This is the 2nd time i've had the car dyno'd, once when it was almost standard (non-stock exhaust & it got 334bhp as a calculated flywheel figure @ 4500 rpm on one of those mobile rolling roads) and this time since i went BPU.
See attached for the results given to me, which pretty much are what i expected, but just wondered if any experts could validate what i think it's saying?
If i understand it correctly, the first printout is saying i got 333bhp at the wheels (we were told that readings were at the wheels for RWD cars & their software didn't calculate the flywheel figures) which gave 344 ft/lbs of torque @ 5500 rpm. Now from searching on here it appears that Thor recommend about 18% transmission loss which would give me just over 390bhp at the flywheel, but their rolling road measures power at the hubs as opposed to the actual wheels. So does this mean that my readout should be more accurate as it actually takes into consideration my wheel & tyre combination? If so, does anyone know exactly what the transmission loss is on a j-spec auto Supra between the flywheel & the wheels?
the second printout, i believe is showing that around where the 2nd turbo kicks in, the fuelling goes richer and continues to do so & the time before this it isn't too lean & after this it isn't too rich, i.e. just right?
AwesomeGTI ( claim to have the most advanced rolling road in the country at the moment & say it cannot get anymore accurate (something i'm sure most places would say!) They seemed very professional & deal mainly with Audi/VW tuning & race preparation, and i would recommend them to anyone looking for a rolling road in the North West who also specialise in group sessions.
As you can see i got some consistent runs, i.e. 4 in a row, all about the same power, however, a certain member on here who came along with us scored about 30bhp higher than this but with only one cat removed. So, my other question is whether the difference between running 0.1 - 0.2 bar of boost less than someone else could produce this much difference, as this other member is running at 1.2 bar & i think i'm running slightly lower?