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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus


    So was I, I was expecting to be bringing them home sometime around Thursday, but turned up at the Hospital this morning and she was already dressed, the first thing she said was they were letting her go home. As for the labour, well, Katie now thoroughly recommends an Epidural to anyone & everyone for anything.
  2. If anybody remembers one of the programs from the "Speed" series that he did, the one where he went inverted spinning in a Hunter aircraft (1950's military jet), on the day of filming I was responsable for the maintenance of the jet and getting the crew in and out. When I strapped him in he was just a little bit nervous... ...but when I tried to get him out at the other end of the trip his legs weren't working, after a bit of a struggle he got down the aircrew steps and then promptly colapsed onto the floor in the middle of the aircraft dispersal/apron, curled up into the fetal position and honked his guts up, all the time the film crew kept rolling, even when I was standing over him laughing (I was getting my own back because I had a Vectra at the time and before he went he was remarking on how he didn't like the idea of flying in anything that had been maintained by a Vectra driver!). Funnily enough, all of that got cut from the broadcasted material but i've still got some photo's that were taken by some of our own lads. I found him to be quite a decend average petrolhead kinda bloke when we were talking away from the cameras.
  3. Lazarus


    Just brought Cameron and Katie home from the Hospital, I don't think I've ever driven so smoothly before in my life, notice I didn't say slowly, just smoothly (no speeding tho, I stuck to the limits). First night was brilliant, second night the midwifes had to take him away just so Katie could get some sleep, tonight will be his first night at home so we'll see how it goes.
  4. Lazarus


    BBS Gimp! says so right under my name! Edit: Note to self "must update garage pics!"
  5. Lazarus


    I think at one point on Sat night she started to believe Cam was that size too.
  6. Lazarus


    Ivan, from your first post I've just "inferred" that we must have come up as a topic of conversation once or twice, I hope only nice things were said.
  7. Lazarus


    Err! Well, actually you have, at a bournemouth meet last year, but don't worry it's nice to be remembered.
  8. Lazarus

    Ebay gem!

    According to the other pics its got a 7m-gte in it, so, yes.
  9. Lazarus


    Jaymdee, I know of someone who's got you beat with a 72hr labour, strewth, 35hrs was long enough! I just noticed from an earlier post in this thread that Rob was saying about having the mobile phone on in the Hospital. All I can say is, at Salisbury Hospital, the only place I was not allowed to use mob phone was in the Theatre (and I wouldn't have used it there anyway). I can see how having someone constantly yakking on a phone in an environment like that could be annoying to other patients but it would appear if you're "sensible" with its use no-one will stop you.
  10. Lazarus


    Pics... 1. In the recovery room (I did take a pic in the Theatre but Katie probably wouldn't like to see that one on here), now that is one happy Mom! 2. This morning, Mom still happy because he fed at around 23:30 and slept all the way to 05:30 3. Still asleep (lazy bugger!) 4. What a handsome boy. (Wonder where he gets that from?) 5. Grandma's first hold... and the only reason I included it is because it gives a good idea of the size of Cameron.
  11. Lazarus


    Just getting them off the camera now, gimme a sec... ...and Henk, If you had tried doing any videoing at about 02:30 on Sat morning you would have recorded a lot of very foul language and then she would have probably rammed the camera up your ar*s! (hence the Epidural) Satan would have been no competition!
  12. Lazarus


    Just got back from the Hospital, Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. The news.... After a 35hr labour and a few minor complications Cameron James was finally born via C-Section at 21:24 last night... 8lb 12oz... 54cm long or 21 1/4 inches in old money Mother and Baby are fine, Dad is just a little bit tired (and in despirate need of a shower...three days in the hospital...phewy!) Got some piccies if anybody is interested, you will not believe how cute this baby is...but I'm biased. Cheers
  13. Just spotted this, actually chaps that was the wife, she gets to drive the Supe more than me now, she works there, or rather "did" as She's on Maternity leave for at least 6 months now.
  14. Well when the boat comes in, whip it off real quick and see if there's a makers name on the back, then get it back on again before Fish finds out. ...didn't Veilside put their logo on the back of their products? is that common to other manufacturers too?
  15. Are you open to offers? or is that £110 firm?
  16. Nah, I don't think its a modified Veilside, it would take so much work you might as well of started from scratch. I like it because it's different, on the other hand I do like cars that are completely devoid of body kits, just lowered over a nice set of wheels.
  17. I know this question was asked before a while ago (a couple of years ago maybe?) but did we ever get to the bottom of the I.D. of these front ends (see pics)?... ...and anybody know where they're available from and how much? I did a search but couldn't find the old thread, difficult to put any decent search parameters in if you don't know the name of it. My memory was jogged by seeing a pic of one of the cars Jurgen was bidding on, it appears to have one (last pic)...
  18. This thread on ClubNA-T has some info on manifold clocking... http://www.clubna-t.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108&highlight=manifold+clocking Editted to say the search I used on clubna-t was "manifold clocking" and it came up with about 5 threads.
  19. I'm sure I read somewhere that someone else was having the same problem with tubbie to distributor clearance... Their solution was to "clock" the turbo mounting flange on the manifold, basically welding a fresh flange on top of the existing but at a slight angle to turn the tubbie intake away from the distributor, not by alot, just enough to get the clearance, 2 or 3 degrees probably. (I'm sure I read it on clubNA-T) I don't know how this would affect your other pipe work, Probably hooking up the exhaust would be the worst hurdle tho.
  20. Does anybody on here have any "Trade Plates" they could lend Rosie?(you know, the red ones on a white backround), Its not strickly "kosher" as she won't be on anybodies company insurance but it will keep law at bay if she drives the car down there steadily. (That is of course if the laws on those haven't changed recently?)
  21. Since a thread has been started with ref to classic toyota's, I'll regurgitate this thread from a while back just for your interest... http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=39943&highlight=celica The Supra can trace its lineage all the way back to this model...
  22. Must be a case of "Too much of a good thing!" then.
  23. Mr Loopy...you have no soul!
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