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Everything posted by suprz_rz

  1. Cheers. Next nearest shop is in Brum, and I aint going there on the off chance
  2. It's a Toyota aftermarket remote central door locking antenna.
  3. Piehound, if you can get them for that much, can I send you a cheque, as I went into 3 somerfields down here, and none of them had any!! I'll cover postage as well BTW.
  4. Hey, its up to £720 now. I reckon he night get to £1000 buy the end of the auction. How much would an engine/autobox go for? I cant think there is anything else worth much left on it, other than maybe the glass/door/boot and interior stuff ( seats etc..)
  5. He did say he had insurance and that the reason he wanted a soop was that it was only a few quid more on insurance than his GTiR. I guessed that he was talking about fully comp, but if he isnt making a claim then he either didnt have insurance, or he only had TPF&T. Not what I would have done on a car like that, but as Homer said, maybe it was the only way he could run a soop at 21. And Homer, Whats wrong with a veilside spoilered car? Each to his own and all that:twak:
  6. Badger is safe and sound. I rescued him before the sale. He cried when I told him his soul mate was dead. We all know, myself included:whistle: , that you dont twat around in this weather, but he obviously ignored my warnings.
  7. Needed the money. I wouldnt have sold if I hadn't been in the process of buying a shop. Now driving a POS alfa 2.0Ti with only 150hp ( supposed to be anyhow! ) Missing the power already, but needs must and all that!!
  8. Be carfull up there in Edinburgh. I just sold mine to someone from there and in less than a week, wrapped it round a lampost. If you are interested, you could contact hime for any bits you might want. Double CW de-cats are still on it I think, FCD etc.. see thread http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=56676 for details
  9. He picked it up on saturday last. so he only had it 5 days before it went on ebay. I guess he trashed it the weekend he bought it. He seemed to have genuine respect for the power and has owned a GTiR before, so could deal with masses of power. Still, does'nt make up for the fact he was only 21 and was probably showing off to his mates!!
  10. Please say a prayer for my old car, as the new owner has killed it good and proper! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MK-IV-Toyota-Supra-Twin-Turbo-DAMGED-SALVAGE_W0QQitemZ4605918041QQcategoryZ18290QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. So you think the supra is bad on fuel. this has a 22,000L fuel tank, Thats a 20grand fill up!! and you'll only manage about 2000 miles on it if you pootle along at 12mph odd!
  12. Not really local. edinburgh. He flew to brum AP, and drove back.
  13. Just watch out, as they now know where a nice car is, and they also know that at certain times of the day, only a female is in the house. ( not being sexist, or anything, just how they will see it ) They may well come back and become a little stronger in their persuasion. If you can get it off the road,( stick it in garage etc.. ) or take it with you for a while, so as it isnt too tempting for them to come back and try again.
  14. suprz_rz

    Turbo Timers

    Depends if you want one which has a set amout of time on the countdown, or you have one which links into you throttle, and increase the time if you drive harder. I had the later, and is the more expensive type. You get what you pay for.
  15. If he looks tired, just drip feed him a can of a well known energy drink!! he will spark into life pretty soon then.
  16. She went today. I am very upset about it, and had to fight back the tears when I saw her being driven off. I have had so much fun in her (ohh err!) I could bearly watch her go. She went for a lot less than I would have hoped, but she did go to a jap car enthusiast, which is good.
  17. Reading all the lads mags in the toilets !!
  18. Texas Intruments Extensa 550CD for sale. Pentium 75 with 16Mb of RAM. Has Win 98 on it which runs in safe mode, but halts if booting normally. Should be easy to fix for someone with a slightly better knowlege of computers than me! Batteries are fcuked, so will only run off the mains charger. The batteries are linked AA batteries, so if someone wants a soldering challenge, then the batteries could be changed for about £15 Slight damage to one corner of the lid ( shown in pic ) Screen works perfectly though. Has serial port and parallel port, external screen, keyboard, mouse etc.. CD-ROM swaps out and can be replaced with the floppy disk. PCMCIA card slot. It was obviously a good laptop in its day, but if someone wants to use it for engine mapping, then this should be up to the job. Comes with mains charger and laptop carry case. Any offers ?
  19. I know mine being an auto isnt as desirable as the manual, and also being white, but she only done 40k kms and I have struggled with lots of time wasters, wannabe's and hopefully now, after 2 months of trying, looks like I I might have sold her for 70% of what she should be for sale for. If you dont HAVE to sell, or can hold on for a few more months, then dont. You will easily get an extra few grand by waiting till the weather gets a bit better and people start deciding that they want somthing a bit fun for the summer.
  20. I am struggling at the mo to sell my 93 TT for more than 5500. Market is cr@p at the mo.
  21. I tried linksys stuff,and although they are even easier to set up than the netgear, they are no way as reliable.
  22. I use a netgear ADSL wireless router. Dead easy to setup, it practically sets itself up, all you have to do is tell it what ADSL logon you have and away you go. I only started having problems when I started to use the print server. I could only get the main comp to use it and print, the two laptops wouldnt use it, be a few hours of playing around, no knowing what I was doing, and they now work fine.
  23. Bump! for the new year Christmas is over, someone must have £6k lying around.
  24. When you place an ad on the trader, it askes you what you are asking for. it then puts this in several place on the ad. He will have only put the incorrect price once and that will be repeated. Sorry , but I guess he has left a "0" off the figure.
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