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Practicle jokes for work


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Myself and a mate have started playing pranks on each other at work to get us through the day :) I think my best one yet was walking around the workshop with a lump of 10mm steel plate up my arm, being as he used to be a boxer he is always jabbing me in the arm all the time, I walked upto him leaving my arm well exposed to which he turned an threw a right hander into my arm :D the look on his face was priceless, I walked in at 5.30am this morn to find my jumper glued to the bench.


whats the best ones you have played

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we use loads in the army a few of my favs are

yoy get a new lad to BOS( exchange) a hammer but he has to see the sgt major(boss) first with a letter

on the letter it says "give me leave now or ill smash your head in" and obviously he is carrying the hammer while stood in the sgt majors office


always gets the sgt major going ballistic at him


or another one you need a tank and a few mates

you get a new lad and a few of you to hold the gun up while you tell the new lad that someone is dropping the breach(other end of the gun which is inside the tank)

your mate inside the tank starts to scream and pretends he is getting crushed so you jump inside to help

while at the same time your slowly lowering the gun

then scream again and your other mate jumos inside leaving the new guy holding up the gun

you keep lowering the gun slowly and shout to the new guy to keep holding up the gun and watch him shake and struggle while your all screaming

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Im a welder Fabricator so a good used of tools to hand :) just waiting for the steel toe caps to expose on his boots the they will be welded to the bench ;)


I found the drip of metal weld down the arse crack was always an eye opener... that or a bit of solder :p

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I found the drip of metal weld down the arse crack was always an eye opener... that or a bit of solder :p


omg have u done that to someone?


once at our work the sprayer fell asleep on his lunch break and we sprayed his glassis black he span right out when he woke up!:innocent:

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Im getting creative with cable ties at the moment aswell :eyebrows:


Take the flash electronics out of an old disposable camera, if you look at it, it is nothing more than a copper strip to complete the circuit, carefully charge up the circuit and just leave it on the chair. When it is picked up, 10-1 his fingers will touch the charged up capacitor...can you say FLASH at about 10000v

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We got a polish guy works for us and we are always winding him up, i convinced him years ago his big toe was called a Tum, i said you have fingers and thumbs on ya hands and toes and tum on ya feet:D

he still thinks its called tum to this day:D

I think he is on the windup myself sometimes, last week i pulled up outside the paper shop and told him to get me a sun, 2 min later he gets back in the van and hands me a mars bar saying they didnt have a sun so i got you a mars bar..... wtf?:D

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Guest DevilsAdvocate

Pull two 110v DC fuses from an obscure switchboard in a remote part of the plant. :D:d:d cost £600 000 for an hour and a half's loss of output.

(and the night shift 'me' running around pulling their hair out)


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i work in a warehouse and quite a few pranks been pulled, some of the older guys have these metal mugs with a screw on top to put there coffe and tea in kinda like a mini thermos so out came the no more nails :) put it all around the top screwed the lid on and walla no more nails = no more tea and coffe lol they where pis#ed. and i happened to p off one guy real good he went and complained lol he put his pen down so while he wasnt looking i coverd it in clear silicone gel he then picked it up and got covered then to get out of the warehouse you have to push a button so i decided to cover that in gel and told him the boss was outside and wanted to talk so he went pushed the button to go out and walla again gel all over him lol. i happen to be the local prankster at work another one to try, if someone has a drinks bottle i'e filled with water and so on, you make loads of small slits around the top so when they go to drink it it pours all over them always funny :D could go on but think i wrote a bit to much already

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A few things we got up to in the office I used to work in:


Swap a few keys round on the bloke who had no idea with computer's keyboard - hours of fun.


Hid muscles and cockles under someone's monitor and left them there over a hot weekend.


Vaseline on the ear piece of people's phones.


Saved up the paper that had been through the shredder for a couple of months and filled one of the lad's car up with it.


Stole some fags from one of the girls, soaked the ends of them in some kind of chilli favouring, left them to dry and replaced them - the poor girl had a sore throat for days. :D

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A few things we got up to in the office I used to work in:


Swap a few keys round on the bloke who had no idea with computer's keyboard - hours of fun.


Hid muscles and cockles under someone's monitor and left them there over a hot weekend.


Vaseline on the ear piece of people's phones.


Saved up the paper that had been through the shredder for a couple of months and filled one of the lad's car up with it.


Stole some fags from one of the girls, soaked the ends of them in some kind of chilli favouring, left them to dry and replaced them - the poor girl had a sore throat for days. :D




If anyone knows somebody who smoke rollies, take the tobacco out but make it still look like a cigarette, let them light it and BOOM,

you will never see a cigarette go down so fast! :D

I did this once, my mate didnt find it funny but i did lol! :D

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I used to have a riot as a fitter/turner when I did my apprenticeship. Some of my favourites were to punch a tiny hole in the bottom of someones mug with a Philips screw driver. I would glue some paper underneath so it took a long time for their brew to drain out. A couple of guys bought metal mugs to stop this so I just drilled them or burned a hole with the acetylene set.


I superglued the bottoms of one guys overalls. As he was getting into them on one leg his foot wouldn't come out of the bottom. I took this opportunity to push him over......;)


My favourite of all time was whilst applying heat to a valve or some bolts I would put a little bit of heat on the spanner to the guy next to me. Very funny as you heard the Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww......a few seconds later!!


Also throwing metal swarf off a lathe into the flame of someone braising or using heat!


Oh the good old days!



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Swap a few keys round on the bloke who had no idea with computer's keyboard - hours of fun. :D


Classic! Worked wonders until a colleague blocked all his passwords and was screwed until the IT man came back from holiday!


Also go onto mouse settings in control panel, set it to left handed (or opposite) and set the speed to fast! Look on their face is priceless!!

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Guest dangerousandy

Haha!!! At my work they are plenty of opportunities to fcuk about and cause chaos. One of my favourites is when one of the other drivers is reversing a very expensive motor out of the valeting bay and creep up behind them and slap the side of the car!!! It always makes them jump:D Another good one is to swap the keyfobs over when the keys are left on the side - there's nothing funnier than watching someone trying to blip a car with the wrong key!! Also just plain old violence is order of the day at times, my boss is a cheeky bugger so me and my mate Chris beat him up and bundled him into the boot of a Golf Plus!!! see attached photographic evidence.....

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We have had a few in our office, There was one guy who was an easy target and he always used to bring jam donuts in every friday for the office. One friday afternoon there 1 was 1 left in the pack so we scuped the jam out and replaced it with Tomatoe Sauce, then covered over the hole with a little jam so it looked normal. The greedy git come back and asked if anyone wanted the last one to which we replied he could have it. He shoved it all in his mouth and then proceded to choke as he realised something wasn't right and spat nit out everywhere mummbling and swearing at us best he could.

I have to admit a bit of wee came out I was laughting that hard!!


We also doctored his passport with a picture of Rex the green dinosaur from Toystory and he didn't realise until he handed it over at the airport! He was not amused!

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Got another one...there is a new guy who started work at A.W.E and me and my mate wind him up something chronic especially when he is driving lol! :D

Honest to god, he cant drive but he has somehow passed his test?! :blink:

So, when he is driving, one of us shouts...STOP!!! Scares him everytime or when he reversing very slowly, one of us goes BANG!!!

We did this today, classic!! :D:D:D

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Guest Garfy

I've done a few of these,


1) make someone a cup of tea or coffee, make sure you fill it up nicely, but cover the bottom of the cup with hotmelt glue, then place it on their desk, sure enough a couple of seconds later its stuck fast, watch their face as they first realise its stuck, then they realise they can't just knock it off without spilling coffee everywhere, so they start to try to sip it up from the cup. :D:d


2) use some strong double sided tape to stick someones telephone reciever to the phone, when it rings they pick up the whole phone :D:d


3) another phone one, selotape over the mic, or ear peice.


4) we use dual screens in our office, swaping them round is always good, the mouse cursor ends up disapering of the wrong side of the screen


5) changing the auto correct within word, so that whenever they type their name it replaces it with w4nker


6) we often listen to itunes through headphones while working, a good one is to unplug the headphones and leave the speakers on, watch them put the headphones on, then turn the speakers up loader and louderm thinking the headphones aren't very loud, eventually they realise what they can hear is coming out of the speakers and we can all hear it!!!!

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