some guys repsonse on PH to this sounds like a lambo owner to me , lol 2k miles and it needs a 5k clutch
"I guess you have to own an early Gallardo to appreciate how unreliable the electrics were, how chocolate the clutches were and how many times it used to go into "limp home" mode and close down one bank of cylinders. If Lambo London (was it Stuart?) was to be believed, the clutches were not under warranty (2000 miles - £5k and change for a new one) and the reason the cylinder banks would cut out was something to do with a sensor in / near the wheel arch and it was not waterproof. The interior door handle and rear view mirror kept falling off. The pistons in the rear calipers kept seizing. Batteries and electrics were rubbish which resulted in shorts and flat batteries weekly.....and much more.
Mine was a very early LHD brought from Germany. I had it for one month. If I was on my own on a desert island (with no one to judge me) and I had a sledge hammer, I would have smashed it to peices many times over (obviously a hypothetical scenario).
I hear they're better now; but whilst not condoning this guys actions, I can understand his frustration.
Lamborghini Gallardo - literal translation; Made out of recycled Raviolli tins."