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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

PS3 Games and DVD Remote - swap?


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I've got some un-opened PS3 games up for sale if the price is right:


Pro Evo Soccer 2008


Ridge racer 7


WWE Smack down vs. Raw



i Also have a Pelican Dvd remote (ir not b.tooth).


i'll consider straight swaps or p/ex's for any game or any thing really so try me :)

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eerrrmm.......... £20??


for a £50 game?? :rlol:


to be honest, id rather keep it for that, not in a rush, but if i sell them i can get some more if that makes sense.



BTW i havnt seen any more 60GB PS3s about, looks like theyve pulled them over here too


yeah think they stopped making them. you still after one? if so you can get the same deal as me in pcw?

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