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Grand Theft Auto 4 - Now with spoilers - w00t!!!1


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I crashed because i was controlling with my mouth....


You sure you weren't videoing with your mouth and controlling with your hands ;)


Everything you've said sounds cool, looks like there is so much to do and see it could take a very long time to see it all :) I really can't wait for this!

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The Online Modes as the mag puts it :


1) Cops N Crooks - 1 team Cops, 1 team Crooks, simple to guess what happens..

2) Hangmans Noose - 1 team protecting a VIP whilst everyone else has to hill him/her

3) GTA Race - Everyone attempts to beat a Supra, and loses badly

4) Mafiya (SIC) - Competing to complete various objectives against competitors, and probably the clock...


And various 'deathmatch levels' - Combined with the massive amoung of in game content (You don't have to eat to keep your strength up which is a good thing lost from SA) - And there's no massive drives from area to area, which really p!$$ed me off on SA, it's lots more better content, compacted into a beautiful city... Beautiful until the MkIVSupra gangsters get hold of it :D


I cant wait to get this game now after reading this:d

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well lads i will take back every thing i said... was playing till 3am once you get into it gets GOOD you start to learn silly little things.. like call 911 on your phone and get the police to show up.


I crashed because i was controlling with my mouth... each car handles different, best to try get a front wheel drive unless you like to drift you can get some sweet corners.. i will record some, I just got laid, i started to date a lady called michealle.. went on a few dates, went too a bar got totally plasterd and had to walk her home as there was no cabs!! when you take her home you get a option to try your luck! she invited me in and bonked her haha!


Its so relistic, i've been mugging people at cash points got myself $800 saved up :D however i've lost my pistol and shotgun as i got arrested tomany times, i plan to play none stop tonight!


forgot to mention the radio is soo good, kayne west flashing lights ect, the music it the strip club is soo good, i got find any prossies though.


Good for you, but what's the game like? :D

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On pre-order with play.com. Hubby informs me it has an integrated dating site??


Wonder how many men will be very interested in looking at that. :D


He will have trouble disguising he is looking at that though, with a 42 inch TV screen lol.


gettin mine from http://www.movietyme.com 31.99! bargain!


Good price, have you used them before, are they reliable? I.E. quicker then play.com?

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Been playing GTA4 since Friday (useful when you know a friend who owns a game shop...) mmm sleep depravation.


The cars do handle like they've all got leaf-spring suspension.. RWD, FWD, 4WD... handling is a lot harder than GTA3


The burnouts you can do until the tires pop is great :-)


The fact you can call up a cop car and then nick it, tap into the computer and become a vigilante killer is quite interesting...


Oh and get in a taxi, pick a route then tell the taxi driver to nail it. They're absolute nutters!

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I just got an e-mail from Play saying my collector's edition's been despatched, and to expect a 3-5 day delivery :(


Not fair :( my status on play still says preordered, so we won't get it till weekend then SOB!!! :cry:


Or maybe not just found this additional info on play:


We are currently sold out on this item. All orders will be dispatched on a first come first served basis


I only ordered it yesterday so I be bottom of the pile. :(

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The people at work can't believe I've taken the rest of the week off, just to 'play a computer game', they're just not worthy of it...


I know.... my mates keep saying the same to me :) I've only got 2 days off to play it though...


I think that most of the places opening at midnight have already pre-sold their allocation of the game... bit mad really, I think I'm top of my local 'Games' pre-order list too... Maybe they'll be giving away free tv's like Sony did... ;)

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How about the places you wouldn't normally think of getting one, WH Smith, P!ssy Werld, Comet, Currys?...


Thats the backup plan!!


I've even drawn up a route of places to visit if Game have run out. Sad or what! :D

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Right I have a bit of a predicament, please advise :D, I have ordered the special edition from HMV but it still says 'order not yet processed'. So should I cancel it and cruise around asda, HMV and whatever else there may be at midnight for the special edition or should I keep the order and buy just a normal copy of the game at midnight and then sell it when I get my special edition (whenever that might be :rolleyes: ) Or wait for it to be processed and hope they send it out on next day delivery, yes I have waited years for this so whats a few more days but I know there's is alot of you out there who realise that each day is like a year for this game :D

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