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  1. Shovels


    Yeh, I do mma now - used to do loads of Kenpo, but no comparison really. It all comes down to the club you train at though - like anything you get good ones and crappy ones. My lot puts on Strength & Honour events throughout the year. The next one's on 29th November in Exeter if anyone fancy's a good night out. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=34145960702 Ohh and for some piccys I took at the last one... http://www.lionsdenuk.co.uk/gallery/strength-and-honour-2_185
  2. Believe it or not the guy was screaming even more than you Ray Not sure I'll still have the car by then as she's got to go - but I'm gonna try and make it anyway. Hopefully see you there!
  3. it's the one between the mid pipe and decat pipe. i guess the next step is to give you some measurements! Not sure at the mo, but will try and find out. Any ideas on price Nic?
  4. Does anyone know where I could source the gaskets for an APEXi exhaust and if so roughly how much?
  5. That's a nice looking wheel - Shame NERO looks like NERD - my mates would rip the pi$$ especially as I'm in I.T.
  6. Anyone remember the guy in 2006 who was taking it all a little too seriously. He was propper screaming at everyone and getting really narked when they got beaten Has always been a good laugh and if I manage to get there this year I'll be up for it again
  7. That reminds me of a story I heard a few years back... http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2007/raf-speeding-ticket-p1.php
  8. I would love to have a job flying one of these things about! apparently there's only a handful of guys in the UK that can.
  9. going to get some video footage of us on the ground hopefully from the on-board camera - If I do I'll try and post it up
  10. The best bit was where you could hear, but couldn't see them, then all of a sudden it rose up from behind the trees and came straight towards us. Couldn't imagine what it would be like in the battlefield as an enemy seeing one coming.
  11. Not the sort of thing you get to see every morning... A mate's mate is an Apache Gunship pilot and had to fly to a local airport. He said to stand in a local playing field and he did a few fly-bys My boys loved it! (and I did)
  12. I did some work for a solicitor a while back and he was talking about something similar and used a tyre company as another example. He basically said they can put what they like on their invoices, but at the end of the day if your wheel fell off it would be their responsibility. They wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court.
  13. Hi Keron, Interested in the Rad - Can u drop me a PM with a contact number. Cheers, Neal.
  14. I'm after a stock TT radiator (Manual). After speaking to Chris W (cheers) he advised me that there are three different types... The rad needs to the one with the main fan driven by the engine and a second small electric fan.
  15. I have to agree to some extent - I also spend quite a while fixing Dell machines - but for me it's faults caused by user error, or malware. Plus I think the market is fairly flooded with Dell kit, hence why they seem to appear more often on the workbench.
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