paul mac Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 what a crap thread, i thought this was about shedding pounds off our favourite japanese cars not how many points there are in a mars bar . . . faggots, i'm off to tech section Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pabs Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Well done mate, that's a great achievement! I'm trying to shape up at the moment (ever since the people at the gym actually used the word "fat" to describe me - far from the truth) but it takes a lot of will power and physical effort than you'd imagine! Well done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SUPRASUZUKI Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Might be tricky on the 2nd day, when the agonizing pains from day 1 are all over your stomach, even going for a crap can have issues complicated by achey stomach muscles Kill or cure mate:D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keancy Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 I did quite a lot of reading up on the subject beforehand, one thing that nearly all the 'experts' said was that you can't target a specific area of the body when the aim is to lose body fat. Stored fat is used up equally from all areas when the body starts burning it. So, it's a simple case of ensuring your daily calorie intake is less than the amount you're burning. Obviously some sort of physical activity helps increase the difference between consumed and burnt calories. It's also very important to ensure that you maintain a balance between fat, protein and carbs, too little in either area will have detrimental effects. The body need some fat intake, so a diet should include 'good' fat intake Aside from the Gym or 'normal' sport activities, the biggest calorie burners: DIY, Car mechanics and making love Well I am doomed then. I work in an Office so I sit on my backside all day, as for making love a lot................................. I been Married almost 15 years you work it out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marco Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Way to go matey! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_Lynz_ Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Well done, that's a lot of weight in a short time you must have loads of self discipline...something I could use a bit of. You've spurred me on now to try harder so thanks for that;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Well done Darryl, that's an impressive amount of weight you've lost there. I really must lose some weight. I did go on a diet in 2003 and managed to go from 15½stone at the end of July to 13 stone in December - but then I gave it up at xmas and by the following Dec I was back to 15 stone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobSheffield Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Nice one Darryl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Syed Shah Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Well Done - now get to the gym and put on some muscle - with help ensure you don't put the fat back on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carl_S Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 As of today I achieved my target of getting consistently below 13st 10lb Towards the end of last year I began a bit of a lifestyle change after weighing in at a colossal 17st 10lb. Nothing too dramatic, just cutting down on junk food, regular exercise and cutting down on beer. So, after 5 months, I've lost 4 stone and dropped 9 inches on my waist, 10 inches on chest and 11 inches round the belly. I feel great now, no more sweating after climbing a few flights of stairs, can shop in 'normal' clothes stores and can have the occasional meal out without feeling guilty. Can't believe I got so overweight and unfit in the first place, but can see how easy it is to get into a bad lifestyle.. Thanks to all those who posted in the previous meal suggestions thread, the replies helped a great deal and kept me from straying to fast food Anyway, sorry for the random and attention whoring thread, but after all these months, this is a huge personal acheivement so thought it worth mentioning here - perhaps even a little motivation for those others also wanting to lose some weight Nice mate, It's amazing what you can do with a little support and the desire to stick at it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyT Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 As of today I achieved my target of getting consistently below 13st 10lb Towards the end of last year I began a bit of a lifestyle change after weighing in at a colossal 17st 10lb. Nothing too dramatic, just cutting down on junk food, regular exercise and cutting down on beer. So, after 5 months, I've lost 4 stone and dropped 9 inches on my waist, 10 inches on chest and 11 inches round the belly. I feel great now, no more sweating after climbing a few flights of stairs, can shop in 'normal' clothes stores and can have the occasional meal out without feeling guilty. Can't believe I got so overweight and unfit in the first place, but can see how easy it is to get into a bad lifestyle.. Thanks to all those who posted in the previous meal suggestions thread, the replies helped a great deal and kept me from straying to fast food Anyway, sorry for the random and attention whoring thread, but after all these months, this is a huge personal acheivement so thought it worth mentioning here - perhaps even a little motivation for those others also wanting to lose some weight Huge achievement full stop. Takes the P out of those programmes on TV. Congratulations, bet you're well chuffed to say the least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ozz Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Argh, sit ups and Jogging NIGHTMARE. And I did give up Beer everyday but Friday and Saturday. Then I have about 4-5 pints. I'm not keen on jogging and situps as mentioned won't help much in shifting fat. Something I tried years ago and have started again this year is Tae Bo. You can get the DVDs of ebay cheap, billy blanks is the trainer. Its a mixture of 'martial arts' moves and fitness and believe me you will not make it through even his introductions for the first few times! Its different though and keeps your interest as there are different workouts. Great for all ages as well. No its not going to make you into Bruce Lee (or Betty Lee) but its fun and I'm yet to find something that works every muscle group as well as it does. Congrats Homer btw! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee P Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Well done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaymdee Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Nice one Darryl. Was wondering how you were going ther other day actually. You coming to the Chippenham meet (in the BM) next week to provide the proof Well done mate. I'm still going to the gym, but been going out too much eating and drinking the last couple of weeks. Must get back into it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CJ Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Well done Darryl, that is a superb achievement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
merckx Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Four stone, that's some achievement. You must feel so much better now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Class One Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Excellent news Darryl. Great acheivement. I saw Burna yesterday, he's lost 4stone and looks great on it too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlotte Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Wow congratulations, I bet you feel great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trig Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 wow thats fantastic mate! id be happy to lose a stone let alone 4!! Well done!! can you post a link to that meal thread you mentioned? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARTIN R Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 well done mate, great effort and I am now trying to get fitter and cut down on the beer:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pig Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Good on you mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jspec Germany Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Fellas, especially Homer: I can't say enough how proud of you I am. Way to go! Losing a bit... (or in some cases, half a glamour model) is a life changing decision and it really does make you happy. Your life will be forever better when you're not a "big person". Period. Dot. Full stop. You'll love yourself more (not that way ed). You'll live longer. You won't die when you're 49. Your best mates and family will not have to mourn your death and say things like, "he died so young" and "He had a big heart". It's sad to say, but today's society and the world we live in will love you more too. You'll have more money. Being fat can be expensive. Being skinny is definitely easier and cheaper. It's hard and it hurts inside and it's unfortunate and it sucks. Yes, I know. I do not write well or correctly. Most of my relatives who have died in my life time have been fat. That means I probably have a pre-disposition to die a fat man. I don't like that idea. I like life. I like playing sports and doing activities instead of watching others do them on the tele. I love sex (not just the self made kind either). I love traveling. I love driving my supra. I love washing it and not getting out of breath. I love puting on clothes that fit me. I like it when a person of the opposite sex looks at me and things to themselves, "yeah, I'd like to have some of that." You can really see what people think if you look at their eyes hard enough. Maybe I'm vain, maybe not. I'd say I'm normal and other people think these things too, they just don't say it. I have a control problem with my mouth. I like to say what I think and I love to eat. The words buffet and chinese are evil and make my mouth water. Calories are the devil. I'm a good cook because I like to eat so much. Other people like to watch me eat. I've won money because I can eat. I have a big mouth, and that ain't no $h!t. I have no idea what a 'stone' is...? Somebody please convert it to lbs/kg for me. I too am on the lam from french fries, all those things fried, doner kebabs, 93% of the German menu, Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan's, and everything else yummy that I've been eating the last 3 years. I haven't given up the beer totally, but I've cut back big time. It's only because of Carnival here in Germany that I partake at all at the moment. I'm drinking a giant glass of water right now because I'm hung over and I wish I wasn't. More I'mput problems. Tonight is the super bowl party. This is a bad week. Back to relavent text: I'd say that losing the weight, although a struggle, is simply put... the most self gratifying thing you can do for yourself. Being big brings with it a lot of not good stuff, i.e. depression, self-loathing, laziness, fear, loss of self-confidence, expensive food bills, loss of sex drive (ugh!), PITA issues like shopping for clothes, and going places, doing things with mates that are skinnier, and the other really bad stuff... medical and health wise... heart disease, diabetes, cancer, gout, and all kinds of other crap that should scare you. If you're single, big, and alone: do you want to be loved by a partner, lover, spouse? Do you want to have someone to hold and be with and wake up with and grow old with? I know I do. You don't have to be skinny for those things to happen, nor should you, but I'll say this: It makes a big difference and really increases the chances of those things happening if you're not over-weight. I'm going after my fat with a multi-pronged attack. I see it as a simple I'mput/output probem. The problem is I'mputing all kinds of stuff in my mouth and I'm not doing enough to burn it off. So that brings up the age-old question: how do you balance that ratio/equation out and still live happily? There's been lots of threads about weight loss and exercising and dieting, but I have an idea. I think it will help me, and some of you and other club members may like it too. I don't claim to know everything, nor is my way the best way, but I like to help others and that makes me feel good. More to follow............... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ozz Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 and breathe... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CJ Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 and breathe... You have to make allowances as he is American....Bless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jspec Germany Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 sorry... sometimes Alcohol makes me do and say strange things. Thanks CJ. You're such a nice guy. I'm really bummed I won't see you at the Dragonball this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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