Unless he's undergone a character transplant since I last saw Jurgen, I don't think you could be much wider of the mark.
There is no place in this world for 'fanboys' who blow smoke up someone's 4ss, so when I say Jurgen is as genuine as they come and he's worked blo00dy hard to achieve all he has I don't say it lightly.
I agree those seats look gash, but are you certain the seller you bought that Supra from had really used Jurgen's man to retrim those seats, or could s/he have just said it, to trade on someone who's got a good reputation? Jurgen has said they weren't anything to do with him or his contact - are you 100% sure they were?
Either way, I don't see the issue in Jurgen putting his reputation on the line and taking people's seats in to be retrimmed, in exchange for what is almost certainly a tiny margin for the simple reason it wouldn't be a marketable service if the markup were taking the mick. No one is forced to use him, but he always sees to sort out any issues that are to do with him on the rare occasions that they arise - unlike many, less professional companies.
If you manage to avoid middle men in every transaction in your life I'd be amazed. In fact, if you avoid even a handful, I'd be quite surprised. Anyway, I digress.