this is a quick goodbye to everyone who iv met at any of the meets in Norwich and Cambridge and everybody i have spoken to on the forum who has offered help in anyway.
Thankyou and Goody Bye
Ive just purchased a house so iv sold the Supra NA as it was to big for where my new house is and wanted something for the same price but quicker
Ive gone for a MR2 Turbo Rev3 In White which has some choice mods to boost it along.
I will be away for a few years untill im back with a 6spd tt Supra but untill then ill drop in from time to time and look forward to a few 6spd supra kills while im away
Speak to you all again soon.
ps. just a quick one to all owners on the site. this is by far the best car forum going for help, advice, best layed out forum etc etc etc