Who brought the air of class???? Had to be the tasty RED one!!
Guys, once again, a TOP BANANA of a day, and preceeding night! Plenty of and even a spot of 70's dancin!!??
Shame we lost the FTO, and hope he finds out what went wrong with his motor? (Keeping up with the big boys obviously hurt the little mitsubishi!)
Loved the roundabouts the best personally, but couldn't seem to lay off the right foot long enough to keep her in a straight line??
Tom, good drive home, and i think we scared that 'little man' in the Golf GTI!! Mind you, getting sandwiched in by two angry Soop drivers, and then having them drive in front of you side by side on a single carriageway for a mile must be pretty daunting!
Jim, it was nice of you to go steady so we could keep up with you, but i can't understand how i always seemed to be in front of you with your car becoming an ever increasingly small dot in my rear view mirror!
Good to meet everyone again, and i hope Hornet didn't get into too much bother for coming out to play!
Andrea! Thanks for the fabulous breakfast, it was just what the doctor ordered this morning!, and Daz, thanks for letting me and Em kip on the 'half blown up' air mattress! (think you and Jim need to practice your puffs!)
See those of you who are attending on Tuesday night at Sherburn!