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Chinese Earthquake Travesty


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How terrible is it !

the Burma cyclone is bad,realy bad - but the info we have had so far is very limited due to restrictions,.

But the earthquake in China is mindboggling,.

so far 30,000 + dead and still counting.

My heart go`s out to China right now. :(

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Whatever it is, it's not a travesty, as that means something which fails to represent the values and qualities that it is intended to represent, in a way that is shocking or offensive. It's certainly a tragedy, but not a travesty.


Sorry, just one of those common misuses of English that irritates me.

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Burma refused aid at first, then let a couple planes land, then impounded those planes so the aid boxes could have logo/image of the military junta placed over the aid organisation logo in an attempt to make the Burmese population believe the aid was coming from their own rulers.


The Burmese leader spent £25 million (or there abouts) on his daughters wedding yet only stumped up £2.5 million in aid for his people (Gordon Brown has given them £17 million in aid, god knows what other countries have chucked into the pot).


Atleast China reacted quicker, shame their buildings are so poorly designed and collapsed, not sure whether its poor standards or dodgy builders...or a combo of both.


The Burnese suffer through poor/corrupt leadership, the Chinese suffered through poor buildings, terrible hearing about all the kids trapped in collapsed school buildings, especially when lots of them where new buildings.

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god knows what other countries have chucked into the pot)


Nothing into me...


My interpretation of it is (In my own blunt way)...


Burma had a bad thing happen, and were too proud to let aid come in from other countries, ie the shipments being stopped, and a few being let through with a generals name written on each crate...


China, being one of the worlds richest countries (If not the richest), has actually stood up and done something to help itself out against something that can't accurately be predicted...


However, I do wonder how they're going to use this to get the attention off the olympic torch stuff and tibet?...

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I am in China at the moment and i can say that the government and officials here are doing everything possible to help the victims.

They mobilised army personel very quickly and have accepted aid from near by countries and donations from worlwide countries.

The area affected is in some areas very remote... and many of the roads and communication links have been severed.

The expected number of dead is to be around 50,000.... this is a shocking number.

But earthquakes of this magnitude in that area are very rare..... hence the non-earthquake resilliant building design.

Japan is more likely to get earthquakes and all their modern buildings are built with this in mind. But in some areas of China there are many old buildings.... some that have been standing for 100's of years... Sichuan is a high population area that has not been affected much by modern building design....so there are a few factors as to why there have been many casualties.


Like what has been said China is coping with much of the work by itself.... there is a huge human resourse here in this country and it works more effective if they can keep all the aid workers organised and with easy native language communication.

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