Ray, you truly are stark ravin bonkers!! Was a real pleasure meeting you all today, and to see some of the old faces again! Shame the weather turned on us in the afternoon, but it didn't seem to dampen anyones spirits!
The convoy WAS excellent, and i'll be posting a couple of pics up shortly. VIDS would be good if anyone has any?
Liam, thanks for stickers, Tom, thanks for donuts! (Passing from car to car on A1 on way home!), Keron, Well done m8, you earned it! Ray, for being Ray and organising a top stand! Heckler, for not making me feel too guilty for not being able to have my dash converted 'this' time, Aaron, for arranging and driving down with us! Dave222, for the loan of the insulation tape and pliers to remove silly resistor on my air sensor (costing me WAY too much in fuel!) And finally, EVERYONE ELSE for being such a top bunch of people, and making me proud to be a Supra Owner, and a member of .NET!