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Well my life hasn't been great these last 7 months


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Hi all,


Sorry I haven't posted for a long time, but I kind of need to let some emotions out right now. My life over the last few months especially has been hell.


As some of you know, I was due to join the RAF in May and had been accepted Officer entry. Sadly, I had an operation to repair cartilage damage on my ankle - both were in chronic pain - and so I could no longer joint. Since then things have seriously gone downhill.


7 weeks ago I started having other pain in all my joints. My knees, ankles, back, elbows, wrists and thumbs and finger. It was literally out of the blue and I woke up one morning in pain. It has been like this day in day out from morning to night and I am in daily agony.


I have been for various blood tests for RA, lupus and other auto-immune disorders and they all come up negative. MRI on ankle showed cartilage has fully healed but the constant pain is still there. Docs are at a complete loss at what could be causing it. I haven't played sport in 6 months and I'm practically unable to move. I try to work out at the gym but it's very difficult. Struggling at work as I can't focus due to the pain and my social life has taken a battering too. No medications have worked, I've tried Codeine, the strongest anti-inflammatories, mild anti-depressants, everything and nothing.


I'm on a trail to some serious depression, I'm already there, and I haven't a clue what to do to turn this around. Those of you that know me personally know I'm generally full of life - not anymore.


Has anyone ever had a similar experience with this or have any ideas on what I can do?


This pain is simply unbearable. :(


A very sad Greg

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Greg, so sad to hear this mate. As you might have gathered I have been down a hard road, losing my vision three times and on heavy doses of steroids which although major anti-inflammataries have their drawbacks, some pretty horrendous side effects (I am actually on them just now, a decreasing dose and I should be off htem in 13 weeks.) But you do get to the stage when you think things will get no better and think the pain is going to be with you for ever. And you do not believe people when they say "it won't last forever" or " hang in there, you will be fine". Because you know that they do not know. Hopefully things will get better for you and soon. They did for me, after what seemed an eternity. But better they did get. I will put up a prayer for you. PM if you want, I do appreciate how you are feeling

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Greg, so sad to hear this mate. As you might have gathered I have been down a hard road, losing my vision three times and on heavy doses of steroids which although major anti-inflammataries have their drawbacks, some pretty horrendous side effects (I am actually on them just now, a decreasing dose and I should be off htem in 13 weeks.) But you do get to the stage when you think things will get no better and think the pain is going to be with you for ever. And you do not believe people when they say "it won't last forever" or " hang in there, you will be fine". Because you know that they do not know. Hopefully things will get better for you and soon. They did for me, after what seemed an eternity. But better they did get. I will put up a prayer for you. PM if you want, I do appreciate how you are feeling



Thank you Alan and I'm glad you're feeling better mate. I never knew you were going through some crap too. I genuinely feel so low right now and I can't focus on anything. I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like a shadow of my former self and am worried as you say, this is something I'm going to just have to live with. I can't imagine that though and I don't think I can accept it either. Thanks again bud and appreciate the chin up.

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Been to see numerous specialists including a Rheumatologist who also is quite bewildered at the sudden onset of pain and non-diagnosis.


I can't think of anything worse than joining the RAF right now in my state. Whilst my joints all appear normal the pain is stopping me from running/cycling etc so the RAF is a definate no mate.


I'm heading to the gym now as the sauna and jacuzzi are about the only things that provide relief.





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Good to hear from you, pity your in such a state.


I somewhat know what you mean, I spent 3 - 4 months recovering from an op (cutting through my lower stomach muscles), took me out of hiking, martial arts and gym. On massive pain killers for first 2 weeks, every 3 hours, so could literally sleep for 2 hour at a time.


Hang in ther mate!! Am sure that one of the doctors will finally get there SH!T together and find the root cause.


At least the cartilage has healed nicely :thumbs:

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Really sorry to hear that Greg. Ive got no medical advice to give you but I really hope you get well again soon and things turn around for you mate:)


Get another supe, that'll make you feel better;)


All the best mate:)

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Greg, sounds terrible bud! I hope you get it sorted soon.


Have you tried a combination of cod liver oil (about 1000mg a day) Glucosamine (1200mg) and Chondrotin (600mg)? I take this for joints that are starting to go bad, and it certainly reduced the pain I get.

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Sorry to hear this mate, keep plugging away at the quacks, the trouble is there not infallible, took them four years to discover that i had arthritis and the lining of my knees was gone, despite having one existing arthritic condition, i sympathise as constant pain alters your perception, but it sounds like you are the positive type so use that to keep perspective.

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Greg, have you been to see a physiotherapist yet?


You'd be suprised how much a nerve in one part of the body can influence the sensation of pain in other parts.


I went to a physio in St.Helens to have the root cause of my shin splints diagnosed, the physio checked my posture, my back, and then some nerve points throughout my body as she said it may be a problem elsewhere that is causing the problems in my legs.


Anyhow, in my case the problem was with out-of-balance muscle strength and movement sequence in my legs. I had a successful diagnosis and no longer get shin splints after doing the recommended exercises.


May be worth looking into, you're looking about £30 for an half hour session on average.

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Blimey Greg, can't believe what's been going on. Sorry to hear you're in such a state! You need to focus on the positives in your life.

Are you still with your girlie and working?

'Get Greg out of the House' meet this weekend anyone? :grouphug:

I'm up for that.

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All - Thanks guys, always knew there would be good support here. Just got back from gym which felt good.


Kranz - yes bud, beenon the supplements for 4 months now including Hylauronic Acid for joints, MSM and Sam-E. No change so far. Pain doesn't appear to be physical damage - but more nerve/bone related if you see what I mean?


Angarak - yep, tried physio, podiatrist and chiropracter mate! Got some good stretching exercises to do etc so still doing those. As I said, the weird thing is the upper body pain literally appeared overnight - nothing was done to aggravate it.


Pete - thanks mate. Yes still working (just been promoted to another role) and with my girl. Things are great except for this and you can imagine chronic pain morning and night really takes its toll, especially when it's throughout your body.


Here's hoping someone finds something out soon.


Cheers all



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Sorry to hear that Greg.


When i hit 25 i had severe pain in the right side of my jaw, right shoulder, arm, elbow, most fingers on my right hand, knee and foot.


My right foot and jaw never recovered, i can barely eat, and it hurts to run more than a few paces.


The doctors simply said it was arthritis or Rheumatism, but surely not at 25 :( I just kinda cope with the pain and restrict movement in those joints. Not ideal but i couldn't do anything else.


Anti inflammatory tablets made me feel so sick i couldn't eat even if i could move my jaw, so i just gave up and 'coped' hardly ideal for the RAF and since it extends all through your body :(

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Greg mate,


I am just so pleased you posted up mucker. I was only thinking yesterday where my old pal has vanished too.


A friend of mine had many problems similar to yours (this was in 1984-1990) and the doctors spent the whole period attempting to discover the problem. It turned out that his body had major reactions to certain chemicals and food stuffs but it took over 7-years for the docs to conclude the cause. As an example but he was even allergic to the metal composite that made up the tins that our food comes in:Pling:


I hope you get it sorted soon bud;)

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Blimey, sorry to hear about your woes Greg. :(

Makes my few (old age) aches and pains seem completely insignificant. :blink:



Ditto that Ivan...


Please you popped up again Greg, really sorry to hear your of woes mate.


Keep on the doctors bones and fingers crossed they will come up with something.


All the best


Gerry & Soo

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So sorry to hear this Greg,


If it helps any - (as in hope) - My friends wife has bizarre reactions to our tap water and can only drink bottled water from certain sources these days. She only found this out when she went on holiday for the first time in years, 2 years ago, after being crippled with agonizing cramps and pains for thelast 15+ years (she has morphine @ home which shows how bad that was) and was told not to drink the local water.... she was perfectly fine the whole time she was away, returned home and started cramping again. She thought about what had changed and moved to bottled water. She has been fine since (also discovered most spices and a few fruits do this too) - the human body is a weird piece of machinery! I assume they have ruled out gout (uric acid crystals in the joints) with the various tests (also usually a history of it in the family).


The only other thing I can think of is a neuralgic problem. The problem isn't necessarily any form of inflammation but some misinterpreted responses to signals in the brain! :S It has been a long time since I have researched diseases and weird drug interractions (ex Pharmaceutical Chemist turned programmer). Have you been chronically taking any prescribed/non prescribed medication/supplements?


You will get over this dude! Just have a touch of faith!





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