Erm my experience of owning an FTO was mixed
Good points
Look great (better looking than the supra IMHO)
Sound great - V6
Quite cheap to run in comparison
Quite cheap to buy now
The only car I have ever owned which pass it's MOT the first time round
Bad points
Engines are prone to failure - look it up on the FTO club (look up big ends you'll see what I mean)
Mine drank oil like no other car I have ever had (linked to point one) - I was checking it every other day and topping it up at least once a week
I had every possible sensor replaced during the 18 months I owned it
The alternator is very low down and I'm sure that is responsible for the fact that I had 4 alternators replaced in 9 months - all under warranty in the end but that didn't make it less annoying
The club is nothing like this one!!!
The tiptronic gear box was dreadful, manual mode never worked, and the autobox used to drop down from 4th to 2nd when it really wasn't necesssary
If you are seriously looking to buy one - get one imported or get one where you know that it's had a good history.
Pay more for a manual over the 4 speed tip box.
Mine may have just been a bad egg, although I seriously question the number of Mivecs where the engine failed, owned by enthusiasts who loved their cars