I hope its ok to post here..
To be short - my friends who are in the rock band need all support they can get. Why I am asking you lot to help, because I know you all have a kind heart.
The guy who formed this group few years ago is writing music and songs himself, he also writes books (one of his novel right now with a film producer ). Everyone in that band very passionate about music. This is a local band called SHOOTER.
You probably heard of rock group Thunder, who are looking for a support band for their UK tour.
All you have to do is text the name of the group to 87121 in the
following format:
GIG Shooter
Sadly texts cost a quid or so but please send a few in and tell everyone you know to do the same.This will get them a chance to
support Thunder on their UK tour, which would be nice. The offer ends on October 30th so get on it now please.
I have sent so far 8-10 texts so far
If anyone wonders what they sound like, I might try to upload here some of their music then.
Thanks a lot for your attention!