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Idea For Supra Mini Break (With Date Vote)


Which date would you prefer?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which date would you prefer?

    • 12th June (weekend of the 10th)
    • 26th June (weekend of the 24th)
    • 18th September (weekend of the 16th)

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Yaaay more Supes coming to play in Scotland :thumbs:


Howabout up to Scotland and combine it with a Hot Marques track session at Knockhill (Fife, Scotland - 20 min drive from Edinburgh) ? Great fun to be had and only decent cars / drivers that care about their cars go on track in these sessions. All the Jap stuff to Ferraris, Porsches, Radical SR3's etc.


If folk wanna do it as cheap as possible my folks house in the country near Edinburgh has over 4 acres of land so could camp a'la Billing stylee? Just an idea but regardless would be cool to see a pack of Supras in Scotland to meet up with the Scottish bunch :thumbs:





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Im all for Scotland...beautiful country (fek I sound like Im from there...bummer). Meeting in the middle not so good...people that live in the middle dont get to go anywhere. Like the idea of 1-2 nights aswell. Glad Rosie offered to organise this...its gonner be a BIG job :eyebrows:

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Considering i did a tour of ireland last year in my car which was excellent...i think Scotlands a great idea!! (no bias of course :cool: ). i do need to see more of whats on my doorstep!!...and if its in good company then its even better!!! :respekt:

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Scotland would be better :innocent:


However saying that if we can't get more than 10 cars to the Lake District then I would scrub that anyway...


Wales it is then...






no we are always going down south, bring them up here for once, I could do with the mileage break


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Could have one of those (Mobile Laptop Connection Things) to let people know where everyone is going to be next ..... only a suggestion :thumbs:


Dude, I do hope u r not a BT man, mentioning Openzone when I have left work for the day.


But I'm for Scotland, lovely place around lossie area and they have a cracking bar that serves superb Chicken tikka, known the world over, in a little place called "Findhorn" i think out side of Forres, c'mon scottish chaps you will know where.


Also a NA in Front is the only way (Mawby= :stickpoke)


:flame Dev

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But I'm for Scotland, lovely place around lossie area and they have a cracking bar that serves superb Chicken tikka, known the world over, in a little place called "Findhorn" i think out side of Forres, c'mon scottish chaps you will know where.


:flame Dev


I thought everyone came up here for the fish and chips at Anstruther??? near Crail for those that aint shoor!! :alien: ...or the haggis!!

so is anyone interested in organising this??? I wouldnt mind chipping in as theres places up here that even i havent been to!

noticed also that someone wanted it to tie in with a crail meet...never been there either!!! :blink:

any ideas for dates, places, and the must have tartan excursions?

oh! and hints and tips like be shoor to avoid the M90 when T in the Park is on!!

just my tuppence worth...for that i can have a lucky tattie!! :conf:


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Scotland would be fine but the weather is always shite. I imagine you would be looking for a few days away in the summer so how about a cruise to Newquay or something like that. Could you imagine the look on all them Surfers when 20/30+ Supras turn up at the beach and park next to there VW Vans.


Not to stray off the point of the cruise but HOT WEATHER, SAND, SEA AND LOADS OF GIRLS IN BIKINIS - oh yeh and Surfer blokes for the female members (better not forget them)


Like I said Scotland would be nice but looking a great countryside through the window of your Supra while its pissing down could ruin the experience especially if we are camping etc.


Surely we could plan a route touring all the coasts and pick up members as we travel. I dont know start in Newcastle and work down!

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A tour of Scotland would be a great idea. TO give you a flavour of the different Scottish regions I have managed to secure this years draft of the Higher (A level) exam papers for each of the regions.













1. Shuggie has bought half a kilo of cocaine for large. He wants to make

300% on the deal and still pay Mad Malky his 10% protection money. How much must he charge for a gram?


2. Wee Davie reckons he'll get £42.50 extra Marriage Allowance a week if

he ties the knot with Fat Alice. Even if he steals the ring, the wedding will cost him £587. And he'll have to start buying two fish suppers every night instead of one. How long will it be before Davie wishes he'd stayed single?


3. When Rangers play Celtic, their fans sing The Sash every 10 minutes

when they're winning and every 15 minutes when they're losing. How many times did they sing it at last season's Cup Final?


4. Joey and Davie stole a 1999 green Toyota Supra NA with 35,000 on the

clock - and got a grand for it. How much more would they have got if it had been a TT, metallic silver, done 29,000 miles and had low profile tyres?


5. Jake the Flake and Fingers got grassed up for dealing speed. The

Flakegot 18 months but Fingers got 3 years. How many more previous convictions did Fingers have?

EXTRA CREDIT: Who was Fingers' Brief?






Rugby Club............

Daddy's Company.........


1. Gavin has a spare ticket for Julian Clary at The Festival Fringe. But

Benji and Adrian BOTH want to go with him. How long does he cry before giving them the tickets?


2. Half of Peter's friends say that they went to school with Ewan

McGregor. Another third say they were Gordon Brown's flat mate at University. A sixth say that their dad played rugby with Tony Blair's dad and the rest say Sean Connery was their milkman. Only one is telling the truth, so how many friends does Peter have?


3. Todd wants to be a lawyer, but is as thick as Edinburgh Castle. His

daddy is a Freemason and a QC. How long before Todd becomes the Lord Advocate?


4. Tamsin's Personal Trainer charges £250 a week, but has sex with her

whenever she wants it. Jasmin's Life Coach charges £50 a week but has refused all sexual advances. Which one of the women weighs 19 stone?


5. Princes Street is 2467 yards long. On average, there is someone begging for money every 195 yards. You walk at 3.1 miles an hour. How long will it take if you tell them all to sod off and work for a living?







1. After Hector's death, Archie has to pay Death Duty on Glenbogle.

With 25,000 acres, Archie must pay £1.76 for the first 15,000 acres and 90p per acre for the remainder, including VAT. How many people actually give a toss?


2. An Afro-American called Zachary Obisanjo Kokobobo asks a Tartan Shop

in Inverness if he has any Scottish Genealogy. How long does it take to flog him full Highland dress and matching kilts for his wife and 10 kids?


3. If an Aberdeen supporter laid every sheep in Grampian Region end to

end, how many people would be surprised?


4. If you caught a Loch Ness Monster 115 feet long and each foot weighed

27lbs, how much money would you make by selling your exclusive story and pictures?


5. Sorry, question 5 has been delayed by heavy snowfall and will be here

as soon as the Cockbridge - Tomintoul road re-opens in the spring!

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Guest Rays the roof
Scotland has to be a better idea than Wales :thumbs:


I hate them Welshies :fight: :stickpoke :innocent:


Often go to a mates house in Cardiff and it's a bugger swerving on the A50 to avoid sheep being chased by the local farmers...


Ray (from the cobbled stoned Norf' of England) LOL! Baaaaa! :D

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Scotland / Wales / Cornwall in that order for me :D


Scotland, brill long roads but hard on that wallet (purse) as it's a long way up.


Wales, nice twisty roads, not too far, maniac chief police constable.


Cornwall, nice sunshine, but off the main roads it gets a bit tight.


Basically anyware, especially in the sun with lots of good company (you lot).


Count us in :D :D :D

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Hate to see interest waning...esp when this thread began with so much promise

So here are a few bits and pieces regarding a trip to Scotland


Crail days of interest http://www.crailraceway.co.uk/index.asp

Sun 3 Apr BANZAI Bonanza @ Crail Raceway

Sun 12 Jun Crail Thrash

Sun 26 Jun Crail Tharsh

Sun 10 Jul Fast Car Summer Special


As for Scotland...check this site out...



your friendly neighbourhood scotsman!!

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