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Do you beleive in God?


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as i said in a earlier post, religon was/is for the weak minded who like to blame some one else for the way there lives have turned out rather than taking responsibility for themselfs, theres no god. if there is theres also lock ness monsters, ghosts, ufos as there all about the same level of belivability

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they have all been tampered with, thats why they dont make sense


and its mainly the church that uses the bible and peoples faith to suit the churches need and take money from the believers


One Revelation is still in the original form - The Quran. I wont comment on your second statement cause not everyone is like that and hence not everyone should be tarred with the same brush. We are all blessed with intelligence and free will, the knowledge / science is out there...why not look into it yourself and speak to / read from the people in the know rather than those that don't but simply profess to.

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I'm sure we can all get along just fine without him / her / it. As long as we dont kill, steal or rape, and as long as we endeavour to bring our kids up as best we can, and if we keep an eye on our spelling and grammar, and cut out the txt speak, and dont drink and drive, and dont drop chewing gum on the pavements, nor wipe bogies on strangers backs, we may just get by.

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I find swearing God extremely offensive + I never said that if you dont believe you are a f****g idiot, whether you want or dont want to praise the Lord because you might be concerned ending up in hell....is your life and your choice!. At the end of the day since you don't believe in him and you don't believe you have a soul so when you die your soul dies with your body(same happens with animals) you shouldn't be offended by me saying "you will be judged"


I didn't use any foul language for atheists. I didnt say because you are an atheist you are an idiot or because you believe that human beings have been created by coincidence.


Way i see things is that i know he exists and i got nothing to lose in my life by believing in God.


Good few posts buddy.

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I have seen this written several times but is that true? Can you show me where this "fact" is displayed? I am thinking that the last few major wars I know of - WW1, WW2, Vietnam had nothing to do with religion. So are you thinking back to the Crusades etc?


Wars based on religion?


All of the Crusades.

The Troubles in Ireland

Rwanda 1994

Boznia-Herzegovina (and by extension Kosovo)

The Ivory Coast civil wars


East Timor civil war

Sri Lankan civil war

Current Iraqi civil war

Hezbollah vs. Israel

Syria vs. Israel

Kashmir civil war

Chechnya civil war


Thirty Years War

World war 1 started because of a religious fanatic shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Thers more;)

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One Revelation is still in the original form - The Quran. I wont comment on your second statement cause not everyone is like that and hence not everyone should be tarred with the same brush. We are all blessed with intelligence and free will, the knowledge / science is out there...why not look into it yourself and speak to / read from the people in the know rather than those that don't but simply profess to.



The Quran may be in its original form, but the statement is irrelevant if God does not exist. Is the God in your religion the true God or is he the true God in mine. The question is "Do you believe in God?". Just because it is unaltered, does it make it right?

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Wars based on religion?


All of the Crusades.

The Troubles in Ireland

Rwanda 1994

Boznia-Herzegovina (and by extension Kosovo)

The Ivory Coast civil wars


East Timor civil war

Sri Lankan civil war

Current Iraqi civil war

Hezbollah vs. Israel

Syria vs. Israel

Kashmir civil war

Chechnya civil war


Thirty Years War

World war 1 started because of a religious fanatic shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Thers more;)


I started to write out a long rebuttal to most of the above and then decided i could not be bothered. Suffice to say I disagree with some of your findings.

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The Quran may be in its original form, but the statement is irrelevant if God does not exist.


Correct me if i am wrong ( & i probably am) but isnt alot of the quran based on the day of holy war (jihad?) coming & been prepared for that?


I admit to been very ignorant where religion is involved & this isnt meant to offend anyone, i am just curious as to a faith been based on such an event.

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And God created man in his own image. Genesis 27


Jesus (peace be upon him) NEVER said that he was God and never said that people should worship him (Jesus). Mathew 19:16-19 is just one of many examples where Jesus (PBUH) says to worship the almighty GOD and NOT HIM.

The Quran may be in its original form, but the statement is irrelevant if God does not exist. Is the God in your religion the true God or is he the true God in mine. The question is "Do you believe in God?". Just because it is unaltered, does it make it right?


Refer back to the question that I replied back to http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showpost.php?p=1761253&postcount=179

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Correct me if i am wrong ( & i probably am) but isnt alot of the quran based on the day of holy war (jihad?) coming & been prepared for that?


I admit to been very ignorant where religion is involved & this isnt meant to offend anyone, i am just curious as to a faith been based on such an event.


Btw: I am a Muslim...and the term Holy War does not appear in the Quran at all. The word Jihad comes from the Arabic word Jahada meaning struggle / to strive - there is no reference to a "holy war". to strive to be a good son is to do Jihad as an example..... I do agree however that in the news / media and some mis-informed people the term HOLY WAR (manufactured term) is often portrayed as Jihad.

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Btw: I am a Muslim...and the term Holy War does not appear in the Quran at all. The word Jihad comes from the Arabic word Jahada meaning struggle / to strive - there is no reference to a "holy war". to strive to be a good son is to do Jihad as an example.....


Thanks for the response.


Is there any reference to a day of struggle against christians or anyone else that is not of muslim faith then?

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Thanks for the response.


Is there any reference to a day of struggle against christians or anyone else that is not of muslim faith then?


Struggle (as in killing) AGAINST Christians or people from any other religion.....NOT AT ALL, it is completely forbidden. It actually says that everyone is born a muslim as we are all the creation of the one God (Allah - in the Quran or Ella in other scriptures). muslim in Arabic means: one who submits to God (Allah)

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so do you agree that we are limited by our understanding.....and we simply cannot discount the existence of something that "we" do not understand.


Absolutely, take a look at another previous post by me (do you get the feeling we've discussed all this before? :D ). Apart from the fact that earlier in this thread I said I DO believe in a 'creator' and I also DO believe in a soul, I've also stated that I perfectly willing to change my beliefs given enough evidence or even something that isn't proven but that I can believe and like the sound of.


I still can't put my faith totally in a book, which basically all religions are based around. A book is a 'set in stone' system, it cannot be changed, plus it MUST have been written by one person, a human, whether they claim to have had word from god or whatever, it was still written, in ink, by a human being, and regardless of who that person was they would have had an opinion.

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Struggle (as in killing) AGAINST Christians or people from any other religion.....NOT AT ALL, it is completely forbidden. It actually says that everyone is born a muslim as we are all the creation of the one God (Allah - in the Quran or Ella in other scriptures). muslim in Arabic means: one who submits to God (Allah)


Not completely forbidden depending on whose interpretation...


Definitions of Jihad


This is the same as anything else, in that books of any sort are subject to anyone's interpretation. This seems to differ greatly even with people of the same faith.


I think i could spend years of my life reading on different faiths & still be none the wiser as to wether their is a god. :search:

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