WEll..Here goes then.....
1,Austin A40 1960......(Ok i was only 2 when it was built)-To pass test in.....
2,1967..Vauxhall Cresta 3.3 ltr.
3,Vauxhall FD VX4/90...Pretty quick for its time...
4,Bedford Viva HA van.....Lovely little van to drive....
5,1980...Vauxhall astra MK1....
6,1980-Vauxhall chavette....
7,Vauxhall Astra mk1 1200 sport....OHV ...What a car for ohv motor...
8,Vauxhall Astra belmont 1600 sprint....(Still have).
9,1985 Austin mini mayfair...............(Still have with above)
10,Lotus Elite...Did nut & bolt rebuild...
11,1980-911 Porsche SC......
12,1984-911 porsche Carrera 3.2.
13,1986-911 porsche Carrera 3.2..Supersport.
14,1995,Subaru Impreza WRX STI type RA....
Now seeking my other dream.....