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My car is fixed !!!!!!


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Yeah!! I'm soooo happy! My car is fixed and is running better than before.

Clutch & flywheel were completely, utterly, absolutely positively fooked! Blue heat spots all over the flywheel and 1mm left of friction material left.


Replaced with an RPS Street Sport & a New Stock Flywheel, Full Service & MOT. (Needed a friendly place as it would failed on noisy RSR). Gear change is sooo smooth now - it's not even clunky anymore.


Ok all this little lot cost just over £1350 in the space of a month. But well worth it. Want send a big thanks to my good friend Chris Clarke for shedding blood over it while getting it back on the road .. and when the Transmission fell on his leg .. claret pissing everywhere I'm told! :)


Though Chris - may not read this bbs, sent him the link. Job well done!

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Yeah!! I'm soooo happy! My car is fixed and is running better than before.

Clutch & flywheel were completely, utterly, absolutely positively fooked! Blue heat spots all over the flywheel and 1mm left of friction material left.


Replaced with an RPS Street Sport & a New Stock Flywheel, Full Service & MOT. (Needed a friendly place as it would failed on noisy RSR). Gear change is sooo smooth now - it's not even clunky anymore.


Ok all this little lot cost just over £1350 in the space of a month. But well worth it. Want send a big thanks to my good friend Chris Clarke for shedding blood over it while getting it back on the road .. and when the Transmission fell on his leg .. claret pissing everywhere I'm told! :)


Though Chris - may not read this bbs, sent him the link. Job well done!



Never seen a car fail the MOT with a loud exhaust !!!!

Its allowed to make the noise 'expected of a car of that type ' no MOT stations have a noise meter !!!


Dude :tongue:

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Dude, neither had I. But the Thames Valley Police are a surly bunch. I got pulled once at 6.30am in the morning for a noisy pipe ... the cozzer told me to get it seen to and then let me go. Thames Valley are right bunch!


And it's a gray area in the law about noise. And the garages don't want any comeback on them.

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God must really hate me! The caprious, Dirty little Fecker!


As above car repaired back on the road - yesterday since november when my clutch started to die.


Well, this evening @ 23:45 heard a thud-thud noise ... hmmm says I. Then the car is veering to the left. Oh FFS!!! says I - "Why me ?!"

Pulls over .. and yes it's a puncture. So, whips out the spare, jack and nut-brace.


Align the jack and tension it with a few turns.


10 minutes to get the locking disk off the wheel to get at the wheel nuts. Loosen 4 of the nuts. But the 5th one requires my locking nut. No problem! I've got the nut! I now remember that I don't have a wheelbrace that will fit the the 3/4 inch locking nut .. ment to buy one but never got round to it.


Ok - no problem says I. Brake down cover! Found out that my cover expired 8 days ago!! And the person on the end of the phone .. can't cover me as of now - because their sales team is not available and they are simply an afterhours call center!!!


I'm usually a very patient person, placid and takes alot for me to loose my temper. But all of the above added to the fact that not 1 day ago .. just shelled out about £1300 ... the tyre thing was just the icying on the cake.


I'm by the roadside, standing in front of the car. It's cold, dark ... torch is out of batteries. I'm using my phone's LCD screen as a torch. I've got a puncture. I don't

have a wheelbrace that fits a 3/4inch nut. My break-down cover expired a week ago and they can't set me up again till the morning. I've having a serious sense of humor failure - like a Basil Fawlty moment. It's 12.25am. I want to a cup of coffee and I could kill for a cigerette (even tho I'm 7 months quit)


Like - stamping by the roadside having a pissy and shouting "Oh FFS!! You dirty fecking whoring cnuty barsteward!!"


But, rings my dad (bless him) and he comes out with a socket set. Loosens all bolts to finger-tight. Jacks car up, off comes the wheel. No obvious sign of puncture.. nails etc. Leaky valve thinks I ? ... Spare wheel goes on. Job done.


I've just got home .. and just heard on the tv someone say "God is everywhere."


Yeah he is ... Nosey bastard!


Phew! Ok rant over.

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I know i shouldn't laugh but i can't help it. I can imagine you out there bashing the front of the car with a small tree :tongue:


Well thank god for your dad. Last time i went to change my tyres i found 3 out of 4 locking nuts pretty much welded on. Garage couldn't help, so i go down ATS who then kill my locking nut adaptor/key. Luckily a mechanic who my dad uses took a look and sorted it out.


Hey, and if it' a leaky valve then you may not have to shell out on a new boot.

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I tell you now .. I was going mental! Not a happy clarkey chappy! In hindsight - I see the funny side of it now. :) But back then .. I even told the car "Oh, Feck you n'all !!!"




If I was driving a ford escort or something ... then I think I might have uprooted the nearest bush, thistle or bonsai tree .. and proceeded to give the thing the damn thing a good thrashing. Maybe kicked it a few times.


Because it was like one thing after another in the short space of 30 minutes. And my patience was starting grow thin. And I was starting to lose my temper.


But as was in the Supe and not in my sister's pearlscent pink :blink: vauxhall agila .. I had to settle for verbal abuse.


So, will be visting Mr Tyre-Man tomrrow and pray that it's repairable .. could do without paying out another £130 for a tyre.

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I had a similar experience e few years ago but I was 130 miles or so away from home and the parents were on holiday! cover had expired a few weeks back and was gone 2:00am in the morning. Was a 1997 Celica and the clutch had totally burnt out :(


Spent about an hour shouting and stomping up and down but there was nothing I could do at all. Had a friend who does amatuer rallies and he has a low trailer etc but he had been out on the Raz and I couldn't raise him! was cursing his innocent sole as well.


I ended up sleeping in the bloody car till morning when my friend woke up and listened to his 50 odd messages and he came and trailered me home.


I hate being stuck when I cant do anything about it. Needless to say my AA cover is now renewed automatically by DD.



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Now that it's daylight .. I find a 1" gash on the inside of the tyre. So just spent £124 for a replacement Good year F1. :banghead:


Anyone want to place a wager on what's going go wrong next ? :rolleyes: :p


Turbo's are always a good one! :devil:


Hope you're going to be alright for a while now...

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I have a story with my old Rover Coupe... the car failing was mixed with a few (personal) accidents too!


Id just bought it back in 1999, and it had an allegedly top of the range Toad "Smoke Defense" system installed. Cant get the bloody refills anymore but thats another story. :banghead:


Anyway, I took the car out first day, no problems.


Mum and dad went away the next day (Friday) so I think "Ill take the car for a spin". So I did, was driving along and took a right hand turn. Everything goes off. All the electrics/power die, cant start the car as the alarm had armed itself and was "ticking" like mad and the unit was red hot.


So there I am, in the middle of nowhere, with no money, and a dead mobile phone. Had to walk to a pub and ask the bartender for 10p to phone the place where I bought the car, who argued at first, but then told me to bring it back in. So no less than three people came out.. one in an escort transit van, one in a trailer that "wasnt big enough" and a third kindly old guy who went out his way to help.


Car goes away to be reparied. Told me the "brain" needed reprogramming which I thought was weird. Anyway, no worries I thought, Ill go out on the piss tonight and get the car back whenever.


So out I go, get pissed, then at the end of the night on the way home I decide to give my mate a piggy back (lol) and then in my infinite wisdom try to run. BANG! :banghead: I fall head first onto the pavement with his weight on top of me and nothing to break my fall. Genius. Still have the scars to this day.


Anyway, get the car back two days later with nice mess of a face. Take it down a dual carriageway and was turning again round a roundabout and OFF went the power - everything. Same problem. Irate didnt come close. So I had to go to a garage and ask to use their phone. Place where I bought the car picks me and car up.


Turned out a short had been caused because the previous alarm hadnt been removed properly. This happened one more time before it was resolved completely.


Bah! Oh well I thought. So a further week passes and I go out again. Mum and Dad back the next day and I wake up with a messy house. "Bastard mates" I think for leaving it like this, and slam the front door in anger... my hand then goes through the glass and back again and tears me a 2 inch very very deep gash (literally) 1mm away from my vein on my wrist. It bled like buggery but an inch to the left and I couldve been in shit as I was on my own, no car to get anywhere and no money to get a taxi to the hosptial with a smashed window that Id done to report to my parents when they got back.


So that, whilst it didnt cost me loads, was most definetly the worst two weeks of my life as I had the car fail three times and gained two permanent scars.


It may not surpirse you also that I dont drink much at all now. Weed never made me want to give piggy backs anyway :)

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Jesus Paul! That's mad!! ... Today I left a tenner in my jeans pocket. Washed my jeans & now I'm left with a dripping bit of paper mache.

Oh fundy-fundy-fundy-funfun. :lalala: With any luck it'll dry out


and oxy has got a £50 on your virginity :devil:


Haha .. y'know for such a little mofo, you're actually quite funny! :) :stickpoke

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