Paul - good points on the numbers of cars, however in London you must admit that the policies of Mr Livingstone have made the traffic / road situation in the capital a lot worse than before his time.
With regards to more cars being on the roads - that could well be true and perhaps if there was a better public transport alternative then people would use it. I for one notice that the trains, buses, underground (again London specific) are packed - so not as if people are NOT using public transport - you try and get people out of their cars then you need to provide them with a suitable alternative.
Even if they succeed in stopping ALL CARS from driving in the UK TODAY - there is very little to say that the impact on reducing pollution will be significant. Point being - linking fossil fuel pollution to global warming is a bit rich without having all the evidence.
I'd like to see the analysis of the impact of this road charging on business and the economy......
What about the growing population, we are @ approx 6 Billion people today and in order to sustain the american lifestyle for 3Bn people, you would need 3 earth planets apparently. With other countries developing and trying to live the american dream, I guess "global warming" on a GLOBAL scale is taking off like a rocket