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Humans killed Darwin (prepare for a long read).


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If we were dropped in the woods, yes many would perish and the fastest runners would survive. We would then need to evolve to adapt to that situation. We would call that devolution but its all evolution in reality.


Ooooh, nice, let's kick it up a gear...


Would you be prepared to eat a fellow homosapien (For the sake of this point, lets assume he/she was dead already), in order to survive in this 'lights out world'. Me? Don't see a problem with it. (Lets see where this goes now :))

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Guest willismaximus


Although we always assume we are getting weaker due to our dependancy on technology etc.... it seems to be that we seem to keep getting physically stronger but our immune systems are getting weaker, look at strongmen programmes, sports, olympics etc, the capabilities of our bodies are fine tuning in that sense so that records are consistantly being broken year on year but our immune systems seem unable to cope without medicinal assistance that we didn't used to need to fight off infections etc case in point, anti-biotics have never been as needed as they are now but the irony is that our bodies are adapting to our own cure so that they are now not as effective as they once were.

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Ooooh, nice, let's kick it up a gear...


Would you be prepared to eat a fellow homosapien (For the sake of this point, lets assume he/she was dead already), in order to survive in this 'lights out world'. Me? Don't see a problem with it. (Lets see where this goes now :))


I'd eat a human. Not a Chinese or Indian though. I don't like foreign food. :D

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Guest willismaximus

If i'm hungry, i'll eat, no point in being malnourished thus lowering my immune system and making my own death more likely just because it may be a little gross.

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Ooooh, nice, let's kick it up a gear...


Would you be prepared to eat a fellow homosapien (For the sake of this point, lets assume he/she was dead already), in order to survive in this 'lights out world'. Me? Don't see a problem with it. (Lets see where this goes now :))



Now this has opened it up hasn't it? Just the mentioning of 'she' in that statement will set Ed's radar off!


If you had to, to survive you'd have to consider it, but only if I had some barbecue sauce, oh and a knife and fork, and a nice napkin. :)


EDIT: Commatastic!

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Ooooh, nice, let's kick it up a gear...


Would you be prepared to eat a fellow homosapien (For the sake of this point, lets assume he/she was dead already), in order to survive in this 'lights out world'. Me? Don't see a problem with it. (Lets see where this goes now :))


Would sir like some gluteus maximus?

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Ooooh, nice, let's kick it up a gear...


Would you be prepared to eat a fellow homosapien (For the sake of this point, lets assume he/she was dead already), in order to survive in this 'lights out world'. Me? Don't see a problem with it. (Lets see where this goes now :))


Honestly, i would have absolutely no problem. In fact, being true to the situation, i would kill to survive.


Noone really knows what they would do in a situtation, until they are actually in it, but i think the fact that i know i would be fine with doing certain things shows what i would most likely do lol.


I would have to cook them though, i've heard it tastes like chicken.


Instinct has been dulled down over the years but man still has them. For example, how many men have the inbuilt instinct to "spread the seed"?. Its a fact that even faithful men stray in their mind. Girls do it in a girly way but its a constant struggle in a mans head, the faithful ones are the ones with a will strong enough to overcome the instinct.


Thats another discussion though lol

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Guest willismaximus

We should ask those countries suffering from famine where they stand on the issue and if they're ok with eating people, we could just send them regular stock of Chavtastic meat, think about it, the bugg3rs breed so quickly it's a self sustaining food source and we'd also be helping to cull the deadweight from the species at the same time.... it's a win/win sitaution really just so long as the people doing the eating can put up with the faint wiff of B.O. and Burberry coming from there food.... :D

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It's a good idea, and we could take it even further and just carve up all the major criminals and anyone else who's just a useless waste of resource.

I'm not sure people would like buying half a Kg of minced murderer though, unless it's for the dog.

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dude... there are massive holes in Evolution! what you said about to things being different, gazelles beign 1/2 mph faster than another kinda leans more to the point that "isnt that a bit to coincidental that they evolved suddently like this". im not sayin that creatures and things dont evolve but not in a evolutional theory way if you catch my drift. now i have studied both sides and the first thing is this..


you have to beleive that there was NOTHING that COLLIDED with SOMETHING to create a big bang and then evolution took place. you have to BELEIVE in the fact a MAN came up with the idea that it works this way.. so wheres the different in people and me beleive in a God that created things..its crazy cos people have issues with the fact a God my make things yet u beleive in evolutionism. you cant necessarily prove it.. just as much i cant prove God exists without you having a little faith. So it completely irrelevant. people only tend to beleive in evolution cos its a much easier concept to understand.


thank you im here all week.. try the fish.

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Guest willismaximus

LOL i'm sure my dog's would love it, convict flavoured Pal etc....


And it would all help with getting the evolution of the species back on track

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It's a good idea, and we could take it even further and just carve up all the major criminals and anyone else who's just a useless waste of resource.

I'm not sure people would like buying half a Kg of minced murderer though, unless it's for the dog.


Thats a bit of a cliche right there - would George Boost and most of the folk thats in Power be on that list?


If we are taking a step back to look at things here then you will see that we haven't evolved that much in terms of poweress,


We have always had leaders, they have got to power in different ways, out of fear, telling a few mystical stories, promising things that they can't deliver, they are criminals in my mind,


Although not directly associated with Killing, they are responsible for a lot more lives than any of the 'major criminals'

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Guest willismaximus
dude... there are massive holes in Evolution! what you said about to things being different, gazelles beign 1/2 mph faster than another kinda leans more to the point that "isnt that a bit to coincidental that they evolved suddently like this". im not sayin that creatures and things dont evolve but not in a evolutional theory way if you catch my drift. now i have studied both sides and the first thing is this..


you have to beleive that there was NOTHING that COLLIDED with SOMETHING to create a big bang and then evolution took place. you have to BELEIVE in the fact a MAN came up with the idea that it works this way.. so wheres the different in people and me beleive in a God that created things..its crazy cos people have issues with the fact a God my make things yet u beleive in evolutionism. you cant necessarily prove it.. just as much i cant prove God exists without you having a little faith. So it completely irrelevant. people only tend to beleive in evolution cos its a much easier concept to understand.


thank you im here all week.. try the fish.


Not to sound like i'm having a go here because i'm really not, i'm a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i just want to explain why i give the whole evolution thing credance over Creationism.


We can see the evolution off human kind as a species over the last couple of thousand years because we have the bones and remains of early man right through to modern day man to study, we can see by the genetic structure as well as the more basic appearance that we have gradually straightened our backs and over time increased our skulls inner capacity first by thining the actual bone of the skull to allow more space inside as we slowly had less and less chance of being hit in the head with a club etc and then by our craniums growing slightly larger again in general, we can also see that we have gotten taller and taller as the generations have passed.


For me it's things like this which i see as actual tangible proof which sway my desicion on the topic (Although i am aware that this is simply my opinion and one mans proof is another mans poppycock).


But that's where i stand with it.

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hey dude and thats tottally cool and everything and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion thats best thing bout being human,.


however, my real point is that at the end of the day.. we can throw facts around until the cows come home but the point is that ... you personally have to beleive that this true.. its not necessarily true just cos we can see it.. your not looking a actually fact ur looking at findings that a scientist or historian as put together. So you beleive in a smthing you cant really prove.. just as much as i do in God.. but u have faith in that. So at the end of the day we all beleive in smthing.. hell even atheist beleive in smthing.. or at least they say they dont beleive in God but they have to beleive in God for them not to.. pardox anyone?

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hey dude and thats tottally cool and everything and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion thats best thing bout being human,.


however, my real point is that at the end of the day.. we can throw facts around until the cows come home but the point is that ... you personally have to beleive that this true.. ...or at least they say they dont beleive in God but they have to beleive in God for them not to.. pardox anyone?


I've cut a lot out so apologies...


By definition a fact is something that can be proven is it not? The sky is blue (by our definition of what the colour blue is), that is fact, it can be verified and support by multiple people and scientific equipment.


I am a firm believer that 'God' does not exist in the form that most people perceive, that isn't a fact that is just an opinion :) I personally think it is all just a big experiment. Seriously though, I don't believe modern mythology, however is there a possibility that there is a more superior life form, I'd bloody hope so because if we are the cream of the crop the rest of the universe is absolutely bollocksed.


Don't know if I agree with your paradox though... You are saying for someone to say it doesn't exist they have to believe it does?? don't follow.

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HAHA thats great quote!


" if we are the cream of the crop then the universe is B*ll*ked! lol love it!


at this rate of "global warming" we all dead in like 4 years anyway! damn better give u driving my supe....er no mr government i dont give into your properganda! tax money grabber heheh



I've cut a lot out so apologies...


By definition a fact is something that can be proven is it not? The sky is blue (by our definition of what the colour blue is), that is fact, it can be verified and support by multiple people and scientific equipment.


I am a firm believer that 'God' does not exist in the form that most people perceive, that isn't a fact that is just an opinion :) I personally think it is all just a big experiment. Seriously though, I don't believe modern mythology, however is there a possibility that there is a more superior life form, I'd bloody hope so because if we are the cream of the crop the rest of the universe is absolutely bollocksed.


Don't know if I agree with your paradox though... You are saying for someone to say it doesn't exist they have to believe it does?? don't follow.

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Guest willismaximus

I see your point, and you're right, it is all about faith. My faith is in the scientific side of things where as your's follows the Religeous side.... who is right? Who's to know. I suppose we are both right, because we both have faith in our own explanation and neither can really prove the other wrong without holes in their argument. I'm not sure if you can ever truly have someone who is not at all biased in some way on this sort of subject to make an informed decision either because it's one of those where you either believe one or the other, there doesn't seem to be any other explanations available unless you believe the rumours that we were created by frogs for their own personal amusement and in reality we are mere playthings to their every whim..... (Think i've had too much caffiene :blink:)

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Okay.. I'd like to say both sides are right...


Faith is based upon interpretation of human observed events, so is science. Faith'ists (new word there :)) accept things more readily whereas scientists require emperical proof... well that is the idea anyway, HOWEVER it isn't as black and white as that, since science often requires faith and assumptions which are then proven to be true or false. My whole reason and I'm happy to state it, behind not being a faith'ist is I feel it has been twisted to suit the goals of whomever and absolute devotion without question, science relies on the fact that things are questioned.


If I'm wrong I guess I'll understand heat transfer much better down stairs :)

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dude... there are massive holes in Evolution! what you said about to things being different, gazelles beign 1/2 mph faster than another kinda leans more to the point that "isnt that a bit to coincidental that they evolved suddently like this". im not sayin that creatures and things dont evolve but not in a evolutional theory way if you catch my drift. now i have studied both sides and the first thing is this..


you have to beleive that there was NOTHING that COLLIDED with SOMETHING to create a big bang and then evolution took place. you have to BELEIVE in the fact a MAN came up with the idea that it works this way.. so wheres the different in people and me beleive in a God that created things..its crazy cos people have issues with the fact a God my make things yet u beleive in evolutionism. you cant necessarily prove it.. just as much i cant prove God exists without you having a little faith. So it completely irrelevant. people only tend to beleive in evolution cos its a much easier concept to understand.


thank you im here all week.. try the fish.


Man came up with the theory of god as well though, there just aren't as many people buying it anymore. The big bang is all theory and absolutely nothing to do with the evolution of man. Life started on earth billions of years after the big bang, according to the theory anyway.


The question that has always been asked is about the jump from single cell to multiple cell organism's. It can happen and does happen over millions of years of evolution, the big question is why it happened so quickly all those years ago. I can't remember the figures used but if it should take 100 million it only took 5.


Anyway, the theory of evolution is completely different from actual evolution. There is no theory on evolution, its our way of describing adapting to surroundings. Darwin's theory of evolution is as TB put it and what u have a gripe with.


Ask yourself though, what makes more sense:


A thing makes a guy then uses a rib to make a girl




We started off as apes and adapted.

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