isotope Bone Scan last Monday and I should have the results tomorrow so naturally I'm very scared. If it comes back negative that rules out joint damage and arthritis etc which will be a massive weight off my mind, then it must point to a nerve related issue or virus or some auto-immune thing.


No other idea. All the docs are scratching their heads and some have even had the cheek to say it could be pyscological. "Yes, that's right Doc, I have been accepted to do my dream job that I've wanted all my life and now I feel like making up some funny sort of fake pain pattern so I can't join!" - Tw@t!


Omg, doctors are hopeless!! :-(

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  Sheefa said:
Had an Isotope Bone Scan last Monday and I should have the results tomorrow so naturally I'm very scared. If it comes back negative that rules out joint damage and arthritis etc which will be a massive weight off my mind, then it must point to a nerve related issue or virus or some auto-immune thing.


No other idea. All the docs are scratching their heads and some have even had the cheek to say it could be pyscological. "Yes, that's right Doc, I have been accepted to do my dream job that I've wanted all my life and now I feel like making up some funny sort of fake pain pattern so I can't join!" - Tw@t!


Let us know how it all goes tomorrow. Annoying when you hve to wait so long...


Anything for them to pass the buck onto someone else...

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  • 1 month later...
  grahamc said:
Let us know how it all goes tomorrow. Annoying when you hve to wait so long...


Anything for them to pass the buck onto someone else...


Scan came back negative which is good news but no diagnosis.. I am now being classed as a medical 'mystery'. Nobody has any idea of what's going on and I've been told to just deal with it because 'I seem like a positive chap and all' :rolleyes:


Oh well. Life goes on. I'm sure these things are sent to test us all.

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  Sheefa said:
Scan came back negative which is good news but no diagnosis.. I am now being classed as a medical 'mystery'. Nobody has any idea of what's going on and I've been told to just deal with it because 'I seem like a positive chap and all' :rolleyes:


Oh well. Life goes on. I'm sure these things are sent to test us all.


FFS Greg. That is t*ss. Makes me think of that Lorenzo's Oil film where the parents had to do it all for the little guy.

I hope you get another opinion soon bud. Maybe contact the BMA tell them you require treatment.

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