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Well my life hasn't been great these last 7 months


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Greg mate,


I am just so pleased you posted up mucker. I was only thinking yesterday where my old pal has vanished too.


A friend of mine had many problems similar to yours (this was in 1984-1990) and the doctors spent the whole period attempting to discover the problem. It turned out that his body had major reactions to certain chemicals and food stuffs but it took over 7-years for the docs to conclude the cause. As an example but he was even allergic to the metal composite that made up the tins that our food comes in:Pling:


I hope you get it sorted soon bud;)


So sorry to hear this Greg,


If it helps any - (as in hope) - My friends wife has bizarre reactions to our tap water and can only drink bottled water from certain sources these days. She only found this out when she went on holiday for the first time in years, 2 years ago, after being crippled with agonizing cramps and pains for thelast 15+ years (she has morphine @ home which shows how bad that was) and was told not to drink the local water.... she was perfectly fine the whole time she was away, returned home and started cramping again. She thought about what had changed and moved to bottled water. She has been fine since (also discovered most spices and a few fruits do this too) - the human body is a weird piece of machinery! I assume they have ruled out gout (uric acid crystals in the joints) with the various tests (also usually a history of it in the family).


The only other thing I can think of is a neuralgic problem. The problem isn't necessarily any form of inflammation but some misinterpreted responses to signals in the brain! :S It has been a long time since I have researched diseases and weird drug interractions (ex Pharmaceutical Chemist turned programmer). Have you been chronically taking any prescribed/non prescribed medication/supplements?


You will get over this dude! Just have a touch of faith!






Along these lines, have you been for allergy testing? The one where they put small drops of each substance on your forearm. They do literally hundreds of compounds/chemicals/foods and you may well be reacting to something in normal daily life like the examples above?

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Sorry to hear this Greg :(


Bit of a shot in the dark but have you had a uric acid blood test? I had similar crippling pains in the ankles a few years ago which had be virtually bedridden for days on end (not nice when you live on your own). It took the docs 3 years to finally diagnose these attacks as Gout. After 3 months on Allopurinol and a change in diet it has thankfully not returned.

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Hope you get it sorted Greg mate. I would push for a really severe allergy test but they usually go for the obvious things like house dust and pollen etc.


Good luck mate, makes my problems seem really insignificant....:(



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I was just thinking about how you were getting along.


First things first you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself Greg it will make you feel worseand will not help your recovery (Believe me i know !)


Something has gone wrong and you aren't feeling great right now but im sure they will find out what is wrong and sort you out.

In a few years you will look back on this time and have a little smile about it ;)


When you had your surgery and the physio afterwards did they have to correct your walking style or give you and special insoles.


I wonder if you have developed an odd walking style and the rest of your body has had to adjust to that causing problems in other areas of your body.


It might be worthwhile geting on to a running machine so somebody can tape you walking to see if you are doing anything out of the ordinary with your body or your feet.

Maybe some corrective footwear would help, I know a guy who does this if you need some details.


All the best with it Greg, im sure you will come throught it just fine, just keep that chin up, nice job good looking girlfriend. life isn't that bad bud :)

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Sorry to read this and hope you get answers to your problems, i get intense pain in my back and left arm due to braking my neck 20years ago, ive been told theres nothing that can be done so have to grit my teeth and get on with it, the worst time is trying to sleep !



Cant help you with your pain but understand where your coming from.


All the best


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Really sorry to hear this, must be awful. :( Can't offer any medical advice, but like others have said it must be worth checking to see if it's an allergy if it appeared overnight - the conspiracy theory surrounding diet coke / artificial sweeteners springs to mind. :taped:


Really hope things get better for you soon.

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Greg, really sorry to hear about this. I too am glad that you posted up about it. I can't offer any advice about what to do, but sometimes you need to blow off steam about things like this that really matter. I'm not saying it's all better having posted (far from it I imagine), but it really helps to share these problems.

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Hi guys,


Thanks again. Just to quickly summarise, haven't had any allergy tests yet, had orthotics for last few months to correct walking gait and plenty of physio. I'm trying to keep as active as possible, but it is hard doing normal day activities with the crippling pain over you. Sitting hurts. Laying down hurts. Walking hurts. Sleeping - well not getting much of that.


I don't want to go on anti-depressants but feel I might have to although I've heard it's a slippery slope. Got more bloodwork this saturday and a bone scan or something.


All GPs/Rhemoutologist/Specialists are equally confused. They say this should 'burn itself out' but to be honest, I'm not holding out much hope.


Any tips for managing chronic pain?

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Gutted to be reading that mate really feel for you. hope things pick up again for you. :) Just dont give up on yourself ;)


Thank you mate.


I won't lie in that it's been very, very hard and if it wasn't for my close friends I'd be struggling badly. It's just hard for people to understand how bad chronic pain really is, especially when nothing works.


God, we should never take our health for grantid. Not having a rant but it makes me sick when I still see smokers, drug abusers and problem drinkers abusing their bodies and getting by just fine in life. It's normally the active try-to-be-healthy people that get caught up in things like this!

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oh my god i think there must be something going around, my doctors are useless. Last week for a cou[ple of days i had the same problem i felt like a old man all my joints were in pain and i could not even lift a cup but now im strong as anything a week later:rolleyes:

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Greg I'm very sorry to read this. You have my sympathy as I can remember all too clearly how my back injury last year put me into a spiral of despair. Not good.


One important thing to realise, is depression is not just a state of mind, it's an illness in its own right. Being offered and accepting anti depressants shouldn't be seen as a sign of weakness, they're a drug to treat an illness, and properly managed should help you alot. Keeping a positive mind even when you feel all is lost is part of the battle.


I hope that they find out what the problem is and get you on the road to recovery.


All the best.

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Greg sorry to hear that.


I went through a stange period when i was in my early 20's i felt so ill and had aches pains all over my body and couldn't get out of bed. The doctors could find nothing wrong and i was put on Prozac and told i had a mild version of ME and had POST VIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME.


I became serioulsy depressed and that's why i was put on prozac, in 6 months i was back on my feet, but even 15 years on i still get days when for no reason i get tired.


Hope they find out what your problem is.


Kind Regards

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Thanks again guys.


I'm hoping one day I'll wake up and it won't be there but that's a long shot. I just need an effective coping strategy.


Doug - agreed re the Anti-depressants. It is just the pain that is making me depressed, everything else in life is great. I just don't want to be dosed up on the things for years. I hope you're doing better.


Steve - thanks for the invite buddy but will have to give this weekend a miss. Got more tests on Saturday and am going to rest up and see if I can reduce the pain a bit.


Appreciate your support guys as always.



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Greg! :blink: Shocking news hun, and all so sudden! So sorry you can't get into the army...yet! I know how much you were looking forward to it but stay positive, try to be patient.


Both my parents have had Acupuncture for various joint pains and it works brilliantly, over the long term too. Worth a try. It sounds like it could be nerve related as it came on so suddenly?? Their practitioner has moved abroad but if you have a look here:




for a proper food intollerance/allergy test York Laborotories are a professional outfit, not cheap but worth considering:




I've had homeopathy for migraine/chronic daily headache and its helped where convetional medication's been useless:




good luck hun and keep us posted. Your only up the road from some of us, just give a shout if you need a shoulder/rant :friends:



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Hello Greg mate,


I am not going to say that I know how you feel because I don't and the advice that I can add has probably been said already. I found this site, it may have something on there about what is happening to you http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/joint_pain.htm but it may be a load of hogwash. I am like colsoop in my thinking that if you can maintain a positive attitude to your suffering it will help, you must rule your pain, not the other way round. Have you tried heat patches on your joints to allieviate the pain? I know how proud you were to be accepted for Officer Training and I was one of the many who were proud of what you were doing. I still am mate, and hope that you can rise above this and beat this debilitating (sp) suffering.


Keep positive mate

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Thank you Linda and MaxHead.


Appreciate the kind words and rest assured I'm going to rise above this crap and beat it one way or another. I'm just scared of the 'bad' days.

Hi Greg

Firstly well done for posting up and sharing with us how your feeling, old saying "a problem shared is a problem halved" wont pretend how your feeling cos i have never experienced such pain, but i do hope you make a speedy recovery and realise that dream of becoming an officer in the RAF because you deffinitely sound the sort of character the modern millitary need.

Hang in their shippers and keep us all posted on your progress take care bud.


Chris RN :salute:

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