tbourner Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Watched this last night, what do people think? I thought it was excellent, but the missus hated it, said it was the worst film she'd ever seen! I think she wanted closure or something. Oddly I didn't like the Blair Witch at all, which is similar in the way it's done, but I liked this for that very way - that it was real footage found by the government after the clearup etc. I also thought the actions of the people in charge was probably pretty accurate as well, the scene in the street with the entire army shooting at it was cool, tanks and rocket launchers everywhere!! No scenes of chatting to the president about what to do, just go in and shoot the f**ker!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I too watched it last night....and knew I wasn't going to like most of it when they gave the camera to the moron. Loved the bits where you got to see the monster...but most of the rest wasn't really logical...and most of it dragged on - so much that I actually fast fwd'd a few bits to make it less painful. Really dissapointed and my G/F also said it was the worst film she'd watched in ages...I wouldn't go that far, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedM Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 It didn't live up to the hype created by the teaser and the ARG community but it was watchable. See original, pre-release thread here: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=117584 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRACIE_LOU Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 lol both myself and tony thought it was utter poo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ric Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 if you participated in the pre release viral marketing and puzzle websites etc you got a better understanding of what was actually going off, plus hidden things you might not see in the film i loved the film, but knew the ending 5 seconds into the film EG, the satellite crash at the end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedM Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 lol both myself and tony thought it was utter poo I hear that the Daily Star are looking for film critics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chilli Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 when I saw that at the cinema late at night it was really frigging effective with the amazing immersive surround sound etc. The story is a bit weak so not sure it would work without full impact of effects at home. I enjoyed it though, a film to get adrenaline going, not to follow a story. There's a new film The Happening, which looks good, anyone seen that yet - got the impression it was similar but it probably isn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedM Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 if you participated in the pre release viral marketing and puzzle websites etc Speaking of which, I'd love to have been involved in The Dark Knight shenanigans. The final paragraph is excellent. Deus Ex Noir April 30, 2008 @ 3:00 am I suppose it should be ex noctum or noctis. Maybe atrum. I don’t know. So anyway, in the midst of a schedule packed tighter than a hash smuggler’s colon, I stole an evening of brief leisure time the other night. A couple of friends and I drove to the rendezvous point for the secret premier of the latest Dark Knight Returns trailer. You read that correctly. We drove. To see a movie trailer. The three of us went to a park in Daly City, as instructed on the Why So Serious? web site (it keeps getting better, doesn’t it?). There, we joined a tribe of nomadic dorks who actually do this sort of thing for fun, while the rest of you spend your free time updating your Match(dot)com profiles or peeing through your locker grates onto the freshman chess club champion trapped inside. Roughly a hundred and twenty-five people total showed up, most of them presumably leaving their parents’ basement voluntarily for the first time in weeks. It was a lovely, warm Spring evening, and most everyone wore army surplus black festooned with Batman regalia; I counted sixty or seventy hardcore fans actually sporting Joker-esque clown make-up, a dozen clown masks, six or seven black trenchcoats and in all, maybe eight women. At the stroke of 5:30, the clues went live on the web site and a hundred and twenty-five cell phones, laptops and pda’s switched on in unison during this perfectly beautiful afternoon in the park. It was like Woodstock, only smaller and more socially awkward. And with grown men who collect trading cards and “action figures.” And without Janis Joplin channeling your worst heartache years before you were born and without Jimi Hendrix setting fire to the national anthem and without chicks. We began to move. There were landmarks to find, things to count, numbers to ascertain and website codes to decipher. The Homo dorkus travels in large packs to protect its lunch money. These packs move slowly. Its members have spent years hanging by their jockstraps from flagpoles and being snapped in the balls with coiled gym towels. We disengaged from the pack. We solved the clues ourselves. We went looking for the park with the cool kids to see if they’d let us hang out with them. We ended up at the theater, unable to deny our roots. Everyone’s preview pass was a Joker playing card, of which no two were alike. A pretty cool souvenir- mine looks like a Mayan deity as rendered by Ed “Big Daddy” Roth. The trailer was cool. Vertiginous crane shots of Christian Bale swooping down from Gotham’s skyscrapers; explosions and catch phrases; Heath Ledger’s high-pitched snarl; explosions and catch phrases. The high point of the evening for me, however, was the final clue. The last set of double-digits came from the number of colorful handprints on a fence- part of a children’s mural outside of a daycare center. Find the fence, count the handprints, crack the code. Simple. I must, absolutely must, meet the person who orchestrated all of this before I die. Because anybody, and I mean anybody, who can get seventy-five guys to smear on psychotic clown make-up and then spend twenty minutes, en masse, lurking outside a nursery school… well, that person is my absolute hero. No question. That kind of irony could melt the polar caps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRACIE_LOU Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I hear that the Daily Star are looking for film critics. lol:d:d:p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nickball75 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Saw this at the cinema. I really enjoyed it, liked the bit with the statue of liberty's head. Would have liked to have known where the creature came from, im pretty sure it was a sea monster tho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pot Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I started watching this, turned it off about half way through, couldn't stand it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRACIE_LOU Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I started watching this, turned it off about half way through, couldn't stand it... glad im not the only one now lol!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R Black Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I too saw it last night & i thought it was a good film, i was sceptical about the camera work too, but it stopped bugging me after the 1st 15mins, even my girlfriend liked it, which surprised us both. I will probably see the happening tonight too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waderz06 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I watched this a while back and didn't think it was too bad. One or two bad decisions by the characters in the film though. Like when they finally get into the helicopter and the pilot decides it will be a good idea to fly right over the top of the monster, instead of flying in the opposite direction! I know which way i would be going. I also dont understand how three civilians can survive an air crash but two highly trained pilots both die?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Seen it a while ago. I didn't think much of it but i thought it was ok. THe ending was too cryptic for most to put all the pieces together of what happened and the irony regarding the main guy in the movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Saw this at the cinema. I really enjoyed it, liked the bit with the statue of liberty's head. Would have liked to have known where the creature came from, im pretty sure it was a sea monster tho Hence my point i can write spoilers if you like, heading would need to be edited though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ewen Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I thought it was great. Really enjoyed it. Id love to get hold of one of those camera batteries that last for a whole film too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Did they not swop them out at 1 point as they were running out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ewen Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Did they not swop them out at 1 point as they were running out? Not that I saw, that was a phone battery ? Unless I missed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Can't actually remember, i wasn't paying that much attention. I just remember the camera going off for a bit, i thought they were changing battery's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R Black Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I thought it was great. Really enjoyed it. Id love to get hold of one of those camera batteries that last for a whole film too. Yup i thought that about the batteries, they even used the light on the camera in the tunnel, they did get phone baterries, but not camera ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiceRocket Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Is it better than Godzilla? Hmmm mixed opinions, sounds like it's more a lad's movie but that's fine with me Don't want to spend £12 on it though, will wait for Blockbuster's 3 for £15 offer in a few months. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R Black Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Is it better than Godzilla? Hmmm mixed opinions, sounds like it's more a lad's movie but that's fine with me Don't want to spend £12 on it though, will wait for Blockbuster's 3 for £15 offer in a few months. I think its a bit like cross between war of the worlds & blair witch (cinematography wise), and that alot of it is in your mind, as to whats happening as the film does'nt rely on many special effects. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seb Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I was so excited about this and really got into all the pre-movie hype and all the mystery surrounding the monster and the whol back story and then I went to see it and, well... what a load of w@nk. So disappointing, dull and not exciting or scary in the slightest. I think there were maybe two or three scenes where I didn't wish that I was somewhere else. Oh, and as for The Happening, I hear it's an unmitigiated pile o' sh1te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Loved it mate, ending was a bit umm, but overall yeah great film Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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