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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by how_supra

  1. I see you got home ok! I will ignore comments about it's cleanliness or silly fuel flap ha ha.
  2. Ah look Dave added me to the list.....
  3. Guys, unplanned visitors today, so I won't be coming now.....
  4. 1. KamaSupra 2. GreaseMonkey 3. Dangerousknopfler 4. StevieB (Maybe) 5. Homer 6. Sabrina (Maybe) 7.
  5. My current one just over two years and have no plans to get rid off My first one I had for about a year
  6. Yes please - I can get it painted white ultimately How much and I will paypal you! Thank you
  7. Snapped it right off the body work in fact Can I get a straight replacement as it just appears to be screwed to the body work? Or are there other options?
  8. Sorry guys I had to go up North for work at the last minute.....next time I will be there
  9. oh that was most certainly me. Black spotted on the black dam roundabout on Sunday!!!!!!!!
  10. I've finally bought a new stereo to replace the stupid Japaneese one in my car I want to replace the existing double head unit I have with a single one, so I need to get hold off a stereo shelve thing (which in my first supra was most handy hide away for my sunglasses - as shown here....) Any ideas? No idea what it's called...
  11. Nope they don't sell rear calipers for a non turbo supra
  12. I need to get hold off (new / second hand) a rear drivers side caliper Mine is knackered, so I need one as soon as possible I have cash ready to go!! Help
  13. Lots of great Sci-fi shows, but B5 was the best and is still the best one out of the lot. Dreadful acting in the first series, but the rest were just great!!!
  14. Oh yeah I was there. I was the one who couldn't park properly.... That was quite comic timing - after I'm sure I heard Tom say "nah it's just keeping warm"
  15. All, had a great evening, so a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped organise this. PS: I found the "shaggers" thing most amusing.
  16. oo Happy Birthday ms Charlotte Happy thoughts from me I've been off work all week I finished my Masters dissertation I'm getting my hair cut this afternoon I have twelve shiney bottles of wine on my kitchen floor bought for me as a pressie
  17. 01. Lui 02. JamieP 03. SaqTRD 04. Absxxxx 05. adnanshah247 06. Mr T 07. Guigsy 08. markssupra 09. Chingy 10. Bradleyh 11. Trig 12. Aero-M 13. Raven (on no unlucky 13 ) 14. Probrox 15. Gatso 16. jk136 17. conncl 18. How_supra /
  18. how_supra

    buying an FTO

    Erm my experience of owning an FTO was mixed Good points Look great (better looking than the supra IMHO) Sound great - V6 Quite cheap to run in comparison Quite cheap to buy now The only car I have ever owned which pass it's MOT the first time round Bad points Engines are prone to failure - look it up on the FTO club (look up big ends you'll see what I mean) Mine drank oil like no other car I have ever had (linked to point one) - I was checking it every other day and topping it up at least once a week I had every possible sensor replaced during the 18 months I owned it The alternator is very low down and I'm sure that is responsible for the fact that I had 4 alternators replaced in 9 months - all under warranty in the end but that didn't make it less annoying The club is nothing like this one!!! The tiptronic gear box was dreadful, manual mode never worked, and the autobox used to drop down from 4th to 2nd when it really wasn't necesssary If you are seriously looking to buy one - get one imported or get one where you know that it's had a good history. Pay more for a manual over the 4 speed tip box. Mine may have just been a bad egg, although I seriously question the number of Mivecs where the engine failed, owned by enthusiasts who loved their cars
  19. No, no throwing up took place. But the evening did start very early with a BBQ - te he (can you spot the deliberate mistake) http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9774/cimg1105s.th.jpg
  20. Great thread!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed this the first time round I only have photos where I look totally dishevelled - see evidence provided below So here is me doing something to a lamp-post http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9539/32831154230178881132149.th.jpg And here is me doing something with my friends web-cam http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/3180/32631882098851556282901.th.jpg Or if I don't look dishevelled looking awkward trying to pose for the camera http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/7472/cimg0421d.th.jpg http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7084/n6282901555373054429.th.jpg
  21. Ah apparently the booking hotline is only hot between 9 and 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Is it me? But everytime I ring the number it just cuts off?
  23. how_supra

    MS Excel help

    Ah well, thats way outside my patience too...............talk to me about data cubes, XOLAP, Paralel SQL Data loads, and I go blank......
  24. how_supra

    MS Excel help

    I can't resist a bit of excel logic, love it...
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