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Everything posted by chazuk

  1. Ground coat sprayed over a light primer, this is on just a old piece of metal I found laying around http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/263/dsc01603d.jpg Now with 6 coats of pearl, bit of a pain as there was no direct sunlight its hard to show but anymore coats and it would start looking greeny yellow from any angle its really bright http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/1089/dsc01611s.jpg On to the engine bay just the ground coat no pearl http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4756/dsc01613u.jpg I am starting to have second thoughts to the colour already In between waiting for stuff to dry I de-greased the gearbox as you can see from a earlier post it was pretty dirty, first coat of sliver http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/4038/dsc01651i.jpg
  2. Cheers mate , I couldn't find a really good close up but here you go hope this helps they would look nice on a red car http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/8090/dsc00780g.jpg http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7801/st8blackb1.jpg My old black sup with same wheels http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/2907/dscn0059a.jpg
  3. Thanks mate, not as good as your's though I love the widearch . Yea doing all the work from my shed apart from the outter body respray I havent got a booth/oven. Cheers for the info you got a picture of it on your 300 ?
  4. Nice mate ,the rs500 is the only one id have it looks really mean they are worth quite a bit these days I saw a 100% orginal mint one up for 19k not long ago .
  5. Thanks mate , I've popped them a email . What cossie did you have then ?
  6. I quite like the look of these , Seibon carbon fiber front wings 10mm wider problem is they want $600 just for shipping , anyone know somewhere else I can get these from? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/93-94-95-96-98-SUPRA-10MM-SEIBON-CARBON-FIBER-FENDER-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2306d97e1dQQitemZ150438772253QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  7. I only got enough to do the engine bay and the shuts just in case I change my mind as I am not 100% on it, I will do a test panel first to see how many coats of the pearl it will need to get the desired colour.
  8. Cheers mate , only problem with anything in the clear coat espically in the lighter colours like sliver and white is when the sun is not on it the colour appears dirty like a gone off white or a dirty sliver if the yellow dosent work I will give it a go though, I just had a look at Glanov's its very nice I like sup's in white makes them look quite wide aswell.
  9. You need NOS one of big ones no acutally make it 2 , oh and you need it by tonight:)
  10. crappy weather , still cracking on I degreased the engine bay using gunk the good thing with this product is its paint friendly so I dont get a reaction when trying to paint where its been. Sorry for the phone pics the camera battery died this morning. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1862/img00006201005191349.jpg http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/3396/img00004201005201445.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/7320/img00005201005191349.jpg Primered http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/2384/img00008201005221148.jpg Lamborghini ground coat yellow http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2882/dsc01595kh.jpg Lamborghini basecoat pearl http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/4908/dsc01598ap.jpg
  11. How about the pearl bright green on the new rs
  12. what are these people on !
  13. Here you go mate avon custom did all the work on this sup think its what you are looking for http://www.avoncustom.co.uk/projects/pdfs/supra2.pdf
  14. Once I've done all my bits and the car is back on the road my first point of call for a quote for the outside paint job is (baldy) have a look at his work it looks top, whats up with your's just fancy a colour change ?
  15. Thats a great figure at that boost you must be happy , what does it feel like at the moment spool wise compared to the pt ?
  16. yes and no I can do all of the engine bay , under the bonnet , boot , all shuts. I do not have a propper dust free booth or a oven for a full job, I did spray my old man's rx7 boot lid last week as his old one was rusty all around the bottom of the sill it came up quite well the weather really helped the clear coat to go off before to much landed in it.
  17. Thanks for the advice mate, good to hear it from someone that has come from a PT to a BW I see , do you have a graph for the new bw setup?
  18. Cheers mate Gunmetal seems the most popular choice, yea thats true could be worse ...good job I didnt say lambo orange I would get (NOS) all turned on;)
  19. There’s more decisions to be made yet I will be ordering the single kit next week , I’ve been though endless thread’s and posts in the hunt for the best kit and when I think that’s it I read something or watch something that makes me think otherwise. I am looking for 540-600fly I had my mind set originally on the BL kit t6765 PT billet .81 ar after looking at Pauls BW kits though the torque seems to be allot higher than the PT billets can’t seem to get my head round it . I’ve watched allot of videos on youtube of bw kits and I know it shouldn’t affect my decision but they sound so quiet and civilised then I watch JP’s video when his was 550 and think that’s fast enough for me and sounds the nuts, I’ve been told the PT units are more prone to failure than the bw should I be worried though, would a PT t67 fit on Pauls single kit ?, and vise versa would a bw fit on the bl manifold?, if I bought a bl kit and wanted to swap to a bw turbo would I need the manifold for the twin scroll is this where the torque is coming from . Sorry if I might sound dumb here but I am new to the single game.
  20. Cheers , gunmetal is close behind the yellow at the moment it would be nice to have a colour with some depth to it. I was worried about this , still not 100% on the yellow yet but I guess as long as I am happy with it I shouldnt worry. I will be able to try the yellow saturday do a quick test and if its okay I will do the engine bay , if not its looking like gunmetal theres so many varients though. One colour that is not on the list as I cannot seem to photoshop that very well is white, heres one I found on supraforums I think the black inserts for the vents looks top. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/8412/rollin2.jpg
  21. Ive been playing around with photoshop tonight trying to get a idea. Ive ordered a litre of lambo yellow its a 3 stage pearl not cheap but I will see what thats like as I am not 100% sure on colour. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/6567/yellow2k.jpg http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7631/purplec.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/8172/gunmetal.jpg http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9504/darkbluee.jpg
  22. Gearbox out http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/683/img00003201005151444.jpg Engine ready for removal , jesus the block connectors through the bulkhead was a pain I think with 2 people it would help! http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5381/img00004201005151445.jpg Engine out - got a feeling its a very heavy engine comparing it to my rb engine anyone got the weight of just the engine ? http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/3377/dsc01510mf.jpg Whats left http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/6735/dsc01508k.jpg Next I need to remove everything from the engine bay , degrease, rub down , spray primer ready for painting hopefully get these bits done on saturday
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