Leaving aside the dread with which we house dwellers view the sight of an ex utility pick up cruising our streets...
There are a lot of different groups travelling our highways, "real" Romani (gypsies) who were originally from India, Irish and Scots travellers (who have a longer history in the UK than the Romani do), and probably some descendants of the navvies, drovers, show folk, and canal workers whose way of life all but disappeared in the last century.
Not forgetting the Eastern European Roma who can now travel throughout the EU sending their children out to beg and pick pockets.
"Pikey" is not so much racial, as a description of the less scrupulous travellers who will lay shoddy tarmac "left over from a job", overcharge you for gardening work, and nick anything metal that isn't under tight security.
Pikey is now in the swear filter on some forums, God knows why.