I have asked this before, but just trying to get things straight in my head.
I want to remove both cats on my MKIV TT (95). I not going to bother with cat replacements, I'm just going to chop them off and install some more stainless steel tubeing back onto the HKS Drager.
Now I believe I'm going to hit FC ? I'm going to hopefully fix this with a jobbie from Mr Betts. Can anyone see anything else that I should be aware off. (NOT THE MOT_my mate mot's my car, NOT THE LAW_my car is to low for them to see+they have to catch me first+ they won't be bothered with my exhaust if they pull me, they are more likly be interested in my number plates and windows and funny blue lights underneath the car.)
Just anything to do with good old reliabilty, driveabilty, fc etc, etc