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Everything posted by Gazboy

  1. They pull up along side, fire a grappling hook over the railings and climb up, then put a AK47 to the captains head and redirect the vessel to a port of their choice.
  2. I think they are issuing government bonds to Asian countries, for how much longer these countries will accept these bonds is up for question. Obama is going to have to tax the arse off Joe Sixpack & Hockey Mom to repay this.
  3. Never thought the TS3 skirts would go that well with a Ridox bumper.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7748362.stm $1.5Tr in handouts/bailouts/injections so far. I can't see Detroit getting their requested funds now, but will they need them if the credit markets have been freed up (though the original $700bn was supposed to do this anyway). God knows how they will pay this back.
  5. Any 14 year old 300bhp car is a money pit. Look at the costs of a 928 or 8-series to see money pits.
  6. Gazboy

    way to cheap!

    Rev5 MR2's came in that colour.
  7. Given the choice of spending 40 minutes & £80 in a supermarket vs a few hours & £70 visiting local business then the supermarket wins hands down.
  8. The Badger is kidding himself if he thinks this will be over by mid 2009. When you've got 100 year old blue chippers facing bankruptcy it isn't the stuff of "short & sharp". A lot will depend on what happens in Detroit on December 1st.
  9. The bomex lip with OEM skirts and spats will look good.
  10. He did, he loaned them £500bn. They are now not passing that money on.
  11. You're assuming they won't win another term. If they don't win then I can't see the Tories doing more than one term as their policies will be incredibly unpopular when they try to fix this mess.
  12. NI contributions up 0.5% On the income tax thing, if you earn £100k the untaxed part of your income has been reduced, and if you earn over £140k you pay IT straight away with all of it taxed.
  13. Little ****** So petrol has actually gone up.
  14. Gazboy

    way to cheap!

    Milage wouldn't bother me, the overall condition of the car would. If it's straight, clean and in good nick then I see no problems here. If you look at the adverts of all these cars you will notice that condition and milage are not entwined or one being an indication of the other.
  15. Maybe they thought you were one.
  16. It's arrived! I was just going out when the courier turned up. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cKnEXI3gFyA
  17. Seems better. Going through Google it seems AcePro Direct were an online music (equipment not songs) retailer, I'm now wondering if they have gone under?
  18. Yes, a pay freeze, an overtime ban & no bonuses. 800 redundancies across the group to add to the 30 that go in two weeks from our plant (as part of the new technology project) The motor and housing sectors going to the wall effects us greatly. If GM go under it'll be very bad. My wife also has an overtime ban and redundancies at her place.
  19. It is interesting tht this global warming bolloques has died a death isn't it.
  20. I generally don't like e-commerce, I like to walk into a shop and exchange cash for goods. However my mum was surfing ebay one day when curiosity got the better of me and I asked her to buy a Korg AX3000G guitar effects unit on a buy it now 'auction'. Payment was via paypal on Wednesday night, so I expected this thing to arrive Friday. It still hasn't but I'm a patient bloke and they may have a 7-day delivery wait, thought I better check ebay when I read this: eBay Note: This user is no longer registered on eBay and: This listing (260315115477) has been removed or is no longer available. If the listing was removed by eBay, consider it cancelled. Note: Listings that have ended more than 90 days ago will no longer appear on eBay. So, am I right to think I've been scammed or just impatient?
  21. I sometimes wonder about the Badger. The shit hit the fan in spring when the fuel prices went silly, the more fuel costs the more 'things' cost (groceries being a good example). If he did a 3 month VAT holiday on all fuels it would have made a massive difference to the way things have turned out. Petrol would have been 25p a litre less, diesel would have been 30p less. These savings would be directly passed on to consumers and drivers would have had more money in their pockets to start with.
  22. The rule "if it doesn't sell it's too much" seems to have gone out the window, for all marques and ages. Hardly anybody is buying cars, either becuase they can't get finance, or they have more mundane things to use the money for or they are just sitting on their money and riding out the storm. Honda, Jaguar, Nissan, Land Rover, Mini & Vauxhall have cut productions lines, either losing the night shift, losing overtime or shutting down the factories for 2 months. Germany has gone into reccesion because car sales are so low (it's one of three reasons). If you can afford to hang on then don't sell yourself short.
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