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Everything posted by terribleturner

  1. And anotheer BUMP Come on peeps, this stuff has got to go.
  2. It's in good nic, slight marks which are covered by the speedo rings part and the hazzard part. But all's fine.
  3. I think im gonna keep them tbh, but i'll let you know if i change my mind.
  4. It was a saga which was me being a twank and leaving silly things not done properly. All done now but means i can only run the car at weekends as petrol will kill my bank account now Reason why this lot HAS to go one way or another.
  5. BUMP - Don't be afraid to make an offer, the worst i can say is no need to get this lot gone before i stick up some more items. eg. Another Catch Can, HKS DLI RLTC Couple of gauges maybe. And very possibly the APR wing i have, if i can convince myself i need the change.
  6. TBH i'd like the whole kit to go as one. Let me have a think and i'll PM you. I've got a few people intrested in this but first one to show me the money has it. Spec is.... IBM 390E Thinkpad Running Windows 98 64 mb ram 2gb Hard Drive Infa Red USB CD Drive Floppy Drive Has a battery which i'll include but is rubbish and just add's weight. Stripped out of everything so as it's for soul use for mapping. It will get you on the internet for updates but this would be useless for someone who wants to play games on it or draw pretty pictures. I also have found out an incar power adaptor if anyone is intrested. Also coming very soon, RLTC with Digi Adjuster. Never used and still packaged up.
  7. Unfortunatly stock frames are no good as they attach to the side of the chair and these bolt to the bottom. But with the right bits it's a very easy 10/20 minute job the get them out and new ones in. Replied
  8. Sorry guys, catch can is Graham's
  9. Need to free up some cash so this lot has to go. I can't get access to the site from work now so emails will get to me faster and as they say Cash talks. Prices are just for the parts only and i may take offers on a couple of items. Cash is great, bank transfer is alright, and paypal can be done as long as fee's are covered. Postage not on all items, only listed. GReddy Catch Can and Braided Hoses. SOLD The hose alone is worth £30+ Center Dash Piece SOLD Good condition, may even throw in the clock if i can find it. Basic Laptop For Mapping £75£60 I used this on my EManage and on Jamie P's AEM. Comes with the AEM and EManage software loaded. Has the all important Serial port, CD drive. But battery is knackered. Serial to USB Dongle £10 + free postage Never used as i got the laptop in the end. Used if you havn't got a serial port on your laptop when mapping. Cigarette Lighter Multi Socket SOLD 2 X 17" Wheels £60 Was going to get some drag radials or slicks for these for the strip. They come with tyres which are bald. Fit fine over UK brakes. Cobra Daytona Seats £120£100 picked up Say display stock and are tatty round the bottom. Was gonna get them recovered at some point but havn't yet. Foam in the seats are all fine. Need runners. AEM For TT/Single, IAT Sensor, 3.5bar MAP Sensor, Boost Solenoid £850 Not really sure about the price for this lot, above is if bought together, but may split. I got the AEM 2nd hand from Titan Motorsports in the US. Has a map pre loaded but i havn't run it on the car yet as i never got round to finding time for mapping. May have an HKS DLI for sale too if there's intrest. £250£230
  10. Yeah tried a bump Doug but it doesn't want to know. Gotta say the car i think looks gorgeous, and when she works drives beautiful. But i can't take it anymore and if it's another engine rebuild i don't have the money to fix her. If it was something like the alternator or starter i'd be fine, but my luck tell's me there's no way it's going to be that simple.
  11. I hadn't really thought of a Merc but i gotta i am now very tempted. Gonna read up on them now i think An EVO or Scooby would be nice but there's alot of temptation there the mod the car. The M3 being so common is also a factor that i don't like. Think i need to make a list of like 10 cars and just go look.
  12. Ok, i think it's time i sold up and bought something that is just stock that i wont be tempted to mod because it wont be worth the buck. Im thinking 8 or 9 grand but will go either way, specially for the right car. So what would people suggest?? I have to say i am very tempted by an S2000 which a little more than my first budget, or maybe a M3 Cab. All joking aside it's a good engine and looks good. What else should i be looking at??
  13. Thanks for all the input guys. TBH ive had enough of the car now and can't even be bothered to get her fixed. Think i'll just sell it and take the hit. I've just had enough of throwing money at the car to have her break every other month.
  14. I don't know to be honest Michel, but don't recall anything like hat being done. No i wouldn't know where to begin rebuilding the engine. But i guess it really depends on why i have a problem.
  15. Havn't looked for codes yet. SO pissed i didn't even want to go pick it up tbh. No lights came on at all but i'll check codes tomorrow. So do i I think the only reason the slow turn is the battery just getting less and less now after the times i tried cranking it. But does everyone think that is the sound of the car turning over?? Doesn't sound like that to me. It's not the same sound as when you take the ignitor pack off. Also just before we got to the drive i stuck it in 2nd and dropped the clutch, it tried to go but just died.
  16. JUST had a thought. The oil feed to the turbo is a banjo fitting. So if the bolt wasn't turned right then the oil getting through would have been very little/none. But surley the oil feeds round the engine even without the turbo feed?
  17. The only other thing i have touched os the oil feed for the turbo so i'm gonna have a look there too. There was oil on the dipstick so gotta be somee in there. But why is it not turning over at all?? Need to... check plugs, check filter, check turbo feed. Anything else worth playing with while im in there??
  18. Abs if i take the filter off what should i be looking for?? That the new filters oil has changed colour??
  19. Dude tell me about it, i thought i'd found the end of the rainbow to I'me gonna put the new plugs in and see what happens as i'd only just changed them not long before i went out.
  20. Graham, are you really saying your bov was the reason a car decided to stop
  21. Apoligies Lewis, my sentence was given for the fact that someone pulled out infront of another person from a junction. Be it a bike, a car or an old person in one of those mobility cars, if you pull out infront of someone and either don't look (which alot of people do lately) or don't do it properly in a safe fashion then your 100% in the wrong. Someone said that too me once and i thought it was amusing But think about it, a dual carrigeway would become a 4 way highlane, it'd be great. As said previously, can's on bikes sound alot louder than cars. I can hear bikes on the A40 and i live 8/9 miles away. Does that mean obvioulsy they are going too fast?? What i read from posts on here there are a few who are anti bike. That's fine, personnally im anti smart cars. I don't know the road to be honest. I don't know if it's a straight road, a slight bend or twists and turns. I don't even know if it's a dual carriagway or a country lane. Fact is still fact, someone has pulled out infront of someone else. Untill someone knows different the one pulling out is at fault, end of.
  22. No Cam belt is fine, although i did think it was making a noise the other day that stopped. Ok, tried this but no go, wasn't gonna be moved anywhere. It was but the gauge itself wasn't powering up so thought the gauges was broke. On the other hand the temp gauge wasn't reading anything I've got a new oil pump so that should be fine. I'd just topped the oil up after instaalling a new filter and the sandwich plate. I just took some video. Car is home now thaank god. Front bumper had to come off and i swear the headlights were superglued in.
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