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John Howard Speech about immigrants


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this would be different in britain, or even other parts of europe where culture and lifestyle has been developed over hundreds of years. In the Quran it says that you must live by the law of the land you are in. Unless it forces you into unislamic behaviour. I havent found any laws in this country that have forced me to do that, and youll find most non-whites are assimilated.

However Australia and the founded on immigration with a history going back max 300 years, prattle on about immigrants when they killed all of them and then settled in their homes.

Australia is like the israel of oceania

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yep same here, I totally agree, the country is a state and cant see it recovering.....whos up for Oz then :D


the man that swings this country back to how it used to be and restore real british values will be a hero overnight


Mikey please explain to me what real british values are please, as I havent found a single person who can answer that question at all.


the only two answer i get is Pub!

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really? heard of the lost generations then?


Having strong ties with Australia and having lived their for a number of years I have a GOOD understanding of the history thanks and if I wanted a lesson I would have tuned into the History channel, whilst I am well aware we all have different opinions I am OFFENDED by that quote and I have rarely got annoyed on this forum in all the years and will not pass further comment as I seriously risk blowing my top.

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You make that sound like a bad thing? :)


no not saying it like taht mate. Pub is not my thing but if people are saying that british culture is the pub then how is that being eroded away as there are more pubs than ever!.


Basically I was born in Britain and have lived all over the country, Each part is different, I mean you should have seen my reaction when I first saw the Goose fair in Tavistock in Devon!!


People who say that anyone non-white are eroding away their culture in conversation with their mates are the same ones that would say to me 'not you mate you're alright you are, its the other ones' which is like saying, youre welcome but dont bring your dad round because hes got an accent! anyway im babbling now but ill just deposit my 2 penneth ;)


the reason why people come over here from abroad and why British culture is eroding is this:


1. our benefit system over here is crazy, its really really easy to get state handouts, while the majority of people work super hard for their money and pay tax. If somebody earns £200 a year living on a dump site in bangalore why would that not be appealing?


2. Government policy, which has only changed since 2006 of housing asylum seekers and refugees in poor areas, already overloaded for resources then being further overloaded and building major resentment.


3. It is really really easy to come over and settle in a community (brtadford, east london etc) where you will never have to learn English as everyone is from a particular country. say in bradford most pakistanis are from a place called mir pur near kashmir and in stepney green from sylhet in bangladesh. This is bloody unacceptable


4. An explanation about what british culture actually is. Rather than people saying 'theyre eroding our culture' all the time. How can anyone ask an immigrant to follow british culture if no-one knows what it is. British culture used to be the Postie, the milkman, both eroded by British companies, everyone used to know their neighbours, now how many people go to their neighbours for tea?


5. separation ofd church and state. Everyone should follow the rules made up by the justice system, if you dont want to then there are plenty of other millions of square miles of land around the world where you could live. Im a Muslim and I practice, I go to the mosque, do my prayers etc,m but I also know and accept this is a secular country and behave accordingly. This is not a 'Christian' country, nobody here goes to church, and if you did follow christian rules then there would be no alchohol in this country.


anyway im talking too much now so ill stop and watch terminator the sarah connor chronicles lol

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no not saying it like taht mate. Pub is not my thing but if people are saying that british culture is the pub then how is that being eroded away as there are more pubs than ever!.


Basically I was born in Britain and have lived all over the country, Each part is different, I mean you should have seen my reaction when I first saw the Goose fair in Tavistock in Devon!!


People who say that anyone non-white are eroding away their culture in conversation with their mates are the same ones that would say to me 'not you mate you're alright you are, its the other ones' which is like saying, youre welcome but dont bring your dad round because hes got an accent! anyway im babbling now but ill just deposit my 2 penneth ;)


the reason why people come over here from abroad and why British culture is eroding is this:


1. our benefit system over here is crazy, its really really easy to get state handouts, while the majority of people work super hard for their money and pay tax. If somebody earns £200 a year living on a dump site in bangalore why would that not be appealing?


2. Government policy, which has only changed since 2006 of housing asylum seekers and refugees in poor areas, already overloaded for resources then being further overloaded and building major resentment.


3. It is really really easy to come over and settle in a community (brtadford, east london etc) where you will never have to learn English as everyone is from a particular country. say in bradford most pakistanis are from a place called mir pur near kashmir and in stepney green from sylhet in bangladesh. This is bloody unacceptable


4. An explanation about what british culture actually is. Rather than people saying 'theyre eroding our culture' all the time. How can anyone ask an immigrant to follow british culture if no-one knows what it is. British culture used to be the Postie, the milkman, both eroded by British companies, everyone used to know their neighbours, now how many people go to their neighbours for tea?


5. separation ofd church and state. Everyone should follow the rules made up by the justice system, if you dont want to then there are plenty of other millions of square miles of land around the world where you could live. Im a Muslim and I practice, I go to the mosque, do my prayers etc,m but I also know and accept this is a secular country and behave accordingly. This is not a 'Christian' country, nobody here goes to church, and if you did follow christian rules then there would be no alchohol in this country.


anyway im talking too much now so ill stop and watch terminator the sarah connor chronicles lol



losing interest in our religion is whats screwed this country because if we were all religious nuts we wouldn't have let non christians in.


on the other hand having a multi cultural society can also be seen as a good thing due to the massive contributions these other cultures have made to the uk

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... This is not a 'Christian' country, nobody here goes to church, and if you did follow christian rules then there would be no alchohol in this country.


I could disagree with other points but will just stick on this one for the time being.


Can you explain to me why you think this is not a Christian country and why you think Christianity does not approve of alcohol?

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losing interest in our religion is whats screwed this country because if we were all religious nuts we wouldn't have let non christians in.


on the other hand having a multi cultural society can also be seen as a good thing due to the massive contributions these other cultures have made to the uk


Not so much losing our religion as much as losing our pride in the class in which we were born...


Working class and proud of it...? Dont make me laugh... I covet what I cant afford and haven't earned...! Bung me another credit card and a packet of fags


Middle class values...? - from the pages of the Daily Mail and pass me the cocaine!


Upper class virtues...? Inbred away :)


BTW - going to a mosque doesn't make anyone a good muslim - no more than going to church improves the moral attitudes of those who attend.


In fact it appears it is the failure of the majority of high ranking/regarded muslims (inc the 'clergy') to condemn the actions of the minority and help guide the young men to the more considered path and of that preached by your religion....


Just my 2 p's worth :)

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Can you explain to me why you think this is not a Christian country and why you think Christianity does not approve of alcohol?


Because the Bible says no. Or it certainly does in the version I own.


Interesting though since I’m a Methodist and we are not meant to drink, although Roman Catholics (Note the word Roman and not English) use it in the communion.


losing interest in our religion is whats screwed this country because if we were all religious nuts we wouldn't have let non christians in.



Where should I start with that? – Interesting comment but hardly thought out is it!?


Religion in this country caused a civil war and has indirectly and directly killed thousands over the years. One of the reasons why people have stopped following it is due to its chequered background.


As for 'religious nuts' are you referring to the Methodists, or the Roman Catholic or the Church of England ones? (or are they meant to fight with each other to see who wins). My point is that if we were all religious it could cause extreme consequences in a different way (i.e. lets nuke the non Christian heathens in Iran) – (which imp not actually against just for the record).




on the other hand having a multi cultural society can also be seen as a good thing due to the massive contributions these other cultures have made to the uk


What lets the UK down in my opinion is the fact that we fail to draw the line effectively between 'useful' immigrants (which we need) and those which we don't need or want. Countries like America and Australia seem to have much more effective immigration controls and policies which we are years behind on. If these were tightened up on (and I think they are being) then we might reach a good level.

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In fact it appears it is the failure of the majority of high ranking/regarded muslims (inc the 'clergy') to condemn the actions of the minority and help guide the young men to the more considered path and of that preached by your religion....


Important point that. I normally don't talk about religion because it's a good way to an argument in most cases, but I like this topic. That little speech has been made in a number of countries over there years in one way or another. I am tolerant, I am giving, I am not however willing to accept those who refuse to adapt to the society, culture, ways, and language of my country.


I've spent some time with and around Muslims in several parts of the world. I myself am not Muslim. Being of the Muslim faith does not make you a bad person. I'll tell you this though; the inabilities of peoples in a multicultural society to be tolerate and accepting of each other causes more problems than religion itself. I don't care where you come from, what color your skin is, or what religion you're born into. That is something you cannot change. What you can change is the way you interact with your environment and how you treat others. If I moved to China, I damn sure wouldn't expect everyone to wave my flag and speak English. Why should we be any different?

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"We should continue to bow to immigrant pressure"


I'll store that one as a perfect example of a leading question/option.

Danger in Designing a "Bad" Questionnaire: In designing a questionnaire the following points should be observed in its design:


[blah blah]


* Leading questions should not be asked. A "leading question" is one that suggests the answer, e.g. the question �Don�t you agree that all sensible people use XYZ soap?� suggests the answer "yes"


From http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/stat-data/Surveys.htm


Also, interesting how some posters are still busy agreeing with John Howard despite the fact that, as Thorin pointed out early on, he didn't actually say any of it. The Australian closest to expressing similar attitudes was Peter Costello.


No comment on the politics.

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i got an infraction for swearing since when have they been handed out for that?


what a downer im nearly out of flippin points


Hey , i got some the other day and thought it was a good thing first and then realised what they were for.


And on this subject of religion, i am muslim and class myself as a British muslim NOT pakistani muslim.

I was born here and bought up in this society and do not really have a problem with what was said in that speech.

The speech should apply to ALL immigrants and yes they should learn the langauge and ways of the country they decide to live in.

I say it myself to people i meet from time to time who moan about this country is wrong and trying to do this and that and tell them if u dont like it or u want to live differently then stop rinising the benefit system and move some where else.

I get fed up myself with the welfare system and how easy it is to get handouts which come from hard and overworked british people.

There is endless number of grants for immigrants and constant we should do this and that and the gov't has forgot the people that were born here.

It's too late now as there are too many immigrants here already and draining the resources of this country.

Like i said before i was born here and i want to leave here and go somewhere else in the world soon as i have the funds to do so.

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...interesting how some posters are still busy agreeing with John Howard despite the fact that, as Thorin pointed out early on, he didn't actually say any of it.


I thought we were discussing the vid I posted! :D



[not aimed at anyone in particular]

I'd rather Britain didn't become a multi-cultural land, not because I'm racist, just because it's all gets a bit confusing!

The law is bad enough as it is, but wearing a turban means you don't need a crash helmet and Muslim school children can wear what they want instead of the uniform.

It's not a case of claiming what exactly makes someone eligible to live here, it's just the fact that certain immigrants appear to be hell bent on changing something for the sake of it, all under the banner of religion and human rights!!!

Come here and live by the rules that are in place, fine. But why take all that we offer for you and then try and get more!!!!!

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Because the Bible says no. Or it certainly does in the version I own.


Interesting though since I’m a Methodist and we are not meant to drink, although Roman Catholics (Note the word Roman and not English) use it in the communion.


I'm sorry, had I known you had become the OP's spokesman, I would have addressed the question to you.


Anyway, can you tell me which passage of verses bans alcohol? I ask as I had always thought that in the Bible it stated that Jesus Christ had performed a miracle whereby he turned water to wine and during the last supper also encouraged the disciples to drink it too.


Ah, so there are no English Catholics then eh? :rolleyes:

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