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Everything posted by DBR

  1. if imi cant help, give me a shout ( i live in North London)
  2. DBR

    Aristo man now

    do either of you own the silver Aristo thats at Phoenix by any chance....... there was a nice example there when i was up last a coule of weeks back - having a nice single turb fitted
  3. DBR

    Caliper Decals

    cheers m8, thats exectly what im after!....... an some good tips to!
  4. DBR

    Caliper Decals

    does anyone know wwere i can get hold of some white supra decals for my calipers - they need a bit of tidying up! ( i have already got some from gordanf but there silver an im after white - bloody fussy ) cheers guys/girls
  5. im currently running 235/45/ZR17's on my stock 17" UK's (front) Can you run 225/45/ZR17's ???? (on front) (what diff is it gonna make?) thanks
  6. just a figure of speech m8, you know what i was trying to get at (you cant know to much about the car)
  7. i wonder how long it was till i upset a jap owner this is true it is a 'gentlemans agreement' even thoguh they dont quite seem to stick to the 'agreement' - good old mr t!, but i dont think there quite 326 thoguh more 300 give or take ...... i believe the extra bhp on uk's is to account for its fat arse weight with the extra bits 'n' bobs. glass headlight heated seats, bigger turbos etc etc
  8. UK the history is alot easier to track, its on 100k the vvti but how do you know it wasnt clocked it could be reaching 200k for all you know......
  9. yes m8, uk spec's are ten times cheaper to insure than a import - ive got no idea why though there higher spec than the import so i cant understand it, the uk's have 326bhp - japs 280bhp, uk have galass headlights, full leather, front active spoiler etc etc (do a search on models and it will tell you all the extras that come on uk as standard!) ................ i insured my first uk spec for under a grand at the age of 21 with 1 yrs ncb - i tried to get insurance on import and the premiums were a fooking joke - wel well over 2.5 grand! the only problem being is that a decent uk spec is a hard find! - and they tend to be quite a bit more expensive than a import as they are so rare. UK Auotmatics are not to hard to find but the manuals are like gold dust especially decent example with full service history, full service history is a must! i wouldnt buy one that didnt have a full serivce to be honest. get some quotes youl soon see the insuance differences (little tip put your mum/girlfreind down as a named second driver, it baught my premium down by £400 ish quid!)
  10. your best bet for insurance purposes would be to get A 'UK' Twin Turbo (and there the best spec of all:d ....dont start that one again;) ), they are without doubt the cheapest supra to insure, if you cant get insurance on a UK spec you wont get touched on a import (my insurance was nearly half the price of a import!). Althoguh the Uk spec are more expensive to buy they more than make up for it on insurance savings. (if this has already been pointed out dont lynch me, i just cant be arsed to read through 5 pages of posts:p )
  11. DBR

    brake judder

    cheers for your help guys-much apreciated, im going to see the car agian tonight so ill check some of these things out. we have had the car jacked up already and the front n/s wheel has a un-even rubbing noise wheen spun. i think its a warped disc. Nic/Chris i will check for the abs light tonight - i hope for his sake there isnt anything majorly wrong with the ABS
  12. ahh i see so your the fella' that baught this car of rash!, I was just about to go an lay a deposit on this car untill you beat me to it! , its in top nic this one its a luvly example! - like most of Rash's motors, i also got mine from him -UK TT Manual 42k miles, he sells a load of supra's, MR2's etc so this is more than likely another top motor. i think he has got a suup for sale at moment actually - not as low mileage as this though - check out http://www.ramotors.co.uk
  13. elephant or admiral are cheap....... put your mum down as a named second driver an it will bring your premium down (it brought mine down by about £400!!)
  14. anyone got a set.....need to be in good nic! cheers
  15. just a quickie, my m8 baught a j-spec tt yesterday, and there seems to be a problem with the brakes? i took it for a spin last night an the brakes seem to judder / bounce a little every now an again?, you can feel the brake pedal sort of 'slightly' bouncing off your foot (sorry for the non technical lingo:innocent: ). Its weird it doesnt seem to matter how hard you brake either? and once we were driving for a while it seemed to stop. It did have a quite badly buckled wheel that he changed so i dont know if that could be responsable for anything? I have a very worried supra owning m8, so any help would be much appreciated! thanks!
  16. that aint bad!, i get on the blower now. cheers LeeT
  17. as title says, a good condition one please. thanks
  18. ohh balls!, thats gonna make my search a bit harder! Anyone got a o/s UK rear cluster for sale
  19. hi i am after a o/s rear cluster for a 1993 supra - an just wondering weather there is a difference between jap/uk and year models? - or will they all fit. cheers:d
  20. hi i am after a o/s rear cluster for a 1993 supra - an just wondering weather there is a difference between jap/uk and year models? - or will they all fit. thanks
  21. DBR

    how the f**K

    what is this scam thing from africa guys? .... cos my m8 is selling a vauxhall and somone from africa offered to buy from him? with some dodgy set up going on?.......as follows: they wanted to send £4000 to his bank account, deduct the £600 they are paying for the car, and then wanted the balance of £3400 given to the shipper that was picking the car up!!??............ (YEP, i know what your thinking sounded well dodgy to me too!), so i have told him to get them to send a cheque for the car for £600.....wait for it to clear than release the car to them after it has clear..........TO WHICH THEY AGREED????? but im still smelling a fish? .... am i missing somthin' ????
  22. DBR

    BP 102 ron

    this is probly a re-post but has anybody come across 102 ron at bp!!?, i stumbled across it in southgate bp station in london yesterday and had never seen it before........... thought you guys might be interested, you need some d sort of secirity code to use it though???
  23. cheers for all your help so far guys, i think it might be ok to buy if its cheap enough! thanks dbr
  24. Hi all just a qucikie, whats a 'cat d' write off?.... anything to worry about when buying a car.....? i have seen a couple of 'cat c' write offs nocking around that never seem to get sold, any sort off write off seems to be a turnoff for buyers, there was a 'cat c' uk tt manual for £7-8k on 60k miles on pistonheads for a while that never got sold a while back............ does it seriously deteriate the value off the car that much? thanks
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