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Although why you happen have the absolute best, solid metal 2ft long maglite just in case you have a powercut, might raise an eyebrow :p


My mum bought it for me one Christmas and it's always sat by bed/in the car if I'm on a long journey (in case I break down and get stuck out when it gets dark ;)). It's my only torch and so has come in handy on a few occassions during powercuts. Also, having been burgled this year, I'd happily introduce it to the chavs who did it if they return for seconds.

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I used to know someone who had some steel pipes sewn into the lower sleeves of his Parker, from elbow to wrist...I'd guess 4" dia and 1/4" wall maybe. He made quite a name for himself down the Hunting Lodge in Berwick. He was of a mind to protect himself, the local Polis thought otherwise.

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We've been burgled a few times in the past and since then my Dad keeps a baseball bat by the side of his bed.


He mentioned this in passing once to our soilicitor who we see a lot through work. She then told my Dad that if he was to attack an intruder with it he would be prosecuted.


Although, if it was my Mom who attacked the intruder (or my Mom just said it was her ;)) then that's classed as self defense because she's a women and wouldn't be able to defend herself properly without it.


Worth knowing I guess...


The law has changed very recently...to allow 'reasonable defensive force' to be used against an attacker or robber.


As mentioned, reasonable is classed as if he comes at you with a knife, you can disarm him and stab him with it :innocent::D


Sounds fair to me...

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Hold on a sec, has everyone missed the fact that he was on the run because he hadn't appeared in court to answer "armed robbery" charges? What the f**k is going on there? Why was he allowed bail? Anyone who has been charged with any type of offence involving a weapon, unless there are bloody good mitigating circumstances should be held on remand surely?


Sometimes the legal / justice / prison system in this country is a joke.


My personal opinion is that if someone is bailed or paroled and goes on to commit serious offences then the person responsible for them being released into the general public should be held in some way responsible. I'm sure that would make them think twice about who really is a danger to the public.

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its a frightening thought i mean what would you do if an intruder was in your house and you bashed the kids brains out in a fit of fear and anger. then realizing you are going to get bent over by the law:blink:


That's an intriguing point...Hide the evidence I say ;):D


But honestly it does depend..was your life or your family's genuinely being threatened or were they clearly after your wide-screen? :search:


Fu*k it-Kill them! :D


Wait a minute... I like how you literally tried to hide the old "Tree mincing machine" comment from your first post...good boy


I'm guessing you've seen "Fargo"?

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We've been burgled a few times in the past and since then my Dad keeps a baseball bat by the side of his bed.


He mentioned this in passing once to our soilicitor who we see a lot through work. She then told my Dad that if he was to attack an intruder with it he would be prosecuted.


Although, if it was my Mom who attacked the intruder (or my Mom just said it was her ;)) then that's classed as self defense because she's a women and wouldn't be able to defend herself properly without it.


Worth knowing I guess...


He'd do well to keep a dress and a wig next to the bed too....

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  • 4 months later...


That is great news and some real progress.


I've not mentioned it on here, but I nearly got in trouble a few months back after punching someone who tried to nick my phone. He was running away (with my phone!) so I knocked him out causing him to smash his nose and face up after face-planting the road. However the officers involved didn't want push the matter (they were very sympathetic) but was warned that if charges were pressed I could get done for GBH (or ABH, I forget) :rolleyes: Seems that even with this new change in policy I could have still been done for it :(

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That is great news and some real progress.


I've not mentioned it on here, but I nearly got in trouble a few months back after punching someone who tried to nick my phone. He was running away (with my phone!) so I knocked him out causing him to smash his nose and face up after face-planting the road. However the officers involved didn't want push the matter (they were very sympathetic) but was warned that if charges were pressed I could get done for GBH (or ABH, I forget) :rolleyes: Seems that even with this new change in policy I could have still been done for it :(


Similar thing happend to my uncle, caught sum scum stealing his car radio chased him down the street caught him and smacked him soo hard in the face he knocked his tooth out. In the end he ended up getting screwed for it.

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so long as people people can differentiate between using reasonable force in self defenceand going beyond that then you would never have a problem. The policy change IMO is unneeded, since so long as you are reasonable with the force you use then you are ok.


People always bring Tony Martin up, but at the end of the day he shot a bloke in the back as he ran away.


As for Homer protecting his property, reasonable force = good defence... Stabbing thebloke 12 times = worse than thief

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Sometimes the legal / justice / prison system in this country is a joke.



Sometimes USUALLY the legal / justice / prison system in this country is a joke. Along with just about all the other systems / taxes / restrictions / political correctness etc.

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