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Clutch Pedal Stuck ***URGENT***


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Hi, I am down in Essex miles from home and my clutch keeps sticking down. When I pull away I have to pull it back up with my foot and its getting harder to change gear and keep stalling.


Have checked clutch fluid level, (think its the black rubber cover near the break fluid bottle) but its full.


What could this be? should I attempt to drive it home or call the RAC?



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You can drive it indefinitely with NO clutch. Just start it in 1st gear and do gentle clutchless up and dowb changes matching revs to roadspeed with the accelerator. I have driven MKIV's hundreds of miles, even in rush hour traffic, like that. Just don't brutalise the gearbox and match the revs and it'll get you back. You could drop it off here for me to fix.... :)

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Yep - you can drive most cars w/out using the clutch at all, only getting in and out of first that's an issue.


My dad was a mechanic when i was real young and he taught it to me, it's just matching up the revs to the low point that you would normally just enter that gear..


hmm - maybe i've done serious damage on a string of cars i've owned by practising this every now and then :search:

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Nothing wedging against it is there - like the carpet etc?


Might be a really daft suggestion - but it happened to me!!


(the shame - I did actually call the RAC out when I had a company car! When he pulled the carpet away I looked for the nearest cliff to throw myself off :))

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Right guys, I'm home. It held out, just !!!. Was a nightmare through towns.


Now I need to know what to do? Where is this master cylinder and is it hard to fit? Dont think I've ever seen one before.


hooray! congrats :) its the silver part that sits beneath the reservoir in the engine bay

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Where you checked the clutch fluid level, that's the reservoir, and that should be sat on top of a little unit. That'll be the master cylinder.

Mr Steve Manley will be able to sort you out a set of seals, but I'd replace the cylinder if the condition of the internals looks any way dodgy.:)

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Ok, update on this...


I checked the level again, and in the light I found it was about 4-5 mm below the minimum line. Now due to the angle of the tube, I cant see how this could of got air into the system, but topped up anyway and pumped the pedal a bit etc.


Seemed ok for a bit, but then started doing it again.


Do you rekon its just a case of having air in the system, or is the master cylinder knackered? How do you get air out? Bleed it I guess, but how?

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You need to get to the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder (just follow the metal pipe from the master to the slave).


Get a ring spanner that fits over the nipple (its like a nut that sticks out of the slave cylinder at the high point and looks like it has a nipple on the end) and if you have some slip sone clear hose over the nipple and into a small clear bottle (coke bottle or milk bottle/jam jar).

Get someone to press down on the clutch pedal as you open the nipple. You call "down" and they repest "down" as they press it. Close the nipple off by turning the spanner and shout "up", the other person then lets the clutch pedal up and calls "up".


Check the level in the master cylinder after a few pumps & KEEP IT TOPPED UP.


At some point you should see an air bubble or ten come out. Keep going until no more air comes out and the fluid looks as clean as the fluid you're topping up with.

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Ok thanks, I tried to follow the pipe in the engine bay the goes from the master cylinder, but looks like it goes into the firewall? Where exactly is the slave cylinder? is it under the car near the gearbox? never seen one before so dont know what it looks like.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest suprapaul1980

i have the same problem and wasnt sure if it was the slave cylinder or master cylinder this has helped cheers i priced a master cylinder near me and its going to cost £135 + vat hopefully will be able to get one cheeper

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