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Everything posted by Scoboblio

  1. I know they're powerful cars, but replacing the doors as part of a service seems a bit over the top IMO.
  2. I wonder what the average running costs is for one of these compared to say a 911 turbo over 50k miles, considering everyone's original reaction was that it was a 'supercar for half the price' and 'showing those expensive premium marques the way forward'. If I had a GTR, the smile on my face when lining up against a 911 turbo would be quickly wiped off when I had to pay £690 for a tyre
  3. Very nicely done, congratulations!
  4. Scoboblio


    I had a greddy 2 row FMIC on mine, the pipework didn't interfere with the stock airbox. Not that I'd bother with a FMIC again unless I absolutely needed to.
  5. I thought it was typical Tarantino - laughed a lot, cringed a lot and loved how it swung between completely over the top to very subtle. Yet if you try to explain it to someone who's never heard of Tarantino, it sounds like absolute rubbish. Brad Pitt's Italian accent FTW.
  6. The second world were the Soviet communist states. Then again if the Afgans weren't so good at fighting off invaders (US and UK should take note here), they would've been second world decades ago!
  7. I'm no physics expert, but aren't those rear wheels too close together? Won't it simply flip over at the slightest hint of an incline and some throttle? Still, would be fun though.
  8. I once sold my GF's fiesta and didn't do anything at all with the V5 - in fact I think I left it in the glovebox of the car Just wrote a quick letter to the DVLA saying it'd been sold, and I didn't have any contact details for the new owner. Wasn't a problem, they sent me the usual 'we can confirm you're no longer the keeper' letter. Oh and if it was sold to someone in Belgium, don't you just fill out the exported bit on the V5?
  9. I don't get what you mean, how does the xbox 'not do' full HD?
  10. If it's a free gift, forget which one's better, get the most valuable one! You can always sell it and buy something you really want.
  11. I've got no sympathy for him at all. He was happy to stick two fingers up to this country for 30 years - if he'd served out his sentence when first convicted he would've been released years ago. If people want to brand him a minor criminal then fine - but he's a minor criminal who's never expressed any regret whatsoever for his crime and only came back to this country when he got sick.
  12. The funniest part of this thread so far is the summarised version on the front page: 'Police woman given head'
  13. Best typo EVER! Doug's hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. If you can show respect for someone's religion when visiting their place of worship, why not do it? It's not bending over backwards, it's not being soft, it's common sense!
  14. I saw three people wearing burkhas on the news last night and couldn't help thinking they looked like dark jedi. Think I've played too much knights of the old republic.....
  15. I loved the original! Saw the new version on xbox live earlier, seriously tempting.
  16. Aww how proud are you! Bloody hell I remember when we first started working together Paul, wasn't he was about 4?!?!! Time flies!
  17. Ian C for the infamous 'care bears' and 'steps to cover the engine' lines.......then again there's Jake with his cringe worthy story featuring a soldering iron, and the thousand hilarious one liners he's come out with. Please don't make me choose......
  18. That doesn't sound like you're being very fair at all - have you ever been to Essex? In what way is the stereotypical chav (unwashed, unworking, uneducated and theiving) related to that of the typical Essex boy (escort driving, gold chain wearing thug)? Oh and FYI birds of a feather wasn't real - and the image it created of the stereotypical Essex girl / boy was a myth - until that is, the constant dragging of Essex's reputation through the sh*t gave the unworking masses living in London's overspill an excuse to act like it. Blaming Essex for the rest of the country's chav population is weapons grade bollox - are you honestly saying that the gangs of chavs around the likes of stoke on trent are due to Essex in the 80's more than the downfall of industry?
  19. FFS listening to you lot you'd think Colchester was easily confused with downtown Bagdad Haven't had many nights out there but whenever I've visited during the day it's been quite a laid back, old fashioned kinda place - try this site http://www.visitcolchester.com/ Prodigy are / were from Braintree IIRC. No, not really. Try visiting a couple of places near the Suffolk border, then compare and contrast with the likes of Romford or Harlow. Chalk and cheese.
  20. Damn it, paid £25 for this not long ago. Great game! Oh and a free
  21. A friend of my GF's has very similar problems with her golf TDI, she's got so fed up with taking it into the garage she's going to sell it - this is a 2008 model I think.
  22. It's called confirmation bias. HTH.
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