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Do you beleive in God?


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Not completely forbidden depending on whose interpretation...


Definitions of Jihad



This is the same as anything else, in that books of any sort are subject to anyone's interpretation. This seems to differ greatly even with people of the same faith.


I think i could spend years of my life reading on different faiths & still be none the wiser as to wether their is a god. :search:




ok let me put some of this into perspective to help you understand, at the times when the Quran was written 'infidels'/non muslims were ripping through muslim villages raping the women, setting fire to their homes killing the very young,torturing the very old in horrible ways


Many of the scriptures in the Quran (such as Jihad) refer to rules of engagement in war (at the time when the Quran was written) and are therefore aimed at topics that needed to be tackled at the time.


Of course now a number of extremists have taken these scriptures and are using these strategies in modern times in an extreme way.


I really hope this helps clarify the position of Jihad and some of the things that have been taken out of context by both the media and muslims alike


Anything else please ask ;)

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a christian tried to kill me once !! no joke,


he was talking about jesus and i asked him,


"if jesus was crucified on a wagon wheel would you pray to a wagon wheel ?"


he had me by the throat !


nice :)





However, I think I would have eaten the wagon wheel.

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christians dont follow god as such they all follow a false idol


and if you think im being offensive or rude just look in the church of the faith you belive and tell me if there is a statue of god or anything that reflects god?


if you can it will be a miracle coz every church is a false place of worship and has a statue of a false idol

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Did anyone see the program on ch5 a couple of nights back about what i mentioned earlier,

quantum mechanics ?

It went on about everything,us,. the earth,planets and much more,and it went far beyond religion -

they were saying that reality as we know it is just a strand within time & space and that there are an unlimited amount of these strands and each is a different dimension far beyond our comprehension.,

No disrespect to anyone who believes in any God,. but the program went far far beyond God,and realy put everything into perspective.,

thing is,altho they could not see or actualy prove these strands existed - thru mathematics they technicaly can prove them reality.

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having lost a few friends in there early twentys i like to think there soul has gone to a good place,but do i belive in god i am not sure i have an open mind.

the problem with religion (all) it can be very dangerous its has caused the deaths and misery of so many people over 1000's of years,that has allways bothered me a bit.

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Religion's caused a lot of wars, yes, but I also think that one of the reasons there are so many scrotes around nowadays, going out and beating up old people and eating kebabs is because religion has largely been lost in the last few decades, especially in lower class families. No fear of god means no fear of anything.

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I do believe in God and this kind of opinion is very disturbing and offending for people who actually believe in God, keep it for yourself. Nobody forces anyone to believe in anything!!.

It has come to a point that is "cool" not to believe in God and to be ashamed to admit it openly!!!!. i think this is a sad situation in this country. So many people are immoral and all they care is money and personal welfare by screwing other people's lives.This society is sick, keep in mind that God doesn't interfear with people, he is not Alladin to fulfill wishes!.

Hence we are responsible for our own actions. We will all be judged one day.

If all these f*****g leaders such as Blair & Bush would believe in God they would have some morals and they wouldn't make money out of people's misery going to all these wars:(


PS There are many scientists who believe in God and by the way they still can't explain the very first moment how earth was created.


I thought Blair and Bush were Christian?!


I find swearing God extremely offensive + I never said that if you dont believe you are a f****g idiot, whether you want or dont want to praise the Lord because you might be concerned ending up in hell....is your life and your choice!. At the end of the day since you don't believe in him and you don't believe you have a soul so when you die your soul dies with your body(same happens with animals) you shouldn't be offended by me saying "you will be judged"


I didn't use any foul language for atheists. I didnt say because you are an atheist you are an idiot or because you believe that human beings have been created by coincidence.


Way i see things is that i know he exists and i got nothing to lose in my life by believing in God.


Sweet. Respect that you hold firm in your beliefs.


In an address by Carl Sagan on 11th May 1996 about the voyager space probe taking a picture of Earth.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_Blue_Dot


"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.


Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.


The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.


It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known"



Also in your religions, the bible you read may not be the same as the person next to you. Man decided what you were going to read, not God. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Books_of_the_Bible.


What if there is nothing after this, what if we die there is nothing more. Why hold onto that belief that there is something better in the afterlife than making this life better


Very nice words. As nice as Contact, was nice as a film.


I dont believe because im scared or because someone made me.I believe because i have personal experience/evidence:

I have a little story which happened 13 years ago, my grand grand father(yes he died 105 yrs old!) was a "saint" man believing in God a lot more than any person i've ever met in my life, on his last few days he used to tell his family that he could see Jesus at various times of the day in the house.

One night i had a dream, i saw him much younger standing next to me and he told me "Tell my relatives and my family that where im going i will be fine they dont need to worry about me anymore!". I woke up and got a call from Greece, he died that night! (i hadn't seen him or spoke to him for a whole year at the time)

I know this doesn't mean anything to some people but to me means a lot


Interesting. Would make most people think twice I think.


Sorry if my views offend you, but if God doesn't interfere with people's lives then what's the point of believing in him?? Can't see it does any good. IMHO religion is responsible for 90% of the wars which have ever occured on this planet (my Gods better than your God etc), althouigh I admit that most of the time religion is just being used as an excuse


Yes: All wars are to do with Land, Power, and Rescources. Not religion.


I dont beleive in a god but i do beleive that there needs to be some way of teaching morals especially to youngsters.


I think the fact alot dont beleive in any, results in a poor culture seen alot more in todays society.


I agree. But youngsters must be rebellious.


think about how many, ministers over the years have used their position to exploit youngsters, most of them if not gay have been ruining young people with their sick activities , and each week the parents unknowingly send the kids to church .

one word







Yeah, will always go on, where theres a power structure like the church. Not religions fault though.


a christian tried to kill me once !! no joke,


he was talking about jesus and i asked him,


"if jesus was crucified on a wagon wheel would you pray to a wagon wheel ?"


he had me by the throat !


nice :)


Tough... Bet you would think twice about saying that again?!


Jesus (peace be upon him) NEVER said that he was God and never said that people should worship him (Jesus). Mathew 19:16-19 is just one of many examples where Jesus (PBUH) says to worship the almighty GOD and NOT HIM.


Refer back to the question that I replied back to http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showpost.php?p=1761253&postcount=179


Perhaps your right. Maybe Jesus never said that. Can't see any bit in the bible where Jesus says he is God.


Absolutely, take a look at another previous post by me (do you get the feeling we've discussed all this before? :D ). Apart from the fact that earlier in this thread I said I DO believe in a 'creator' and I also DO believe in a soul, I've also stated that I perfectly willing to change my beliefs given enough evidence or even something that isn't proven but that I can believe and like the sound of.


I still can't put my faith totally in a book, which basically all religions are based around. A book is a 'set in stone' system, it cannot be changed, plus it MUST have been written by one person, a human, whether they claim to have had word from god or whatever, it was still written, in ink, by a human being, and regardless of who that person was they would have had an opinion.


What is your creator like?


as said by me before, i am Dog!!


Cute :)


christians dont follow god as such they all follow a false idol


and if you think im being offensive or rude just look in the church of the faith you belive and tell me if there is a statue of god or anything that reflects god?


if you can it will be a miracle coz every church is a false place of worship and has a statue of a false idol


They aren't false idols. Because the people pray to god in them, not a cross. If there is a cross, then maybe its just used as an reminder.


having lost a few friends in there early twentys i like to think there soul has gone to a good place,but do i belive in god i am not sure i have an open mind.

the problem with religion (all) it can be very dangerous its has caused the deaths and misery of so many people over 1000's of years,that has allways bothered me a bit.



Wars gave relgion a bad name. But yeah. If you have lost freinds like that :( its bound to make you think about purpose and wish for a deeper meaning.

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Do you believe in God - either the Christian, Jewish or Islamic?



Ok,if you push me into a corner i will admit it,


i believe in something,after all,at time of grief,like a family member dying or when we ouselves are under threat of death or something,we all in our hearts pray to god,.


"god i hope this... or that"


Is he or she called god ,or Buddha ? or Alha ? i dont know,

and even tho i understand how earth and the Universe was formed ,.when my sister died i still prayed for her,.

so you tell me,do i believe in god ?

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Ok,if you push me into a corner i will admit it,


i believe in something,after all,at time of grief,like a family member dying or when we ouselves are under threat of death or something,we all in our hearts pray to god,.


"god i hope this... or that" ?


Of course, but it's genuinely a sad situation (God is not required here though) Psychics are expert predators and do indeed prey on people when they're sad/down/scared/vulnerable...due to the loss of a loved one, no?



Is he or she called god ,or Buddha ? or Alha ? i dont know,

and even tho i understand how earth and the Universe was formed ,.when my sister died i still prayed for her,.

so you tell me,do i believe in god ?



You believe in quantum mechanics right, cool. And a prayer is a nice and comforting thing to do for anybody, including your self.


So to cheekily answer your question I'll say...No, you don't believe in God ;)

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Religion's caused a lot of wars, yes, but I also think that one of the reasons there are so many scrotes around nowadays, going out and beating up old people and eating kebabs is because religion has largely been lost in the last few decades, especially in lower class families. No fear of god means no fear of anything.


WELL DONE!! I cant agree with you anymore!!!!:) I feel sorry for all the victims caused by youngsters killing/causing chaos in this country.


Yes Religion has caused many wars but this does not mean this is what God approves!. I hate when people use the name of God to go and have a war!. Jesus said " Love your enemies". Nobody has the right to kill someone else. It also doesnt mean because Bush is Christian and he is using god to have a war to kill people or for money is what religion means!!!!!. He should be ashamed.



"Is he or she called god ,or Buddha ? or Alha ? i dont know,"


There is only one God. (Muslim-Christian-Catholic, if im not mistaken Allah means "God")


Quote"christians dont follow god as such they all follow a false idol"




i suggest you then come and have a look in a Greek christian Orthodox church(Bayswater-Moscow street), the picture of God is right at the top of the church.



"NO Fear of God means No fear of anything!." If you really believe in him and you are about to commit a crime and you know that you wont get caught, you wont do it because you know that he will judge you for your actions.Now if every single person in this world would think like this, this world would be perfect. This finalise it all for me.

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"NO Fear of God means No fear of anything!." If you really believe in him and you are about to commit a crime and you know that you wont get caught, you wont do it because you know that he will judge you for your actions.Now if every single person in this world would think like this, this world would be perfect. This finalise it all for me.



Um...if you have to feed your family, you have no money, maybe no job, maybe because your country is a mess...you might need to steal something to survive. Money, food, etc...This is a crime, is it not?


So what do you do?

I'll let my kids go without, cos after all I really don't wan't to be judged...in years to come!


Me...I'd feed them...and if I ever met my maker (which I won't, he'll have to come and see me) I'd have a chat with him/her/it about his/her/it's policies!

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So to cheekily answer your question I'll say...No, you don't believe in God ;)


Cheers lol,

Its weird tho,cos the question "do i believe in god" ive thought about often,then i think about how everything was created,.

then i start thinking "im going to hell cos i dont believe in god"

And yet at the same time,i allways try and do the right thing,i have never harmed any animal and have never been unfaithfull and have never stolen - and often i think because of these things im going to heaven.

The question,do you believe in god is such a difficult question.

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The question,do you believe in god is such a difficult question.


Difficult questions can sometimes have easy answers eh? ;)


then i start thinking "im going to hell cos i dont believe in god"


Nothin like a bit of guilt...

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Cheers lol,

Its weird tho,cos the question "do i believe in god" ive thought about often,then i think about how everything was created,.

then i start thinking "im going to hell cos i dont believe in god"

And yet at the same time,i allways try and do the right thing,i have never harmed any animal and have never been unfaithfull and have never stolen - and often i think because of these things im going to heaven.

The question,do you believe in god is such a difficult question.


It is difficult mate. I answered

of course. I'm pleasantly suprised at the amount that answer either "they believe" or "they don't know" though.
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