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Gareth Davies

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Ok as always i'm stuck and need your help...


Wired up the field harness... No problems (yeah honestly!)

Taken dash apart (no problems yet...)


Found something that could be the ABS ECU (I'll post a pic in a sec). Very beige box on top of the stereo, with ABS written on it (I ain't falling for that one though)...


Trouble is, the wiring looks nothing at all like the diagram racelogic supplied, there's 3 connection blocks with a variety of multi-coloured wires.


Hmmm any ideas?

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Ok some piccies,






I think the biege thing on top of the stereo is it, but the third piccy shows there are three connectors (where the wiring diagram shows two), and none of the wire colours match...


For large pics.


Pic 1 - Dash

Pic 2 - Close

Pic 3 - Back

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The plastic box on top of the head-unit is the antenna control.  The ABS ECU is the ally box sitting on top of the transmission tunnel behind the head unit.




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Ha ha, I knew that was too easy... i'm sure the a**ehole in japan that thought that up is laughing in his grave (since i'm sure with humour like that someone will have bumped him off by now)....


So the ABS ECU is...




I thought it was, since it looks as annoying to get to as everyone said... added problem is that doesn't fit the colours / wiring diagrams either :(


Thanks Ash, good save ;)

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Guest Mycroft

Adam, Wonderful image, a joy to read!


Heading off to oblivion listening to Britney Spears nasally intone #whoops I did it again#, loud enough toburst your eardrums its sufficient to make you wish for the coming end.


(Edited by Mycroft at 1:34 pm on Mar. 23, 2002)

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Ha, actually it would have read the antenna information as the wheel speeds... i'm sure the injector pattern might have been a little strange ;)


Just a thought, could someone send me the UK spec ABS wiring, the plug on the left only has 12 pins, and the other ones colours are wrong... (since the car has UK spec brakes, maybe they change the ABS unit too? Long shot city I know...)


Anyone that says I should have given it to racelogic will be summarily executed... assuming they would have touched it at all with the ECU in the state it is.

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In my wiring diagrams, the UK and Jap spec ABS units have the same  number of pins in each socket, just the location of sensor pins that changes.


When you say the colours are wrong, what do you mean, in my diagrams only  pin locations are given the colours relate to the RL abs signal wires.


(Edited by Phil Wall at 12:24 am on Mar. 24, 2002)

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Guest Martin F


This could of developed into a very funny thread....:biggrin:


That ABS on the top box is the type of plastic the box is made out of, the only mod you want to do on that one is to sling it out of the window!


As for the ABS ecu, the pin numbers don't seem to correlate with the available diagrams but the wire colours do. The wires are also of a slightly thicker gauge than the surrounding ones.


Do you have the electrical diagrams from MKIV.com (obvioulsy i mean the backup site). ?




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Thanks for the help guys.


I have the wiring diagrams from mkiv but they just seem to match what racelogic have on their diagram. The colours on the smaller plug almost match (it's blue, blue/purple rather than blue / purple, at the top left and bottom right pins). The wires on the main plug are not even remotely similar.


So i'll try hunt down the wire colours that are a slightly large guage... at least these ones are reads not intercepts... that could have been even more fun.


I'm glad i'm not the only one to have this problem though. I think i'm going to have to make a field harness for the ABS ECU though ;)

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Cut the red wire, no the blue.... BANG....


Hmmm, isn't this amusing, ok while little bro is playing with the wires we've selected, went to charge the laptop so we can check it out... realising one fatal flaw...


I don't actually have Grahams application, or some dat files to feed it :) Did this ever get put on the web somewhere? Or could someone please email it to me? Cheers.


Tyres are 275/35/18, 245/40/18 since that seems a popular question (so any dats near this would be top). Maybe we should right a wizard to built Supra settings off of the tyre sizes?


We've got a "cunning plan" for the ABS wiring too that might help everyone with their installs in the future if it pays off too...

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Why anyone would care I don't know, but just to keep you updated at what we've been doing...


Removal of Dash                         (5 minutes)


Removal of Carpet / Ecu cover      (5 minutes)


Removal of ECU plug to fit harness (1.5 hours) : Thank Mines, bunch of lamers...                       (screw that attaches plug doesn't come off enough).


Fitting of field harness                  (5 minutes)


ABS wiring,                                 (15 minutes) : i'll detail the method for this when I know it hasn't caused our problems...


Fit unit and control box / loom       (20 minutes, next to gear lever).


Replace ECU cover...                     N/A                                                                            (how the heck does one fit the field harness under that???).


Start up, injectors fine, RPM fine, ABS NONE right... hmmm may as well have attached it to the antenna control ;). When ABS connected causes ABS fault on dash (least we got the right ECU :) )... funny since they're all read-only's...


So i'll have to find out what the right pins are from RL / Toyota...


I will fit this, even if it's the last thing I do... which unfortionatly is looking more and more likely ;)

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Guest Martin F


Man you are having a time of it!!!!!


Didn't the ABS sensor wire colours on the MKIV.com diagrams match up with any of the wires going into your ABS ECU ?


If i ever do another install i'll be sure to make notes on this area.

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FWIW.....I have semi installed RLTC today too, and the ABS wire positions and colours on the supplied diagram matched my j'spec.


A19-9 White

A19-6 Red

A18-8 Blue

A18-9 Purple


I fitted the RLTC ECU on top of the ABS ECU after removing the Active spoiler control unit (surplus due to FMIC)

Wiring the ABS was straightforward after I pulled the loom out into the drivers footwell....plenty of room ;)


By far the biggest arse was fitting the multi block connector pins (No Fields harness for me:( ) My sausage fingers didn't help........

Is it me or are they for larger gauge wire??

I couldn't trust the crimped joints, so soldered them too



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Glad you managed it to get it done Matt. I'm sure we would have had one hell of a time if we didn't have a field harness... then again if it took you less than 1.5 to solder it then you beat my time :)


We soldered the multiloks as well, just better that way. Luckily we put the ABS wires on bulletts... so they could be disconnected faster. The pulling the loom into the drivers well was definatly the better way to do it...

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