Hello Sky (Jae, Ollie, Luke or whoever's reading this),
I'm really hoping you can help me out as you always have done in the past - I hope you're sitting comfortably as this may be a long one...
My brother and I are both currently insured through you, me on the supra and him on his car (which I won't mention here as it's embarrassing) the insurer in his case is NIG
We're going to buy our first track car tomorrow which, as you can imagine, is modified (cage, seats, harnesses, blah blah blah). After spending some time on the phone with one of your staff today my brother was told that NIG won't insure the new car as it's modified but have agreed to give a pro rata refund, which is absolutely fine.
So, our insurance requirements are as follows:
The car be insured with my brother as the policy holder and me as a named driver, both of us fully comp.
The car be insured as parked overnight at my address as he will not be using it as a daily driver until he moves house for a number of reasons:
He won't actually need to use it as a daily driver until he moves house
My postcode is a lower risk area so the premium is lower
We wouldn't want to leave it there as it would be safer at mine (on my drive or in my garage not on the road outside his house)
We came to you, naturally, as we have both been with you for a long time and we both send everyone we know to you get their modified, non-modified and even commercial vehicles insured with you.
However my brother was told that the insurer, Markerstudy, wouldn't be able to insure the car at my address.
So we contacted Adrian Flux who said they would definitely be able to do it, including overnight at my address again with Markerstudy.
So he called your guys back who still insisted they couldn't do it. We even asked them to call the insurer to ask or even add an exclusion that said the car wasn't covered for fire and theft at my brother's current address but they couldn't.
We would still very much like to insure the car with you as, no offence to them, we don't really like Adrian Flux as much as you guys, we have an existing relationship with you and we'd really rather keep all our insurance in one place.
So please please please help us out, we need our insurance in place asap as we're picking the car up tomorrow!!!!