Right, where do I start, I would like by the end of this year be in a position to be able to,
a) Buy a single already done in the uk set up properly, wife wants an aerotop
b) Buy a TT6 and buy the parts and convert to a single, wife wants an aerotop
c) Convert the car I have to a 6 speed single, it is an aerotop
d) Buy a fresh import 6 speed single aerotop and take a chance on how much I need to spend to bring it up to spec, as a lot seem to need it
Now if I do not convert my current car I will need to sell it.
The wife would prefer to keep the car we have but only because it is an aerotop. I would like to think that over the course of the year I could buy most of the parts that I need without feeling the pinch to convert the car I have and this will also give me the choice of exactly what I want.
Now I would assume to convert the car I have will be the most expensive way to go, but what are my chances of get a 6 speed single aerotop
One other option buy a 6 speed single and do a engine and gearbox swap with mine and then sell the doner car as a twin turbo auto.
Real question is where to start?
One suggestion that I have had already is get rid of the wife , it is an option but she is like one of the family now
Just thinking out loud really but any comments are welcome