Barney - the car looks very nice Thanks for your comments.
I keep receving positive feedback, which is sort of putting my mind at rest a bit, after all the ordeal I went through - as you understand, I want everything to be smooth and perfect this time.
TRD3000 - Chris, thanks for offering your help. I do actually need some things to be put straight there, will you be in the workshop on the 24th? So I could explain you what needed to be done or I can always send a pm. Let me know what would work best for you.
The thing is - when Paul K put Walborough fuel pump in there, I think he bended something there, as the fuel indicator shows I got 1/3 of tank full of petrol, when there isnt petrol at all.. Thats how I stucked in the middle of nowhere last year , when Paul E came to rescue with a litre of petrol - as a knight on his white horse LOL
Plus few other things needed to put right.
So let me know pease, if you would prefer PM or I could explain while we're at the workshop.
Thank a lot!