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Everything posted by Sub_Culture

  1. Sub_Culture


    lol, Im not sure what's funnier, this thread or the gay Mission Impossible music on the first link. Polyphonic stylee! Andy
  2. Id be more inclined to agree with that than it being an actual Supercar. Andy
  3. A Supra isn't really a 'supercar' is it? MR2's should handle better than a Supra, but a Supra definitely has more grunt over a MR2 (and most other cars!) once it get's going. Just read all these posts.... You lot really have had enough of being nice, haven't you?! Andy
  4. Plus it's one of the most ugliest cars known to man!!! Im not suprised it didnt sell! Andy
  5. Me and Claire at my mate's wedding from a few weeks ago... And my new toy!.... NOT a Supra, but its my new car anyhow! Andy
  6. Sub_Culture

    new ferrari

    Isn't it a custom rebody of a Ferrari Enzo done by Pininfarina? Have to admit, I think it is absolutely stunning. Pure flamboyance. I mean, who has the money to afford an Enzo, let alone effectively bodykitting it!!! Awesome stuff! Andy
  7. This is a pretty good unit. I had it in one my old cars. Half tempted myself, but cant justify spending any more car money for a month or two! Plus I promised Claire my new car wouldn't suit having screens etc like the Supra does/did. Best of luck with the sale. For what its worth, I sold mine to a mate early last year for £450, so what your asking is reasonable money! Andy
  8. Yeah, I have a thought!..... WHY do all of that to a non turbo??? Andy
  9. After now owning both, Id say Scooby off the mark, but Supra all the way top end! I think around twisty turny roads the Scoob should probably just about have the advantage, but again, this all comes down 99% to driver ability (or lack of it). Here are a couple of pics of my new toy, probably not very welcome here, but hey!.... Gives you an idea of the competition! Andy
  10. I dont have my Supra anymore!.... Would I still be welcome for a bit of grub anyway? Dont mind if its a problem. Andy
  11. Peter, Im basically trying to sell the car, mate, and want to claw back as much money as I can before I land myself (probably) back in FD3 ownership, so am trying to sell the expensive wheels, leather seats etc first to at least get a few pennies! I think they look AWESOME on the car, and if I were keeping it, would never let them go! Andy
  12. Wow, awesome looking car, mate. Yes, Id be interested in your wheels, most definitely. Feel free to PM me and/or make an offer. Andy
  13. They are pretty muc mint, mate. Hardly done 1500 miles on them. tyres good. no kerb marks etc. not sure on a price, would rather take a px on a set of 18s than a straight sale.
  14. Would px them against a cheaper set of (clean) 18s if anyone wants to go bigger? Theyve got lots of tyre, 235/45s at the front, 265/45s at the back. Handles really good on them, contrary to other opinions. Andy
  15. It is blended, but Im not too bad with a DA sander!.... could get bits of bodykit almost back to factory methinks... Andy
  16. Could never do it as a living. So fed up of idiots already. The world is full of timewasting bastards. They translate 'may PX for MR2 Turbo, M3, Impreza' into a gold Audi A3 with floral tissue box on the back shelf. And the amount of idiots who ask a price, then recoil in horror when I say £7500 cash without the stereo like Im asking WAYYY too much, cas they all know a mate who is selling one for £3k... FED UP WITH IT!!! Now here's an idea... if I stripped my car of EVERYTHING, would I get more than that amount of money? I mean, someone must want a new windscreen, spark plugs, little random springs in the middle if the engine etc etc.... Andy
  17. Yeah, know what you mean... I could be lulled into a false sense of security on this, as I owned one for two and a half years and never got bitten, but this could be tempting fate. That said... it has just had a recent rebuild. Andy
  18. Oil pressure and boost gauge in a proper GReddy pillar gauge. All items, feel free to make me an offer. TV screen mount as well I guess?! Andy
  19. Thanks, Rik. Yeah, it really is a great car, but I guess overall Auto's arent for me (Im still a big kid) and need to look at getting a house. Its hard, but needs must and all! Gaz, im just outside of Croydon, mate. Andy
  20. P.S> If this should technically be in the for sale section, admin, please feel free to move it. Apologies! Andy
  21. Trying to sell this at the mo.... item # 220017225339 on E bay.... Found a guy who wants to do a direct swap for his RX7. Kinda tempted, although I wanna claw back as much money as possible. Dont wanna go stripping too much off bodywise, but would sell interior bits (ie leather seats.... ) etc if anyone would want to px their old ones in a trade with some cash on top. Hows best to do this? Would need to get it all done within a week or so really, so local people or those willing to travel only, please. If you are at all interested in any bits (steering wheel etc) and can supply me with a standard or tidy alternative, let me know? Andy
  22. Thinking about selling the Supra at the moment, and open to part exchanges... especially MR2 Turbos and Subarus. Been offered a Type RA and a little money on top, but wanted to do my homework. Anyone know of things to look for on them, or could point me in the direction of a Owner's Club forum I could take a gander at? Thanks in advance! Andy
  23. Thanks for the kind comments, guys. Willing to let her go for £7700! A pretty good price I think, considering the money that has been spent on it. Its the equivalent of what I paid for the car bog standard and the set of alloys, so thats a lot thrown in for free! Andy
  24. In Paul's favour, he offers a speedy service too. All products I have bought through him that turned up exactly when specified, which is unlike most companies I have dealt with! Andy
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