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Pi$$take....no petrol cars by 2020!

n boost

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I've read elsewhere that's the plan is not to force ALL petrol cars off the road by 2020 but to force car manufacturers to cease producing petrol powered cars by then.

Then we'll be encouraged to transfer to battery/hydrogen cars due to lower costs such as £0 road tax (fookin wrong as cars will still be heavy {or much heavier?} and wearing road surfaces down) and obviously no petrol expenses which'll probably be something ridiculous like £15 a litre in 2020


he is right. ultimately the planet is more important,


The planet doesn't need saving.

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I've read elsewhere that's the plan is not to force ALL petrol cars off the road by 2020 but to force car manufacturers to cease producing petrol powered cars by then.

Then we'll be encouraged to transfer to battery/hydrogen cars due to lower costs such as £0 road tax (fookin wrong as cars will still be heavy {or much heavier?} and wearing road surfaces down) and obviously no petrol expenses which'll probably be something ridiculous like £15 a litre in 2020




The planet doesn't need saving.


There's no way that (long term) they would abolish road tax. They'd just come up with some other reason. Surely if they started spending our money on improving the capacity of our roads, instead of on asylum seekers, speed cameras and bus shelters, then congestion and therefore polution would be much lower.

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I've read elsewhere that's the plan is not to force ALL petrol cars off the road by 2020 but to force car manufacturers to cease producing petrol powered cars by then.

Then we'll be encouraged to transfer to battery/hydrogen cars due to lower costs such as £0 road tax (fookin wrong as cars will still be heavy {or much heavier?} and wearing road surfaces down) and obviously no petrol expenses which'll probably be something ridiculous like £15 a litre in 2020




The planet doesn't need saving.



Yep, the planet will do perfectly well without us. Its just our 'civilisation' that needs saving :)



Looks like Mad Max may get his day ;)

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There's no way that (long term) they would abolish road tax. They'd just come up with some other reason. Surely if they started spending our money on improving the capacity of our roads, instead of on asylum seekers, speed cameras and bus shelters, then congestion and therefore polution would be much lower.


Yes i there are lots of ways to cut pollution smoothing traffic flow getting road works done quickly like 24hr teams on the go, widening roads, sorting out public transport so it worked properly & it would then be a viable alternative to going by car etc etc but NO there is no money in it for the govt, although it would help the economy if there was less delays.


And as for Carl S it seems he is not necessarilly in the minority iti his mindset lots of ill informed are sympathetic with his views :(

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It wont happen - he wont be in power much longer if he carries on like this


Everyone knows he is money mad...


Im pretty cirtain everyone will revolt if this happens, i mean i know its like a dictatorship now with fuel prices and alike, but people wont put up with being told "go electric or dont drive" !

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I reckon Mr Brown is a great example of someone being promoted so many times that they ultimately end up in a job they can't do, by which time it's too late.


He wasn't voted in but I'm pretty sure he'll be voted out.


I'll be interested to see if Labour use this in their next campaign for re-election or if the realistic people in the party might have a say.


He might have had a bit of bad luck with things globally that are out of his control but he definitely doesn't help himself either.


I just can't forget (or forgive) the speech he made when he became PM in which he said exactly what Tony Blair said 10 years previously when he got in for the first time. Then a journo pointed out that labour had spent BILLIONS on these issues but all the performance tables said they were worse than 10 years ago!

(and that was before all the bad things that have happened since).

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The fifth labour of Hercules:


The fifth task of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables, where thousands of cattle were housed, in a single day; Hercules diverted two rivers so that they would flow into the Augean stables.


I think even he would have baulked at the amount of bulls**t in this thread. In five years on .net, I don't think I've ever seen so much on one discussion; the twaddleometer is off the scale. I wouldn't know where to start.


I'll give a special mention to this one, though:


"Everyone knows he is money mad... "


Brought to you by The Department of Simple Reasoning.

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Though I find it highly unlikely this will come to pass....this thread serves as a good reminder of the ANGER of the vast majority of the population at this current government..


Hopefully the country will vote with its feet at the next election (and get Labour out).....so we can bring in a different bunch of gormless idiots to f**k the country up in a different way :taped:

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