Hi all.
Just got my soop back after a major engine rebuild. Been running it in nice and carefully for the last couple of weeks (done about 350 miles) then took it into town tonight pulled up at a roundabout and all hell broke loose.
Pulled away as normal, engine cut out with a large clunk and wouldn't restart so coasted to side of the road. Heart sank as I thought maybe I had somehow knacked the engine again.
Tried to start it up, engine turned over just but the vibration was terrible and then the engine cut out again. Got out the car and promptly called RAC. Waited for about an hour freezing my nuts off so decided to turn the engine over again.
This time the engine started and ran fine although there was a really loud rattle (bolts in a can type) coming from the inlet manifold area. Eventually the rattle died down so left the engine running to get some heat in the car.
RAC turned about, but couldn't help. Just drove the car home and all seems fine but I am now crapping myself incase something goes wrong.
Incidentally over the part couple of days, I have heard a rattle that sounds like something sliding up and down a tube from under the car. Thought maybe a loose jubillee clip. Each time I braked hard it slid forward and vice versa when I pulled away.
Any ideas anybody. Its really weird. Does the soop have an automatic engine cut out for any reason?
Thanks in advance.