Hi All,
The dates for the Yakushi Show have been announced for middle of August this year. Location is Whittlebury Hall (near Silverstone) - the same location as prior years, but earlier in the summer and therefore hopefully glorious weather.
I’ll get this thread updated with more info in the coming days, but if you’re interested in coming again this year (trying to see if we get enough interest for the same setup as last year) please comment below.
If you haven't been before, it's a weekend of Good Friends, Good Food, Cars and camping. We hire in a marquee, fridge, cooking equipment etc, but need to understand interest before we set ticket prices for this year. Last year they were at £150 per person - to include show entry and all of your food and drink for the weekend. I'd imagine we'll be somewhere in that region with this years prices too.
More info on the show itself can be found here: https://yakushi-show.co.uk/