Got some quotes in, as expected they vary wildly.
Fees (inc VAT) £470.00
Stamp Duty £2,385.00
Landreg Fees £250.00
Searches £8.00
TT Fee (inc VAT) £35.25
File storage costs (inc VAT) £19.98 (NOT AGAIN!!!!!!)
Local Search Fee £ Varies with Local Authority
Mining or Other Local Searches: £ Vary with Area
Total: £ 3,090.00
Total (inc VAT): £3,168.23
Local solicitor:
Stamp Duty 2,385.00
Registration 220.00
Local authority search }
Environmental search } 208.50
Water search Approx 42.77
CHAPS transfer 35.00
Pre-completion searches 6.00
Incidentals 94.00
Notice of Assignment & Charge 58.75
Possible Deed of Covenant 135.13
Dealing with Managing Agents 58.75
Fees 395.00 + 195.00
Indemnity Insurance 94
Form filling in 85.00
Total is around £4k once VAT and bits and bobs totalled up.
The web one doesn't include local authority searches but I can assume around £220 from other quotes.
Only issue now is aren't sure if they can provide their services for property in London.
Oh joy.