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Everything posted by gregsupra4

  1. Advanced Motorsport, is what Dan is operating under out of there. He is still affiliated with Jikan for parts I believe but as haven't spoken to him in over 2 months cant confirm that...as have been very poorly... just felt a bit better so thought I'd pop on and have a look see whats been going on.......!!!!!!!!! by the way this is Sam not Greg forgot to change the user login id....sorry.....
  2. Only just read this ............ Just like to say Thank you.
  3. And it has not got the graphics on it yet or the new wheels or the new glass or the new engine or the new gearbox or the new fuel system or the new seats or the new dash or the new gauges or the new ECU in fact it's still just a shell and boy am I really P***ed off that I am not going to be at Jap Show. By the way Si I think your car looks real mean:d
  4. Just to add that the NA pump does not have the crank sensor hole fixing.
  5. No it is not a wind up. Brand new from PHR with I might add the new casting pump housing, put it on the car and hey presto leaking from the same hairline crack running down the reilef valve housing as the other new pumps. Really strange sight to see as the oil appears as a line at the bottom and then works it's way up to the bolt then pours out. Shame I did not have a video camara as it is the first time I have ever seen oil go up.
  6. Yes jamie you are correct, the spring was always in place. OK food for thought, on Jamies car there is no drip on idle or when you rev the car standing still even up to 4k, the seal only starts to pass oil once the engine is under load and has had some boost put through it. As stated the engine is a brand new short block from Toyota and was put together with new HKS 2mm head gasket and jamie's old head which has done less than 5000 miles since his rebuild. So after two new seals we still have the leak.
  7. Chris, this engine is a brand new short block from Toyota hence the crank is factory. Strange thing is that we have not had this problem with any of the bottom end rebuilds we have done. The company that we use for our crank work also do work for most of the race teams that are on the estate and noe of them have had any problems. As to the seal and instaling it it can only go on one way unless the person putting it on is a complete idiot ( We are not) And yes the new seal'sl do have the rotation arrow same as the old ones.
  8. Hi Chris, we used an Absolute Digimatic vernier caliper to do the mesurements.
  9. Chris, Can you enlighten us with how you do that trick with the spring please.
  10. Just a quick change to my post about the difference between the old and new pumps: I said the the left hand side of the new pumps had an extra fitting, it is in fact the right hand side. Just goes to show how left and right can get mixed up whilst upside down.
  11. Chris in no way would I ask you to butt out as I value your input on this subject and feel that some light may be shed and other people will benifit from the information. On to the pump and seal sizes. Old Pump and Seal. The OD of the seal is: 63.02mm The Od of the pump recess is: 62.73mm New Pump and Seal. The Od on the seal is 63.29mm The OD on the pump recess is: 63.05mm Quite intresting the results above although there is bound to be some expansion on the old seal due to heat, which means that the new seals are slightly bigger.
  12. Thanks Chris we will get Jamie to give the car a run with the new seal in and the oil cap off once we have put in the new seal. I will messure the OD on the pump and the seal once they are removed and post the results.
  13. I never rise normally to comments made like this but enough is enough: " Is there any correlation between the companies carrying out the work and the failure rates?" Why not just come out and say Turbofit are not doing it right. "Are things being installed properly?" We have been doing this for a long time and we only use the right parts and tools supplied by Toyota. These oil seal and pump problems have only just started in the last couple of months and then only with the new parts supplied by Toyota, I have lost count of the number of front seals and oil pumps we have replaced in the past but there have been quite a few and all with no problems. Perhaps you might like to try and be consturctive for a change and not desturctive.
  14. Hi Chris, sorry I do not have any pictures of the new pumps as the two failed units were sent back to Toyota for inspection. There is however an easy way to tell if you have one of the new pump case's, as you look at the pump look to the top left hand side of the pump on the old pump case the top left hand edge is smooth, on the new pump case there is now an extra threaded hole at the top left hand side. We can only assume that this new fixing point has been added for the engine in the Lexus series. Also we have recently put in a brand new 2JZGTE short block from Toyota and noticed that there is now extra engine mounting points on the block again we assume this must be for the Lexus series. As for Jamie Ps problem the new pump that was fitted to his engine failed and was replaced with an old but known oil pump, a new oil seal was fitted on start up and idle there were no signs of any leaks however after a drive oil was leaking from the seal, after a front end strip down it was found that the seal had moved forward, using the Tool supplied by Toyota the seal was put back in place and the front put back together again. On start up and idle again on leaks but after a short drive the leak was back, at 8.30pm we decided to give up for the evening and await the delivery of some new front seals in the morning at which time we will strip the front down again and do a very close inspection. Just a note: We have now heard back from Toyota and to be honest it is not a very good response. In a nutshell they have admitted that they are now having the oil pumps made by another manufacture but at this time cannot do anything other than replace the pump on warrantie, whilst this is no more than we are entitled to under the consumer act I cant say that at the moment I would take a new pump as without a way to test them off the car it is a shit pile of work to put it on and find the same problem. At this point in time we are down by 5K in parts and labor with no way of getting any of this back. The public relations officer at Toyota was quite shocked at the tale but said that his hands were tied and unless there were more returns that there was no more he could do. Shit month really:(
  15. Funny you should ask about Yank cars, in the last week I have put back to running a Dodge Ram with a 440ci V8 and we have a C4 350ci Corvette in on Monday for a pile of work. American cars were always my first love and over 20 years I have either owned or worked on most american muscle cars and know them inside out, at the end of the day the good old V8 is just a tractor engine and so easy to work on. As for Supra's now the 1st love of my life ( Whoops 2nd after Sam) Sorry about the hijack Jon, really pleased that you are reaping the rewards now and having a blast:)
  16. Dean your car will be ready even if I have to work on my back with drip in my arm (JD that is)
  17. Big Big Thanks to Ant for picking up the bit's from Ron this morning. Than You.
  18. Right here is a bit of disturbing news. As I have mentioned earlier in this thread that we have had problems with new Oil seals leaking and have passed this information on to Toyota, as yet no reply. Over the last few weeks we have been supplied by Toyota with 2 brand new Oil pumps, both car's on 1st start up leaked Oil from what we assumed was the front Oil seal, both were replaced with new ones but again as soon as they were started Oil dripped again although on one of the engines the drip stopped and did not appear again this we put down to the oil seal actually sealing, however after a couple of hundred miles the owner reported oil dripping out under the car and we had it transported back to the workshop to investigate. So in order to see why the oil was leaking the front covers were removed and the engines were again started, to our horror the leak was not from the from seal but from the Oil pump. On the front of the pump is the vertical shaft that holds the relief valve spring which is retained by a bolt at the top of the pump, the oil would start to seep from the bottom of this shaft and go upwards towards the bolt and on reaching the top would then flow quite rapidly down the side of the pump and come out under the crank giving the appearance that it was from the front seal. After removing the pumps and looking at another older pump it seems that changes have been made to the casing of the new pumps, you can clearly see that the castings on the new pumps are different from the old pumps. After speaking to Toyota they confirmed that the casings have indeed been changed and have been sent the faulty units for inspection. The really big problem here is that the only way you can check to see if the new pump has a fault is to fit it and run the engine, now the pump fits at the front of the engine and is quite simple to get at but due to some clever design the only way you can install or remove the pump is to drop the sump down due to a 15mm lip and dowel on the bottom of the pump, this is a major pain and quite labour intensive. Today we had a new pump sent over and checked the shaft and low and behold the same casting fault lines were clear to see so we sent the pump back. We are now in the hands of the Toyota experts. As always I will update you with any news as soon as I get it.
  19. Thanks Ant, Will do and look forward to seeing you.
  20. Hi People. Is there any essex members that could do me a favour ?????? I am in need of a couple of R32 Skyline gaskets that are at RK Tuning in essex, Ron is up to his neck and cannot get out to post them and I really need them for this Thursday afternoon. If anybody could help by picking them up and dropping them up here to me I will be very greatfull and would even throw in an oil and filter change for free and of course Tea. The address for RK Tuning is: Unit 4 Nashlea Farm Poors Lane North Daws Heath Benfleet Essex SS7 2XF Thanks in advance. Greg.
  21. Mind you he had a bit of a problem trying to get the jet to maintain constant boost over 200Bar something to do with the wastegate I believe.
  22. This is personel debt on my car nothing to do with the company and only mine and sam's savings. £11k to buy car and have few bits done £6.5k in first year to cover single and mapping £28k in second year this was for Turbo, manifold, fueling, AEM, sensors, tyres, mapping, clutch's. £10.5k in this the 3rd year for new engine, gearbox, turbos, plus a shit pile of other things, this still does not include paint and mapping, tyres and fuel So total for car in 3 years to date £50k. Has it been worth it ? Yes and No. Yes: Lot's of fun, meeting some great people and pusing things to the limit and beyond. No: frustration, headache, no holiday's, always skint, lot's of debt. Question is would I do it again ? YES:)
  23. Me and Sam would love to meet up with you all at the Pod for a natter but work comes first. We can't wait for the Jap show and pray the car will be ready. Any way enjoy the day and have fun. Don't forget the shades for June:d
  24. Just a quick one: Today we had a brand new crank seal let go, this was on a fully rebuilt engine with new oil pump. The engine had been run in and had around 6 hours Dyno time with no leaks. This was the same engine that on first start up had leaked from the front seal and had been replaced with a new one. So taking into account that this engine had done around 300 miles both on the Dyno and road the question to be asked is why did the seal fail again after a short journey ? At this point in time we are waiting for the car to be transported back to us in order to do a thorough inspection. It is very frustrating, you use only genuine parts and then find that they fail for no apparent reason, I never thought to inspect the oil pump as it was new in the box, this is something I will inspect as soon as the car gets here and perhaps some light will be shed. As always I will post the results and the Toyota answer ( If I ever get one)
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