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Things getting a bit bitchy?


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The forum is less bitchy than ever these days. Jeez, some of you guys should have seen it a few years ago. Most of the current newbies would be flamed on every post... :D


Clearly our standards are slipping :D

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Guest mattsupra

thats right bring me into it again


jeeeees give me a break (or even a kitkat) lol


im sorry if i speak out loud and say how i feel, just the way i was brought up and im sorry if i peed anyone off but i will NOT be told my car is a POS by someone who has never nor ever seen it etc


this is a good place to be when your not on the receiving end of it


and tbh i have had a few people tell me that this site and SOME of the people on here are a total waste of space etc etc but i am still here no matter what people have said and im not the kind of person to take something that is obviously "playground" material to hart, its just the constant bickering and basically being spitefullness (sp?) i dont like about it all


and also already said about people picking up on things what others might of said already or got wrong, "SO WHAT?" you dont have to be nasty about it and then take the p!ss out of them


just point them in the right direction or not at all


is that too much to ask of so called fellow enthusiasts ?


i think not


too many people on here with too much BLOODY TIME ON THEIR HANDS

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thats right bring me into it again


jeeeees give me a break (or even a kitkat) lol


im sorry if i speak out loud and say how i feel, just the way i was brought up and im sorry if i peed anyone off but i will NOT be told my car is a POS by someone who has never nor ever seen it etc


this is a good place to be when your not on the receiving end of it


and tbh i have had a few people tell me that this site and SOME of the people on here are a total waste of space etc etc but i am still here no matter what people have said and im not the kind of person to take something that is obviously "playground" material to hart, its just the constant bickering and basically being spitefullness (sp?) i dont like about it all


and also already said about people picking up on things what others might of said already or got wrong, "SO WHAT?" you dont have to be nasty about it and then take the p!ss out of them


just point them in the right direction or not at all


is that too much to ask of so called fellow enthusiasts ?


i think not


too many people on here with too much BLOODY TIME ON THERE HANDS


This was not aimed at you in any way fella!!


Sorry if my reference of your thread caused offence, it was not intended. I merely used it as a hobby horse to express my general feelings as to how some threads have progressed of late.


I am relatively new to this internet forum lark, so if I have stepped on anyones virtual toes due to my ignorance then I apologise.

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relaaxxxxx it's only a message board


If anything the aggressiveness of someone posting is usually inversely proportional to their age and maturity. If someone gives you grief it's more than likely a spotty 20 year old pumped up with testosterone (or someone acting like one). Is that really something to worry about?

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Guest mattsupra
This was not aimed at you in any way fella!!


Sorry if my reference of your thread caused offence, it was not intended. I merely used it as a hobby horse to express my general feelings as to how some threads have progressed of late.


I am relatively new to this internet forum lark, so if I have stepped on anyones virtual toes due to my ignorance then I apologise.


not at all fella


i was saying in general the same as you were


i think i need to make it public when im making a joke or not as i seem not to be understood

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Guest mattsupra

and over their is a smelly welshman


so why do i worry what he puts ?


errr smelly and welsh


wow now theres a combination lmao ;)


im 34 on 19th of this month and not spotty so whats my excuse ?


probably wishing i was 20 n spotty hey but ner mind lmao

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Guest mattsupra

well you should have it Homer as i thought i asked you about the members packs? lmfao :)


sorry i dont get it

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hey, I'm pretty new to this forum as well but altho I've had a few arguments I still think this is one of, if not the best, forum around. Yes, there are a few who are truley honest and 99% of the time its just an opinion.. Take it or leave it. Anyone who is unhappy with the way this forum works or is fed up with some of the members here should clearly find a forum more suited to there needs, or click the ignore icon.


I have found some good friends here and highly recomend this site to fellow enthusiasts who also take the Internet with a pinch of salt.


All I can say is anyone offended or easily upset needs to relax, have fun, ignore or accept any criticism and get on with enjoying the car that brought us all here in the first place. :D

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i agree smelly man some people have nothing better to do than pick on about little things:), maybe they have or had a miserable life:sly:


As you followed this up with the post below, I can only assume you were referring to me. Just to put the record straight. In the past I successfully ran several large companies and along the way amassed a goodly amount of money. This allowed me to retire out here to Kos but still keep 2 houses back in Britain - just in case.


Everyday I wake up to sunshine and saunter down to the beach to laze around or swim in the sea. In the the evenings I work at a friends bar meeting and greeting tourists - some of which are stunningly attractive ladies.


So, I guess you must be right. I have a miserable lifestyle. Oh, remind me again what you do for work? :)





clearly someone likes to go out his way to make me even more stupid im happy does not bother me :)

If you or anyone else would care to look back at your posts you would see that this is not possible. The inane, juvenile drivel you come out with could not possibly be improved upon.


Now, if you wish to continue this war of words I am more than happy to oblige but past experience tells me that you will quickly run out of bullets and capture and defeat would be swift. :)


Oh, BTW Mr Smellywelshman, I dont think the forum is that bad ATM :D

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The forum is less bitchy than ever these days. Jeez, some of you guys should have seen it a few years ago. Most of the current newbies would be flamed on every post... :D


Clearly our standards are slipping :D


Too right, I miss the old days. Bring back Mycroft!

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It's their by the way;)




I must remember that phrase "in a war of words you will quickly run out of bullets".




Reminds me of:


In a battle of wits you are unarmed.




Love comments like that, I have a mental store of put downs!!


I am sorry but you are never going to get hundreds of people on line and for them to agree on everything. I could argue with my own shadow but I have only had a couple of fiesty exchanges other members!!


Oh and I realise that 90% of my posts are taking the pi$$ but I am no different in real life, if it pops into my tiny brain then I tend to say it! None of this is done with any malice (probably)...:D


As Jerry says "Look after yourselves..........and each other!!"



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Poor Mycroft. I think he was just terribly misunderstood by the world.


I certainly "misunderstood" most of what he spouted! :D


Him and Dude used to have some right "set too's" eh? I wonder how he would cope today. Methinks the current style of the forum (and quite a few of the members) would have left him completely exasperated.

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The forum is less bitchy than ever these days. Jeez, some of you guys should have seen it a few years ago. Most of the current newbies would be flamed on every post... :D



I never understand why newbies get flamed, as newbies are the future of the club. Without newbies the club would die :)


Love the newbies dont flame them lol

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